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There is no such thing as blind hatred towards the Jews

Lenin, like many of Jewish blood also hated homo/bisexuals. Very typical of kikes. The Jews who play ‘liberal’ towards gays just want to see the homo/bisexual soul [along with the bodies] placed in neo-Gulags. Meanwhile, the Orthodox Jews are placing death curses on gay parades. The Jew is even more closed-minded towards humanity than the Christian is.

Even Aleister Crowley was right about the Jews, except, the Jews ARE cannibals. Their ‘God’ El Shaddai [Jehovah Yahweh] gave them the ‘God’-ordained right to rip the skin off of innocent Gentiles [namely children] and eat their flesh. If the deluded Christians would read their own fucking Bible, rather than just the sugar-coated parts that they like. The Christian [Jewish] ‘God’ says to the Gentiles ‘Thou shalt eat the flesh of thine own body’ and goes into how the Gentiles must eat their own children and that the children shall eat their parents. As for the Jewish diet, the Christian [Jewish] ‘God’ gave his bastard children a menu of Gentile human flesh and blood. These things aren’t only Talmudic, but Biblical.

Right now, I am teaching a couple of people offline about the Jews. The one person hates the Jews, but they have allowed themselves to have a Jewish friend. This really grinds my nerves as to how this person could be so stupid. If I can’t get any further through to this person who matters a great deal to me, I will destroy the kike [in a LEGAL way] myself. I have no consciense about doing such a thing. The other person is neutral towards the Jews. People need to wake the fuck up. Luckily, there are people like us who do Satan’s work, rather than just engaging in personal selfishness, not giving a shit about one’s own race and the life and death of the Gentile spirit.

“There is no such thing as blind hatred towards the Jews”. – Astaroth


The person I’m talking about is a family member, as well. They have so much potential. They have left Christianity and they are opening up to the truth of Satanism. They will talk about the Jews in Hollywood and how the Jews, in general, are destroying us, but, they obviously have a weak spot. I love this family member so much, now now that they have left the Jewish filth of Christianity and have opened up to Satanism, both spiritual and political, and they actually listen to me without looking at me the same way others have looked at me when I spoke the truth about the Jews, and the truth about Satan.

I recently finished a big project that I, myself, am the author of. I just printed it out last night. My plans are that if this family member doesn’t ditch the kike once and for all, I will ditch them, as if I never knew them. Silence is golden, though, as my relative knows what I can do with black magick. In the meantime, I am keeping this person that I still care for within an arm’s reach, so to speak. I am only letting the person keep this writing of mine while I am visiting them when I see them for my birthday. A chance for someone to be free of a kike is infinitely better than a chance to win the lottery. If they pass this up, they’ve passed up our Ancestors, me, our race as a whole, let alone Satan himself. I only give opportunities like this once, and that’s it. I have given other opportunities to other people, out of my Satanic duty, but those people are too far gone and have no chance. When they see Satan’s Divine Magesty, they will be sorry, but it will be too late, as they will be consumed by Satan’s Wrath.

You are right, and your message needs to be heeded by everyone in this group. A lot of people are deluded to think that it’s just a few ‘bad apples’ when it comes to the Jews, failing to see that the whole race is the problem. I feel that our people, as Satan’s creation, deserve a chance to see Lucifer’s light, but I agree that once they’ve seen it and they haven’t changed, they are a defective, a contragenic, and yes, they WILL have the same as what the kikes have coming at them. Sad, but true.

Vovin Luciftian:

Satan has told Me the same exact thing but not through direct communication ,he gave Me awareness to see it and whomever trusts and jews or believes in them will just end dead and betrayed in every sense . Destroyed mentally , physically , or better yet insane and in delusion . Jews are the disease of the planet on only through Satan we aweaken on how they have infested anything , break their spell and realize who they really are .

Satan has let Me know that He hates the jews beyond any description of any time, they are our cosmic enemies, and they are soulless programmed robots with a sole command to kill us. Only in “flesh”.

Its saddening that there are still Satanists who dabble about them. But I guess these people are not even close enough to Satan to feel His pain and Hatred for this vile race.

I like the company of Homosexual people ,I always found something fascinating about them , From personal experiance I know that they are too gifted and most of them do not get deceived easily because of the war the jewish built communist society does to them , they are enforced to Think And be rational . This gets them to a much more realized state than the average mamal monkey. I deeply respect most of them because they show and have been showing strength of character despite of what was done against them after the kike programs.