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What Right Hand Path Occultists Think Of Gay/Bi’s

These are all quotes from right hand path practitioners. Who cares what they think? BUT, it exposes their stupidity and how they live vicariously through the orientation of others.

“What people have to remember is that Wicca; man and woman, God and Goddess is a fertility cult – a heterosexual fertility cult.”

Wiccan author Keith Morgan, interviewed at Autumn Link-Up ’89

“The Wiccan cult stands for fertility and re-creation and not the sexual union between two ‘spiritual’ members of the same sex as some groups like to believe.”

Kevin Carlyon, Hastings & St. Leonards Observer, 1985.

“Thus the blasphemy of the homosexual formula, for it denies Babalon and breeds devils in chaos.”

Kenneth Grant, Nightside of Eden.

“The (Hornsea) Group … considers that any genuinely contacted fraternity could not countenance working with sexual deviants of any sort. The reasons for this should be obvious to any trained occultist.”

“…you can’t work magic with a homosexual. Homosexuals just can’t create a current.”

Quotes from Tanya Luhrmann’s ‘Persuasions of the Witches’ Craft’

“Homosexuals are not human”

Nicholas Tereshencko, in a letter to the Lamp of Thoth

“Blockages in the mulahadra chakra can lead to child abuse, sodomy and rape.”

remark by a teacher of a ‘Gnostic Study Group’ in Leeds, 1991.

“Anyone who is bisexual or homosexual cannot advance spiritually.”

remark by Wiccan High Priestess, 1985.

“Homosexuals cannot be true witches…we want no kinks in our circle.”

quoted from a wiccan magazine, exact source unknown.

“…when homosexuality is not ‘natural’ or else cannot be explained in terms of incomplete, inborn forms of sexual development, it must have the character of a deviation, vice or a perversion.”

Julius Evola “The Metaphysics of Sex.”

“Homosexuals are simply fighting against their Karma – the homosexual man simply has more ‘feminine’ energy in his ‘lower self’. The Lesbian simply has more ‘masculinity’ in her lower self.”

The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.

“The homosexual male does not imitate the female adult when he ‘camps’ but the female child his mother played to him. Maturer aspects of adult love are often missing, and the homosexual couple finds difficulty in making an alliance of the sort that deepens with time.”

Jean Wedloff, The Continuum Concept

“Women are by nature Yin (passive, soft, centrifugal). When they become too Yang by taking too much Yang food – the become miserable…they devote themselves to animal pets, or they turn homosexual. Their life is miserable because it violates all natural laws.

…the homosexual and the asexual person are the most pitiful of all – and the literature of the West is littered with their monstrosities … sexual abnormality can be cured in time by strict adherence to the macrobiotic regime.”

Sakurazawa Ngoiti, Macrobiotics.

“Homosexual freedom can be associated with the decline of Greece. from the first Century onward, homosexuality flourished in Rome; male prostitution developed to an extraordinary extent and another great empire fell.”

“An active, aggressive male homosexual is in a great position of responsibility.

By practising oral or anal sex with his male lover, he transmits his karma as well as his hormones & vitality. The links in a chain of destiny are established and invariably passed on to others … Homosexual men transform one another psychically but pay the price of complex metaphysical entanglements.”

“Surely it is time for homosexuals themselves to wake up to the reality of their situation and seek solutions to their problems, rather than campaigning for more acceptance of homosexuality. Eastern techniques offer practical techniques for overcoming the wiles of destiny.”

Nik Douglas & Penny Slinger, Sexual Secrets.


Well wicca is just communism. It’s interesting you mention Evola who was way before wicca and wrote an article commending neo-paganism.

Evola was raised in a catholic home and this is the interesting part of the rHigh Priest nonsense. He was anti-christian. But pro rHigh Priest hinduism which carries the same jewish/christian like moral system.

He was also a fan of the jewish “thinker” otto wiengjewry who was insane in the jew brain. And views on women where right from the talmud.

Much of Evola views of Tradition are in reality based on otto the jewo’s disgustingly jewish worldview of men vs women. Thats the only reason he hated christianity was because he viewed it to be too femine where he loved rHigh Priest Buddhism because he viewed to be masculine. He just wanted a butched up version of xanity.

During the time of the Reich Himmler sent an SS researcher to one of Evola major speaking events. And he stated back to Himmler that Evola’s views would destroy healthy German society.

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

Interesting about Evola. I read somewhere that he believed that only a **physical** male and female could do the trick with spirituality. A lot of people only see what they want to see or what is convenient for their prudish eyes that just need to look the other way when they’re confronted with the truth.

I also like Miguel Serrano to a certain degree, but like Evola, his views on women come directly from the Talmud. He doesn’t believe that they have chakras, let alone souls. I’ve noticed that a lot of closeted homosexuals aren’t very fond of women, but usually this seems like if they’ve been closeted for most of their lives and are getting older and older. I can feel what closeted gay “straight” people go through in marriages and then sometimes when they do become honest to themselves, they can’t find anyone who is interested in them.

Regarding the occultist Georg Von Liebenfels, it is said that he was married twice, then remained single and was excommunicated for homosexuality. Interesting. Also, Nietzsche (although this is said to have been refuted by someone) was allegedly bisexual.


To be honest I would not be suprised if Evola was a closet case. He never got married never had documented romance with a women for his whole life. I note some gays will hide behind celibacy like Evola seemed to and thus they embarce RHIGH PRIEST way more out a self hate.

Serrano for his faults was accurate in understanding the depth of black magic jews use against our race and the need to fight back with spiritual warfare. And stressed a daily Kundalini Yoga practice. He also understood Hitler was an adept. He wrote on Hitler being in league with Tibetian lama’s and they communicated via the astral.

I don’t know very much if anything about Georg Von Liebenfels.

I think that prehaps GLBT people naturally have a spiritual power or quality that makes us a threat to jews.