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Greys/enemy ET are destroying Third Sex

In xianity all non-hetersexual people are to be put to death. In both testaments.

While I feel that Christians can discriminate, but that Christianity doesn’t, in that it will take any and all souls it can get its hands on, you have a point. One reason why the greys hate us so much is because they are neuters who cannot experience the sexual enjoyment that we can experience in life. They cannot have sex at all, and they envy us, Satan’s creation, for it. And you are right. There ARE enemy extra-terrestrials out there who are bent on destroying homosexuals, whether gay/bi men or lesbian women. If there weren’t such enemies out there, then there wouldn’t be hatred towards us in the world, with those on the enemy’s side carrying out “God’s Holy Commandments.”

We were never hated in pre-Christian Pagan religions [Satanism], but even the neo-Pagans have adopted Christian “morality” about homo/bisexuality. Then, there are “Christian Pagans.” I once tried to read a book called “ChristoPaganism,” but it made me sick. If such a creature existed in pre-Christian Pagan times [during Satan’s previous Reign, as well as his returning Reign], they would have been, and will be, removed from any half-decent culture. Also, one reason the Jews hate us so much is because they were made in the enemy’s image, and they never had any culture of their own. Like their “God,” all they do is steal from others and claim it as their own.

According to the Talmud, the Jews have us on their death-list. For the Noahide Laws for Gentiles, we are to be killed in the guillotine. All it takes is one “witness,” and we would even be killed only based on hearsay, as well.

One deluded, possible Jew in another e-group once said that the anti-homosexuality laws are not for Gentiles, but for Jews-only. Well, this page says something different:

In addition, the Jews contradict themselves by saying that there are only seven universal laws for Gentiles to follow, and that the Gentiles should be lucky, in that, the Jews have 613 laws to follow. This is bullshit. Even kikes like rabbi Michael Shelomo bar Ron states that there are laws within the seven laws. What is the summary of the “seven laws with laws within them” without even mentioning miscellaneous laws? The “seven” comes to a staggering total of 620 commandments for Gentiles to follow.

REMEMBER, PEOPLE, the Jews are NOT our friends, nor are they “partners/brothers in ‘persecution!'” Despite what looks to be visible, the Jews are actually WORSE than the Christians, as the Christians are USED BY THE JEWS! The Christians carry out the Jews’ dirty work on the tangible physical world, while the Jews pull every string of the Christians [yes, even the Christians who are against Jews (oxymoron) on an unseen level (although it can be seen by Gentiles who are with Satan)]. They do this to destroy the Gentile soul. Christians who are against the Jews are a walking contradiction, as the Bible makes it perfectly clear as to what happens to the Gentiles who are against the Jews. Being against the Jews equals being against “God.” Yes, the Jews are worse than any other people, including the ones who do not follow any religion. Their RACE is their religion, regardless of what belief system they follow.