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David Duke is a kike

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

It is up to you if you want to keep his books or not. As a friend of mine once stated “Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.” The problem with Duke is that not only is he a Christian, but he KNOWS the truth, but denies it while perpetuating lies. Not only that…he may be part Jewish, himself, as I have heard that he has had plastic surgery to cover it up, AND, he is on the Jewish payroll.

A good example- Satanists who are REAL Satanists are not against homosexuality [not to be confused with so-called “gay culture,” which is another Jewish sham], as we are not Christian fundamentalists. Yes, the Catholic Church and some liberal denominations of Protestantism are changing with the times, but they are using left-wing Christian politics, while anyone who opposes homosexuality does not have a leg to stand on because all they have is right-wing Christian politics [whether they admit that it’s Christian or not]. Left-wing Christianity and right-wing Christianity are simply uncomfortable bedfellows. Dukewitz is a strong Christian [Jewish] opponent of homosexuality, and my point is that Satanists should not follow his example. My other point is that just because the left-wing communists are using homosexuals as useful idiots, the whole “marriage equality” crap is just communism using homosexuals as a means to an end, and ultimately want to take the homosexuals they use, down with them, as they know their time is running out, as communism has failed. So-called “gay politics” used to be the other way around, in that homosexuals were traditionally on the right-wing, as far as organic Paganism [Satanism] goes, while their Christian opponents were on the communist left-wing. The Jews who are at the top are using communism to get homosexuals killed by the rise of the Christian Taliban who looks at homosexuality being shoved down their throats by the Jewish media until these Christians say “Enough, enough, enough.”

Anyways, I have Duke’s “The Secret Behind Communism,” and “Jewish Supremacism.” I’m not about to throw them away, as both contain useful information when separating the wheat from the chaff. Shame on Dukewitz for playing an agent of the Jews, while claiming to be for our cause, however.

Christianity + Satan’s Will = Disaster.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich:

He is a part Jew. Accused of “hate” and “racism”? So that means it is ok to LIE??? JUST LIKE A KIKE. VERY TYPICALLY JEWISH. Also note… the ADL promotes him, no different from the late Richard Butler of Aryan Nations who not only was NOT white, but pushed xianity. The ADL gives these traitors notoriety. They advertise for them and promote them. Just like a typical Jew, Mr. Dukawitz imbeds lies with truth, sticks up for the enemy relentlessly and argues the “good Jew” “bad Jew” garbage to further confuse our people. He also gives rabbis equal time on his website. Unfortunately, those of lesser knowledge and intelligence are taken in by this sort to thing and victimized.

Jews and those who work for the Jews always push the Christian filth for one, for another they imbed lies with truths in a deliberate attempt to create confusion in our people. Most of these people are also given notoriety and free advertising by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League known as the ADL. The ADL is usually silent in regards to those who tell the truth and do them REAL damage. Yes, I am repeating myself here and will again. DO NOT PUSH DAVID DUKAWITZ OR ANY OTHER JEW CONTROLLED TRAITORS HERE.

As for the excuse of being “accused of “hate” and “racism,” I suppose that makes him a real man. That is so FUCKING pathetic it makes me nauseous. Even if this sorry excuse was for real, who would want anything to do with such a cowardly cunt?


Just ask long time activist’s in the White Nationalist scene about Duke. He has a long history of lies, cheating and stealing from Pro White people. He was know to have literally blown a million dollars of the contributions he received for one the organizations he was running on gambling trips and apparently cocaine and hookers. He also constantly from statements pushed himself sexually on the wives and girlfriends of White Nationalists as well when he would finally go broke he would just sell his membership list to the enemy organizations giving away the personal information of thousands of his White supporters.

Duke was put in jail for a slap on the wrist term in a medium security jail. For openly defrauding his White supporters which he pleaded guilty to. Here you can see Duke is an agent they only give him a tiny slap on the wrist and he was right back out no hassles. A real WN leader would have the book thrown at him and would still be in jail. Duke has spent most of his current time in Europe living in Switzerland and places where off his followers dime. Note he is never actually hounded by the authorities in any of these places either where many Nationalist are put in jail. The kike media never mentions his jail time when they interview him as he is there agent.

Duke has had many plastic surgeries to cover up his jewish features and they still are notable. The photo of him in a Nazi uniform protesting form the early 70’s before he was known. Before the plastic work. you can see his obvious jewish features This is why Duke as mentioned has always been the go to man for the jewish media even back in the 80’s. They want to give him the attention to built up followers for him and he will lead them nowhere and snitch them all over to the enemy. While draining their funds and giving them misinformation. His partner Black who might be jewish. Is using Strom front as open shakedown operation to make money. Any mention of Satanism is banned there as well as most Paganism in general. But xians are allowed to roam free range. They also tried hard to silence 911 truth on that forum.

Note Duke never would mention the jews did 911 even after the 911 Missing Links documentary had been out for years. Only after people starting noticing this and talking did he do a quick possible nod to it might have been the Zionists [never the actual jews the bad cop title is Zionist as HIGH PRIESTESS Maxine stated with him] and left it at that. He also will not touch the Holyhoax despite his trip to Iran. The holyhoax is the jewish big card. And he tries to slander the National Socialist Government of Germany by comparing it to the ugly jewish state of Israel.

In-between this he spends most of his video’s telling everyone repeating over and over how wonderful jews are and all his jewish friends. Its is a common tactic to confuse the Goyim by creating false sides allowing the majority of the jews to slip by and even control both sides as is now happening. The jews are trying to do this be setting up the Zionist label and trying to divorce from meaning jew. Not all jews are bad just those mean Zionists. Note the Zionists jews promote their fellow anti zionist jews in this game as well. They are all working together. Duke promotes the typical reverse psychology the jews have always used its a new martin lutherwitz in this sense. Which leads into him as mentioned promoted xianity up and down. HIGH PRIESTESS Maxine is right I have seen this myself from having been in White Nationalism the enemy always pushes xianity. The two biggest xianity promoters at one point Hal Turner and VonBluvens. Turner turned out to be a FBI informant and VonBluvens real last name is Levin and he is obviously a racial jew. This goes on and on.

With Richard Butler note his dual seedline CI which is from British Israelism which was created by kikes back in Europe. Butler’s addition into this to create the dual seedline theology especially in that time he started could only have come from a person who had intimate knowledge of the jewish religion especially their Zohar as this is where he took this from. At that point only kikes studied things of that nature. So this is revealing as to Butler.