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Jews pushed Laws against Homosexuality in Rome

Two things I came across today about Homosexuality in Rome, opinions are much appreciated

1. The Lex Scantinia Law 149 BCE (I know wikipedia is all bullshit, what is says here is on other sites too) Wikipedia: or earlier – During the Roman Republic, the Lex Scantinia imposed penalties on those who committed a sex crime (stuprum) against a freeborn youth; infrequently mentioned or enforced, it may also have been used to prosecute male citizens who willingly took the passive role in homosexual relations.[14] It is unclear whether the penalty was death or a fine. For an adult male citizen desire and engage in same-sex relations was considered natural and socially acceptable, as long as his partner was a male prostitute, slave or infamis, a person excluded from the legal protections accorded a citizen. In the Imperial Period, the Lex Scantinia was revived by Domitian as part of his program of judicial and moral reform.

Any Idea on this?

2. Ancient Rome May 14, 390: A law was posted criminalizing the sexual practice of all homosexual men. The penalty for doing so was death by burning. Prior to 390, both religious and secular laws targeted only one form of homosexuality: when a man played what was said to be “a female role in intercourse with other men.” This meant that prior to 390, only homosexual men who “bottomed,” so to speak, during sexual intercourse with other men, were penalized. Homosexual men on top during intercourse were not.

Was this the first law against homosexuality?

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

No, this was not the first law against homosexuality. Although the Christian-Jewish Bible and the Koran cannot be relied on as a source of “history,” it was the Jews who either instituted anti-homosexual laws or had them instituted by their Gentile pawns. Like the whole false dichotomy of “men’s rights” versus “women’s rights,” not only did today’s phony GLBT “activism” have its origins in the Jewish Tanakh, so did the persecution of homosexuality. As we know, the Jews play both sides to everything. The Talmud and the laws of the Jews command the death penalty for homosexuality, and this doesn’t apply to Jews-only. Any healthy Gentile civilization cannot exist without homosexuals, so the Jews work to weaken non-heterosexuals through Christianity/Communism.

The Jews had been trying to topple healthy Gentile cultures long before they instituted Christianity. These subversions have been taking place for thousands of years, and Christianity/Communism was their attempt to put the final nail in the coffin.

One such Jewish goal is to divide and conquer by turning each Gentile race against each other. The false dichotomies mentioned above speak for themselves.

I will look for a Talmudic timeline of anti-homosexuality, but this shit with the Jews has been going on for thousands of years.


No, as it states its only guessing it might have.

Who really knows the Jews are always rewriting history to their narrative.

Note by 390 ACE was when the Jewish where in full control of the reigns of the empire and xianity came to power. The Jews where all over the Imperial Courts for centuries before and working to influence Western culture as they do today into their psychology of control. The Greeks hated them for the subversive cultural distortion they where causing as Hellenized Jews even before Rome.

The oldest rites in the West are of Zeus-Dionysus who was always displayed as Bi-sexual. And the rites done among free men involved homosexuality quite normally this is still seen in the East with the God as Skanda, who is Dionysus. Where homosexuals had whole cults unto themselves.

Its mentioned even in the bible Saul tries to shame new converts for returning to the temples for homosexual rites.

Dionysus rites where stated to be 15 thousand years old that the ancient Greeks could count in there day.

Here you can check what kikes have done to Third Sex throughout history:

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