We third sex are known as the creative force for our people. As an Aryan third sex white male what can
I do to help our culture?
Demons will help you. If you are not open enough to see and hear Demons, pay very close attention to your intuition, instincts, and dreams, as this is how Satan and his Demons communicate with people who are not yet open enough to see and hear them.
There is no such thing as “gay culture.” Third Sex culture is part of Aryan culture. “Gay culture” is a Jewish fabrication. While the Jews blow the whistle, so to speak, at conservative Christians who are against certain Jewish-protected “minorities,” who hide behind Jewish Democracy and Liberalism [Communism], the Left wing, also known as Communism, closely adheres to the liberal teachings of Jewsus Christ. Everything within Christianity that is pro-equality [Jewish code word for genocide], race-mixing, the blurring of biological genders, and etc, are adhered to by Marxist Communism, and related filth.
It is sad that many of our Third Sex kind also have no problem with Jewsus, but only have a problem with his fan club. This is ridiculous, and if these “Anti-Christian” Christians don’t wake up like the other types of Christians, they will have a very bleak future.
The concern is not about one’s sexual orientation, but what one can offer for one’s race. For those of us who Satan and Nature haven’t intended to be fathers and mothers, we need to go to Satan and his Demons to know exactly what to do, and then, apply it. The reason why my answer isn’t very specific is because everyone’s talents are individual and vary from person to person.
High Priest Jake Carlson