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Jews admit that their Law is against only Gentile Homosexuality

I found a website that the Jews themselves are admitting that the “holocaust” never happened. They’ve even gone so far as to admit that the Noahide law against homosexuality and adultery applies not to the Jews, but to the GENTILES! The Jews know that the energy of homo/bisexuality is uniquely different and they want to destroy it by purposefully getting every race and nation to be against it and want to see it as an “abnormality” that either needs to be “cured” or “eliminated.”

Jews can never be trusted, but it’s amazing how some are admitting that the anti-“sodomy” Noahide law is against Gentiles when Gentiles who hate homosexuality would love to think otherwise. Not to mention their admittance to the holo-fraud. If anyone finds sites like the one I had come across and it says “Contact us,” NEVER do so because it is only a trap. When the Jews do something good and enlightening, they have a hidden flip-side trap.