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Homosexuality in Afghanistan

Afghanistan is another muslim country with a horrific history of the persecution of Homosexuals.

There were horrible cases such as a wall being bulldozed over to gay men after confessing to be homosexuals

Another case is when a fucking eighty-four year-old man survived being stoned by the taliban

Three homosexual men survived being buried alive for 30 minutes

Below are few examples of what is happening in Afghanistan from:

American Arrested in Afghanistan on Suspicion of Homosexuality, Soliciting, Officials Say

PakTribune, September 1, 2004

KABUL—An American adviser to the Afghan government has been arrested in the capital for allegedly having homosexual relations with an Afghan man, officials said Tuesday.

The man was arrested late last week after an Afghan detained by police told investigators the American had paid him for sexual relations at a Kabul hotel, the officials said.

Afghan officials say homosexuality remains a crime, even though it no longer brings the brutal punishment handed out under the Taliban before its ouster in 2001.

Under its harsh interpretation of Shariah, or Islamic law, homosexuals were crushed to death by having walls toppled on them, although Afghans say closet gay relationships remained widespread.

“Islam doesn’t allow homosexuality,” said Abdul Halim Samadi, a prosecutor dealing with the current case in Kabul. “Prostitution is also punishable in Afghanistan under Islamic law.”

Samadi said the American could get a jail term of 5-15 years if convicted.

A U.S. Embassy spokeswoman said she was unaware of the arrest and declined further comment.

The head of the criminal department for Kabul City Police, Jamil, said the American was an adviser to the Finance Ministry. He declined to disclose his name.

Police had trailed the 18-year-old Afghan “coming and going from the American’s room” in an upscale hotel in Kabul, said Jamil, who goes by one name.

Samadi said the Afghan man told investigators the American paid him up to US$50 (euro 40) per visit and helped him get a job at a relief organization.
He said the attorney-general’s office was awaiting the results of medical tests on the Afghan man before deciding on any charges.


Harsh Penalties Remain for Gays in Afghanistan

Washington Blade, April 19, 2002

AFGHANISTAN — According to an Associated Press report, although the Taliban has fled, the country’s “sharia,” or Islamic law, remains in place. Fazel Hadi Shinwari, recently appointed chief of Afghanistan’s Supreme Court, said gays can still be punished by being hurled from a high place or having a wall toppled onto them. Other Islamic laws that have remained include death by stoning for those convicted of adultery; Shinwari added that such punishments would only be carried out following a detailed legal process during which the accused can contest the charges and appeal for: clemency and measures such as paying restitution could avoid harsh sentences. “We will not be like the Taliban,” Shinwari said. “They used to hold one quick hearing, with no lawyers or witnesses, take the person away to the stadium and carry out the sentence in front of everyone. That was wrong. That blackened the name of Islam.”


Inside The Taliban Reign of Terror

New York Post, September 23, 2001 (excerpt)
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036
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By Mark Epstein

…. “No other Islamic regime has pushed the interpretation of the shariat so far, to the point of devising novel forms of punishment. Take gay men, for example. Mullahs argued for months about what to do with them. Should they be pushed from the top of a cliff? Forced to jump from a high building? Or should they be made to lie in a hole in the ground while a wall was knocked down on them?”

“The last scenario was deemed closest to recommendations in the Haddiths, the apocryphal comments by Muhammed on Allah’s teachings. But because many victims survived the punishment, the reclusive Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, decided a bulldozer would crush their bodies as well.”

“Such sadistic cruelty is extraordinary in a country where love among men is the subject of both many jokes and poems. As far back as the 16th century, King Baber, the founder of the Great Mogul Empire, writing his memoirs in Kabul, described his “boundless love” for the son of a bazaar merchant.” . . .


Another Afghan Execution Fails Planet Out, January 19, 1999

An 84-year-old man survives a high-tech Taliban stoning (of the tank and wall variety) and denies any homosexual activity — he’s impotent.

On January 15 in Kabul, Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban again punished a man for attempting a homosexual act by using a tank to push a stone wall over on top of him — but like two or three others of perhaps eight who have reportedly suffered this penalty, he survived. Although initially believed dead when he was dug out of the rubble of the 15-foot wall 30 minutes later, he was found to be alive, taken to a hospital, and was soon talking with reporters. By the same Islamic law which prescribes the punishment — a 20th-century version of stoning — those who are alive after half-an-hour are free.

The man, described in most sources as age 60, told the “Afghan Daily News” that he is 84, and not only innocent, but impotent. His alleged victim is 12 years old, although his age is not a factor in the punishment (and many boys that age in Afghanistan are already military veterans).


Afghanistan Kills 2 for Sodomy

NewsPlanet, Tuesday, March 24, 1998

Two men were executed for sodomy in the western Afghanistan province of Herat, the Taleban-controlled Voice of Sharia announced March 23. Bismellah, age 22, and Abdul Sami, 18, had a wall bulldozed onto them in a traditional Islamic method of executions used only for sodomy convictions. The two men, said to have confessed freely, died, unlike three other men who survived the same treatment last month, winning them reprieve from any further punishment. Until very recently, gay men were more likely to be punished by the shame of standing in blackface in a public area for hours.

Human rights abuses in Afghanistan are drawing increasing international attention. Even United Nations aid workers have been facing so much hostility — including several physical assaults against UN staff by a Taleban leader — that they have been recalled to Islamabad. Depending on the progress of negotiations there, the workers may be withdrawn altogether.

Three Survive Being Buried Alive for Sodomy Reuters, February 25, 1998

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Three Afghan men convicted of sodomy survived an attempted execution in which they were buried alive for 30 minutes, a news agency reported Wednesday.

The Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) said the head of the Taliban Islamic militia was among thousands of people who witnessed the punishment outside the southern town of Kandahar.

Taliban supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar ordered the three to be left for half an hour under the rubble of a stone wall which was felled on top of them by a battle tank. Their lives would be spared if they survived.

Pakistan-based AIP said the men were found alive when the pile of stones was removed, and were taken to hospital to be treated for their injuries.

Fazalur Rehman, Ahmad Shah and Abdul Qahir had all been convicted by an Islamic court of committing sodomy with young boys.

Orthodox Afghan Islamic scholars believe a sodomite must be executed either by being pushed from a hill or by having a wall felled on top of him, Afghan sources in Pakistan said.

The execution ceremony at Kotal Morcha, just north of Kandahar, may have been the first of its kind since the Taliban, which rules two-thirds of war-shattered Afghanistan, took power in 1996.
