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Morality, Sexuality, and You

Originally posted on the site GBLT Thule Society
Sermon Morality, Sexuality, and You by High Priest Mageson666

I want to address morality and sexuality here. Many people who are gay or bi/trans have grown up feeling bad and that something is just downright horrible for their sexual orientation. Feeling like freaks and outcasts and other such negative self images which has lead many to all types of insanity and suicide. Why?

We live in a society who’s morality states that if you are not purely heterosexual that you are an abnormal freak. And not being on the good side of society’s morality means you become on the outside and the way of the outcast is a painful and depressing one. People don’t like to stick out as the freak, so they repress themselves out of fear.

So now we obviously know that society’s morality has caused such negative feelings towards people who’s sexual orientation does not fit into its nice stocking but it’s naughty one.

Well, what is morality at large but a social construct and what is a social construct but an idea that has been placed into the minds of the masses by a small group of manipulators.

Our social morality has been shaped by the social construct of jewish-christianity.

The German Nietzsche wrote on length about morality. He pointed out that the popular or current social mores and norms were from a alien and anti-natural current brought in by jewish-christianity. He wrote that the overman is the one who overcomes the system’s morality in his head, and looks inward and develops his own morality based on his personal and pure nature. This man (or women) becomes their own philosopher King (or Queen) and liberates themselves from the shackles of slave morality. This was Nietzsche’s wish. A world where people lived true to their noble instincts from creeds fashioned from their own hearts and an inner light that shines bright. And in doing so, society would return to being based on a natural and healthy evolutionary order. He longed for a return to the original Pagan ways. “Man should live simply and naturally that should be his highest goal.” – Nietzsche.

How do we help to find our compass as Nietzsche wrote “having rediscovered the way that leads to a yes and a no: I teach you to say yes to all that strengthens, that gathers energy, that justifies the feeling of vigor.”

Now we know as did our Pagan ancestors that sexual orientation is a fact of the natural world and it is not evil. It only becomes evil if we embrace false man-made creeds that make it evil. Hating ourselves robs us of health and vigor. Loving ourselves for who we are naturally increases our feelings of health and vigor.

By understanding that it is part of our nature to be who we are sexually, then we know that it is good and pure and in understanding this, we reject the slave morality of xtainity that general society lives under. We take a step towards higher becoming and Overman-hood.

We simply stop looking at ourselves the way xtainity sees us, and we leave the negativity behind. Once we have the Satanic inner revolution against the jewish pollution in our mind, as a gift of Father Satan, we start to see ourselves and how we are though our pure lens. Not though society’s constructed jewish mono-prism.

We start to live naturally because our nature is to be who we are and part of that is our sexual orientation. Father Satan shows us we can love ourselves for who we are. The christ religion is born out of lies and hatred for the pure and natural. So it causes people to hate themselves for naturally being themselves.

How did ancient Egypt see it?

“Self knowledge is the basis of true knowledge.”

“Man is to become God-like through a life of virtue and cultivation of the spirit throught scientific knowledge, practice and bodily discipline.”

You know your sexual orientation is natural and you are not abnormal…. you are only abnormal if you are in denial of your inner nature and that denial manifests as toxic. That is our part of inner knowledge. Hating ourselves and feeling guilty over our sexuality is as abnormal as feeling the same over breathing because it too is a natural act. Toxicity in the mind causes toxicity in the body and spirit and is harmful. False guilt over being ourselves hinders our spiritual advancement and quality or life. Get the jebus out of your head. The negativity tells us that such feelings over a natural and healthy feeling is not of us……..because left to our natural ways we would not feel guilt over our normal sexuality. So then it has to be from an outside source not of us. And what makes them right, they can’t even prove the bible is real.

We known we are right because our hearts speak pure.

Science which in its purest form is a study of natural laws has proven that homosexuality and bi-sexuality and such are normal and occur in all species. Remember Nietzsche and all the great philosphers were naturalists. The facts of nature/science have disproven xtainity up and down.

The xtian religion is a proven lie. To hate yourself over your natural orientation is to live a lie and the price of living a lie is to be consumed by that lie.

“They call you destroyers of morality but you are the discovers of yourselves!” – Nietzsche

Hail Satan!