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Liberalism or “Biting the hands that feed us” issue


One thing which makes me sympathetic to liberalism is simply that I am lazy and like the idea of having a welfare state. (No I am not trolling). I am just being honest, I am White Aryan but naturally not hard working and I am mildly autistic although I exaggerated my autism before the doctors to get more disability money.

Because I have a lot of time, I do try to put as much of it as possible into power meditation and spiritually empowering myself. I am grateful to the society which enables me to do this but truth is I don’t contribute anything back.

I don’t have a lot of motivation in me for anything, I don’t feel inspired towards pursuing any particular thing in life. I am autistic and tend to live in a fantasy world.

Another thing which makes me not so hostile towards liberalism is this issue of homosexuality, I am bisexual and have some unusual fetishes too.

Jake, it is all well and good you saying true NS is tolerant of homosexuals but your words on here do not match what I see and experience in the world. I am talking about gentiles, White Aryan gentiles, who are liberals which are tolerant and accepting of homosexuals and I see other White Aryan gentiles of the right wing, NS kind who are almost all hostile towards homosexuality.

That is what I see and experience in the world. That is the reality of my life when I encounter different people, real life experiences. And nowhere outside of the Joyofsatan do I know of any racial nationalist group of any kind which accepts my sexuality as it is.

You understand spiritual satanists are a tiny fraction of racial nationalists who are in turn a tiny fraction of the White population? You are well aware of this right? Besides spiritually, we have little to no influence in the world at this point. Our offline presence is non existent right now. And in my everyday life, I have to cooperate with people who are not SS.

You are third sex yourself, can you honestly tell me you yourself never feel like we are in an impossible position on this? I am supposed to be against the people who accept me (White liberals) and support and love the people who hate me (White nationalists + National Socialists). How? It is a total mindfuck to try and force myself to be that way!

And don’t get me wrong, I do consider myself to be a White nationalist myself and the one thing I hate about liberals is the amount of non White immigration they are allowing into my homeland. But the right wing conservatives are hardly any better on this issue either.


The thing for you to never forget and never doubt is the impact that WE are making, and it is WE who have Satan and Adolf Hitler on our side. The types of people you mentioned will either have to give up their Christian values and embrace Satanic National Socialism or be segregated from the new breed of a new and improved Aryan Race who rules planet Earth.

I know exactly how you feel about “biting the hand that feeds us” when it comes to the mentally-challenged Liberals who seem to be feeding us acceptance, while the Conservative Whites all seem to want those of us who are third sex to be dead. To support those who hate us seems suicidal at best. However, when all is said and done, EVERY LAST VESTIGE OF CHRISTIANS AND CHRISTIANITY WILL BE SEGREGATED FROM THE NEW AND IMPROVED ARYAN MASTERS AND LEFT TO DIE OFF IF THEY DON’T WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!

Homosexuality and bi-sexuality are just as normal and natural as heterosexuality, albeit more from an inner shamanic experience that creates circuits and loops of inner spiritual power, while heterosexuality provides external offspring and outer experiences as well as outer manifestations of power. This is hard to explain, but I know what I am talking about here. Many people are too dense to see beyond what is obvious. The Jews know how to manipulate Christians with Christian values and non-Christians with Christian values about things like homosexuality.

Although homosexuality and bi-sexuality permeate all of the natural kingdom, it is also a part of humanity and is even embraced among the Aryan Gods and Goddesses in the same way that heterosexuality is embraced and seen as a natural part of the kingdom of animals, humans, and Gods/esses. However, since people who are unbalanced only see the sexuality that provides physical offspring, and therefore physical, tangible “evidence” of the “superiority” of heterosexuality, and thus the “decadence” and “degeneracy” of homosexuality and bi-sexuality, the Jews know how to manipulate this and advertise and promote an unnatural version of human sexuality, both hetero and homo. This Jewish-induced sexual chaos leads to gender warfare and the persecution of homo/bi-sexuality.

But to address the issue you raised, it is the frowning upon of homo/bi-sexuality that is NOT normal OR natural, just like anyone who wants to stand in the way of people who are naturally heterosexual from providing future children of the White Aryan Race will be segregated from the new Aryan humanity and left to die off just like the incurable Christians and Communists.

The biggest problem is that several decades ago, the Jews decided to make a switcheroo and associate homosexuality with Marxist political correctness. The homosexuals who are persecuted by traditional Christianity and related filth who gobble up the Marxism that seems to be an “alternative” to oppressive Christianity are at fault in the same way that those from the opposite end of the political spectrum gobble up anti-homosexual religion and politics.

We, at the Joy of Satan, with the help of Satan and the Gods of Hell, including Adolf Hitler, himself, will be loosening the ties that bind homo/bi-sexuals and heterosexuals alike, and balance and order will be restored and justice will be served. Christianity and all Christian values of both the left and right wings will be a distant memory and a tragic lesson learned. Like Adolf Hitler has told me, however, the Christians and Communists, alike, who are incurable will be isolated, segregated, and left to die off. I know that might sound harsh to those who don’t have as big of a problem with Christen-DUMB as I have, but tough shit. Reality is a bitch.

The Marxist homosexuals will be corrected as well. Please don’t continue feeling the way you indicated that you feel, because if you do, then you are making a total cop-out over temporary inconveniences. Things WILL change and we are making the difference that is needed.

As far as being lazy and unmotivated, when you wake up every day, why don’t you try asking Satan and Adolf Hitler what you can do to help them out and then be open for direction?

The thing is that I KNOW how “crazy,” “deluded,” and “wrong” I look to both the Hitler-hating liberals and the Hitler-loving Christianized Nazi-wannabes, but I keep pressing on with the messages that both Satan and Adolf Hitler wish for me to share with my Aryan brothers and sisters whether they love me or hate me. A point has come where I no longer care what other people think and I just do what the Gods, including Adolf Hitler tell me to do, as this is their cause that we are fighting for. Like I said, please just don’t cop-out or give up. Laziness will also get you nowhere. Once a person makes a habit out of helping Satan and Hitler, it becomes much easier to keep going.


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666

I don’t have any date, but the Anti-Christ will be returning when the time is right. The key is to re-educate the masses, and as far as our current minority status is concerned, this is why it is such a mandatory duty for heterosexual couples of the White Race to have as many healthy children as is possible. However, when I say this, I am taking into consideration the importance of the money that is needed to raise large, healthy families.

Since it is wrong to put homosexuals or heterosexuals in situations that are contrary to their nature because of how the hatred between the sexes that follows such a feat, homosexual sperm donors whose blood comes back HIV-negative [the Jews created the HIV/AIDS virus among the White homosexual population in the United States] will be accepted, but it will be households with a loving female mother and loving male father that the children will be raised in, as every child needs to experience the parenthood of a loving biological mother and father. This means that homosexuals have a different, but equally-important duty for the White Race, as well, which is to protect and secure the borders of White territories, as well as positions of leadership for those whose merit of character earns them such a position. A sexual preference is not the judge of such positions. Only one’s character is, but the difference is that homosexuals who are not birthing and raising children otherwise have time on their hands that the heterosexual couples who are birthing and raising children will not have. Besides, nature has bestowed a different set of talents upon the different sexes and the different sexual preferences.

When the Anti-Christ returns, there won’t be any reason for us to worry about such things, as he will make everything fall into place. The White Race will be given the order to have large, healthy families. We will also be given the means to do so that because of the Jews, many of us do not currently have the means, such as the wealth and prosperity for. People need to have more faith in our race to wake up, as well as more faith in Satan and the Anti-Christ.

What’s the point in being pessimistic? This is the JOY of Satan! The time will come when our minority of Satanic Aryan souls that I have mentioned and you have brought up will re-populate the Earth with only the best of the best, and we will be the MAJORITY. Cheer up!

I am going to write a sermon that addresses the concerns that were made here tonight.


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666