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Gay Rights, Radical Honesty On An Important Issue

The Jews are trying to control gay identity to create the sociology needed to keep gays under control and further their own racial goals. When the time comes it will be easy to sweep gays away as Communism’s view of gays is actually being brought to life by the psychology of this gay identity they are giving them, its crafted to conform to such narrative. They confirm the indoctrinated animus towards non-heterosexuals.

Russia is using this psychology to keep gays down while playing the other pro gay angle with the same they do over here. Which makes it easier to keep them down forever given the narratives of the state. For the reasons stated above. The Jews over there as here. Are leading both sides to maintain this.

Jewish, Putin is using the Communist narrative to maintain and centralize power, while marching Russian back into a totalitarian Communist regime. The western Jews such as Sorros are working the other half of this reverse psychology game and put together and pay for disgusting and shocking groups of malcontents to troll the public under what is viewed as Western Liberalism. And this allows Putin to them crush all opposition to his regime as Western agents and fifth columnists. Enemies of the state, he uses this to ban political parties of even actual Russian Nationalists. As well for a major justification to ban Gay Rights and Homosexuality. This is the standard Communist narrative. Denounce anything and anyone as disloyal to the People [ Communist State]and then give them a show trial and that’s it. When the Jews ruled under the Christian regime just remove disloyal with heretic. Same psychology, same purpose.

Time for radical honesty.

Authentic, Gay rights is simply an issue of human rights and the inherent nature of the soul to yean for its own freedom and to express its core value into the world, which is the metaphysical core of human rights. Taking the soul out of the equation gives licence to write whatever narrative anyone wants as rights and degenerates the issue into a theatre of the absurd, which the enemy does quite often [with Christianity as well which is soul destroying materialism] to forever try and work towards stomping our rights into the dirt.

This meta-right within our being, is what our ancestors talked about within Dharma and the Founders where writing about with individual rights and liberty. Franklin was not heterosexual himself, he engaged in sexual orgies with men and women as a member of the “Hell Fire Club.” Sexual orientation is within the soul, its metagenic.

The greatest freedom the soul yeans for is its own liberation and transformation into the perfected vehicle of the divine, to bring forth the gold hidden deep within its own self. Its the greatest crime against man to deny him what is his by divine right. And to weight him down by putting chains on his very soul itself. All evil comes out of this.

Heterosexual or Homosexual, every man is his own King. The ancient articles of Kingship the specter and crown are symbols of the risen serpent and transformation of the human into the fully Divine. Benjamin Franklin and the other Founders also left this ancient code in their images.

Anyone can sit on a throne, but only a Man can crown himself King. The crown is the halo of the risen serpent of Satan. The symbol of ultimate freedom and power by the enlightenment of the soul. This is Satan’s gift to us. True and eternal freedom. But that freedom is for every Gentile, because its the freedom of the soul to the realization of its own self as a God. This is what is at the core of all true, human rights.

Am, I worthy of achieving the light if I deny my brother his divine right to the same light. The slavery of the soul has come to an end for all humanity.

– High Priest Mageson666