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What is Third Sex

Question: Third Sex… is it male, female… or something else?

Answer: The Sanskrit name for the people of the third sex is Tritiya-Prakriti. This name for our kind has its roots in the oldest Satanic religion: Sanatana Dharma. To answer your question, the third sex are mostly homosexual, bisexual, and of course, transgendered or intersex, people who were born as hermaphrodites.

My partner knew an intersex man-woman a long time ago, but this individual’s parents told the doctors to go ahead and make their hermaphrodite child into a male. The child turned out to have a homosexual orientation and felt that something was missing for their entire life.

Hermaphrodites and transgenders are considered “twin souls,” which is also considered the third sex, as well.

Whatever goes on behind the doors between consenting adults is fine in Satanism, as long as everyone respects and abides by the racial laws that forbid race-mixing and doesn’t use the fact that non-heterosexual intercourse doesn’t produce offspring as an “excuse” for inter-racial couplings.

I realize that this might sound a bit “backwards” to some of the people here who have been indoctrinated by Liberalism and cultural Marxism, but what makes us different from other Satanists is the fact that we actually do what Satan wants and we uphold his teachings and revelations. Satan doesn’t ask for nearly as much as the false gods of the fake religions, but when he does ask something of us, he expects us to put in everything we’ve got to come through for him.

Sanat Kumara, the Warrior God, also known as Satan, is the Protector of the third sex, whether that be homosexual, bisexual, transsexual, or hermaphrodite. He is the same for heterosexual people, as well, but he has been listed as the protector of the third sex, due to Christianity and Islam’s quest to persecute us.


High Priest Jake Carlson