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Anti-homosexuality is pro-christianity

As someone who was born non-heterosexual, one of my saddest and angriest hatreds towards Christendom is the fact that in the 21st Century, GLBT youth are still being kicked out onto the streets by Christian parents. While they are following their deeply felt religious beliefs, they are actually ENCOURAGING their children with lost souls to NOT rebel or protest against Christianity, but to make them strive to be MORE Christ-like than their parents.

While the Christ character from the Jewish fairytale never spoke directly against homosexual behavior (but defended heterosexual marriages-only), he is able to cater to both the Liberal/leftist Christians and Conservative/rightist Christians, due to the contradictions that the Jews put into their Gospels of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah.

The thing is that while Christ told the Gentiles not to think that he came to bring Peace On Earth, but a Sword to divide and break up the family unit, there are still other quotes that contradict this that are used by the “Focus On the Family” lunatics.

Likewise, Christ is a Liberal, like most of the rest of his Jewish race. To paraphrase a truth from Friedrich Nietzsche, Liberalism is the greatest threat to organic freedom. After all, Nature herself, is hierarchical, and to use the Marxian Christian creed to rebel against Nature, like Christianity and Marxism do, there is no hope for humanity. And yes, GLBT people have a very high place in Nature’s scheme. Our non-obligation to procreate (except by those who wish to do so) leaves us other responsibilities to keep Nature’s Principles thriving. We are defenders of our Pagan tribes. We build both physical and spiritual health for our own respective racial communities, and we create the deepest beauty. Nature rewards us, as do the Gods and Goddesses of Hell.

Getting back to my point… Since Christianity is ubiquitous in every way, it can be Liberal Marxist or it can be Pat Robertson conservative. While such Christians show some feeble “resistance” to Marxism, they are engulfed in it, as Christianity’s roots belong entirely to Jewish Communism. Communism is simply Primordial Christianity.

The point is that I feel devastated whenever I hear about homeless Gentiles who do not belong to homeless living, and I have a soft spot for GLBT Gentiles, as I know what it feels like to have much of my past ruined by Christianity being shoved down my throat. It’s just that this whole Liberal Christianity is just as damnably inexcusable as the Christian mockery of Right-wing politics. Like I’ve said before, we are Pagans, and Paganism, which was originally from Satan is naturally conservative. Conservative Christianity and Conservative Paganism bear no resemblance to each other.

If we are going to survive, we need to stop being Christ-like. This evening, I read in an article that Christian parents disowning their GLBT children or kicking them out of their house “isn’t Christ-like.” This is both true and false. Since Christ is an imaginary Jewish SPOOK who is ubiquitous, he can be anything to anyone.

Nothing even remotely good can ever come from Christendom. As for those of you who are Liberals/leftists and are egalitarian nutcases, being Christ-like will keep us turning the other cheek and wasting away until each new generation of non-heterosexuals will have the Communist “batteries” on the soul-level. GLBT people are born every single day in every new generation. So, what this means is that we must destroy these spirituality-destroying devices, which come in the form of thought viruses/memes. This way, we will eventually be able to overpower parents who reject us, as well as destroy Christianity itself.

Satan wants us to be wise, healthy, and strong. He also wants us to take great pleasure in destroying the Jewish people and the Christian “religion.” Satan supports us. In fact, as far as homosexuals go, Satan’s Far Eastern God-name is Sanat Kumara/Kartikeya/Skanda/Murugan, who has the task of protecting homosexuals. In Sanat Kumara’s ancient tradition, he kept entire armies made up of homosexual men. Some resources say that his Bride is his armies. Interesting, to say the least. So yes, anyone in Satanism who has a problem with homosexuality are being destroyers of the Pagan tribes, as like I’ve said, anti-homosexuality is pro-Christianity, even if the anti-homosexual sentiments come from people who do not consciously identify with the Christian plague.

Christianity IS dying, and what is coming against Christianity will be much more ruthless against it. We are the winners of this war against the Jewish “religions” and the Jewish people, as the Jews work to confuse us by claiming to be aligned with the GLBT “cause.” While Christians don’t usually pretend to be our friends (unless it’s that “love the sinner, but hate the sin” nonsense), the Jews are doing nothing but acting. If the Jew is gay, he is living a contradiction, as the Jewish people are the origin of our persecution.

While the Christian faith is losing, it is our duty to keep up the momentum with spreading the truth, which is what the Joy of Satan and related websites provide, and active spiritual warfare. Eventually, there will come the time when there will no longer be any such thing as a Jew. THAT is victory.

Everyone here must be strong for Satan and for our Pagan tribes. This is what Satan wants, and he needs us to be very strong for him.


High Priest Jake Carlson