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Christian “NS” who hate “faggots” and “niggers”

You don’t want to curse these people, as most of them sound like typical lost Christian souls, but if they are interested in National Socialism, they are interested in Satanic politics, whether they realize it or not.

Like the typical Christian, it sounds as though the Jews are working through these people. While it is true that not all Gentiles have to like each other at all times, the Jews try to force the heat onto blacks and homosexuals to take the heat off of the Jews. The Jews own and control the Gay Rights Movement, which makes it easy for the Jews to use gays as human shields. Gays will then take the bullet for what the Jews are doing. These Christian “Nazis” of modern times are heavily deluded and are under a powerful Jewish spell, which they have been defenseless to fight against. If they could open their eyes, they would see that it is the eternal Jew that is the problem; not gays.

What the Jews do to gays, they do with Blacks by trying to mold them into their “brotherly love” Communist programs whose purpose is to kill off the White race and enslave all remaining races. The Jews are fanatical, in regards to racial tension. Gentile against Gentile, Gentile fighting their wars for them and being used as disposable humans.

These people need to be educated, not cursed. National Socialism is Satanic, and it is the only hope there is for Gentile humanity. These Christians who waste their time going after Blacks and gays are doing exactly what the Jews want. Then, the Jew comes along with their Jewish psychology to play both sides against the middle to every issue imaginable.

Adolf Hitler and other top-ranking Nazis were NOT okay with Christianity by any stretch of the imagination.

People need to become familiar with the following article:


Never go after a National Socialist, unless they turn out to be an infiltrating Jew. Always go after, and yes, curse, the Christian program that has a death grip on many would-be Nazis.

I forgot to add that anti-homosexuality isn’t always a Judeo/Christian thing anymore. HOWEVER, the truth is that the people who are against it so vehemently are tying into the same vile Jewish energy as Christianity, which is why Christians and some neo-Pagans, as well as some people who are even “against” Christianity can agree about their disgust of homosexuality.

The Jews were the first people on Earth to be against homosexuality. In fact, to this day, they call the anti-homosexual Gentiles “Righteous Gentiles.” However, once these Christians, Noahides, and other Christian-like and Muslim-like people (regardless of creed) have served their purpose, the Talmudic phrase “Kill the Best of the Gentiles!” is applied by the Jews.

The Jew works overtime to divide each Gentile race against each other, which matches a Bible verse that says something along the lines of when a household is divided, Satan cannot stand, or something to that effect.

We must utterly destroy Christianity/Communism, as National Socialism is Satan’s New World Order, and it must be protected from the likes of these scumbags who might only see the Jew as only “part of” the problem, rather than the stinking ROOT of the problem. These people need to wake up.