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Entire “Gay Culture” is Jewish

That is the jews these stereotypes they create and present to the masses has the effect of making it harder for gays to gain acceptence.

It also works to keep people in the slave morality of the sermon on the mount. The jews are sacred shitless of another SA marching again. They know the power we have within us, that is why they have a special hate for us.

There is no gay culture there is only the jewish created cage, called gay culture.It’s a false reality ment to trap people and thus control them.

Sadly the mainstream GLBT rights movement is just a jewish trojan horse. The jews of the Frankfurt school understanding they could not get American working class people into any jewish revolution to advance jewish power. Turned to what they called the “opressed minority” groups such as the Gays and decided to use them as a battering ram of the jewish agenda.

The gays groups are not pushing just for our rights but literally pushing outright social marxism.

Social marxism is christianity 2.0. And it’s aim is to destroy healthy gentile order and replace with a mongerizled jewish slave system.

On the other hand the same kikes are behind christianity and christian groups that are also against us. The kike plays bothsides for the kike middle.

Both sides fighting also creates a false dichotomy that distracts gentiles from the real issue of the jewish threat.

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

I agree. We, in our own races have cultures, but the whole “gay culture” is just a Jew-created illusion. The Jews wanted to make it as if gay = race/ethnicity, and thus lump all gays together in hopes to control us all. In case one hasn’t noticed, they/the Jews, fuel the fires to heterosexual animosity to keep us under their superficial “wing” of superficial freedom.

As far as those who see a “left wing” and “right wing,” have you noticed how it is usually the Orthodox Jews and Fundamentalist Christians, etc, that bash us, while almost the entire “left wing” is run by “Liberal Jews” who will promote rights for us, as long as they can keep us in their control?

Each side is a lie, and I put quotation marks around the left and right wings because these are just more invisible dividing lines that just fuck people up and keep both sides under the slave morality.

We are Gentiles, human beings, just like the people who are only attracted to the opposite gender. The Jews just work on keeping us divided and full of pointless illusions.

According to ancient Vedic lore, homosexuality was considered of the “third sex.” This wasn’t meant in a bad or derogatory way, as we were fully accepted into Aryan society, but I’m still trying to figure out the whole “third sex” thing.


Not sure if it helps with the 3rd sex thing but I read in one of my LGBT classes(warningL that in it of itself may be cretin/jew tainted) that in several native american tribes they thought of homosexuality as being ‘twin souled’; my opinion/impression of it was that of someone who incarnated with a balance of the male and female energies already within them. These individuals sometimes cross dressed in the tribes but were most often guides and healers/shamans within the tribes as well as hunting with the men while helping with children.

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

This is some good insight, my friend, and it makes some sense. I have a sermon called “Homosexuality and Christianity”, and it talks a little bit of the alignment of the soul. I think what you mentioned about our unique polarity balance is probably a threat to the Jews on the spiritual plane.

What about gay Jews, then? I think the Jews take advantage of this unique polarity within their own kind and use these fuckers against us. Jewish law forbids homosexuality. This is why they keep it silent. When the non-religious gay Jews wake up to their upper echelon, they’ll be only too happy to join their Jewish brethren to kill and destroy us, along with all Gentiles. The Jews know exactly what they are doing.

It is high time that we organize our own Gentile peoples and MAKE the goddamn straight Christians feel LUCKY to have us!! They must quit their Christian shit and become Satanists, too.

As a Third Sex/Twin Soul man who actively fights against the Jewish agenda, I note that wherever the kikes have managed to forge a so-called “GLBT community” [“GLBT” does not exist], it is NOTHING but feminism/communism. Even though I do not live in such an environment, this is very embarrassing because people just assume that I am just like the rest of the non-heterosexuals who have been brainwashed by the communist wing, without even knowing me.

Anyways, Nietzsche put it quite accurately when he said:

“Nothing is more systematically nefarious than liberal institutions. One knows well what they lead to: they weaken the will to power, they turn the leveling of the heights and the base depths into a moral system, they render petty, cowardly and pleasurable — in them, the herd animal always triumphs.” — Nietzsche