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Jews Invented AIDS

Yes. This is true. The Jews did create the AIDS virus. I need to dig out my footnotes for specific straight to the point factual information on this, but it was the Jews and their puppeteers who did this. A Russian Jew who migrated to the U.S. named Wolf Szmuness(sp?) seemed to be one of the geniuses behind this. He and his Jewish brethren cooked up a “hepatitis B vaccination” and in the United States (namely New York City and San Francisco), they first targeted healthy, but promiscuous gay white men for the new “experiment.” At this point (roughly somewhere around 1977-1980), no one in the U.S. had gotten or had even heard of this brand new and foreign virus.

Hepatitis was well-known, and so a bunch of doctors and nurses were offering a new Hep B vaccination experiment for the gay community and some gays and bisexuals were willing to be participants for this to help this seemingly harmless and potentially helpful research.

What they didn’t know is that they were being injected with a brand new disease (which was also a combination of old diseases found in specific animals and retroviruses) that was to become the world-wide epidemic known as HIV/AIDS that has become a threat to everyone in every country and gays/bi’s and blacks still get the brunt for it.

This is one of many Jewish tricks. They find a way to target other minorities and first they claim to be their friends and allies and then they ATTACK (just like they have always done with their well-known public enemies, especially through clever sneakiness and infiltration) and then try to bring them under their superficial wing of democracy, liberalism, kindness and brotherhood, world peace, no more weapons, no more war, celebrate diversity, no more “racism,” no more hate, etc, etc, and they keep coming right back with EVERY kind of HATE that they claim to be against and state that they have no part in, all while playing the innocent victim game, but regardless, just like every culture, civilization, nation and race they have corrupted and polluted, their aim is and always has been to divide and conquer, torture, exploit and ultimately destroy and murder both their blatant and public enemies (the Aryan race most of all) and also the ones who they seem to have “befriended” through the civil rights movement and other communist bullshit that rather than helping the minorities seeking acceptance, in the long-run, it only enslaves them causing them to end up being further hated rather than helped out unless it temporarily suits the Jew World Order, since the Jews want the ENTIRE EARTH’S POPULATION TO BE THEIR SLAVES AND FOOTSTOOL. Quote from the Talmud: “When the Messiah [Jesus/Yeshua, the king of the Jews] comes, every Jew will have 2800 slaves.”

So anyways, there were cases presented in a couple of the books I have on this subject matter where there were men who were scared or hesitant at the last minute right before being injected for this “experiment” and the nurses or doctors that were present held them down while whoever held the needle said “Don’t worry, it won’t make you sick” and forcefully gave the shot. Within MONTHS, the gays/bi’s they had used as guinea pigs were dropping dead like flies and no one, including the victims knew the cause and hadn’t put two and two together about how these men had participated in this new “experiment” and most of them were perfectly healthy prior to that. A lot of this has been hushed up and many of the men who were willing to participate figured that it was just a brand new epidemic that had broke out for some unknown reason and that it couldn’t have had anything to do with the “research” they had participated in.

This had happened to many men in the GLBT communities of big cities and within months of receiving the new “hepatitis B vaccination,” many (there were some who didn’t show the symptoms right away and seemed to be healthy for years) had developed these strange new (and also not so new) illnesses and symptoms including lesions, lumps, pneumosistis pneumonia (which is normally caused by a yeast-like fungus), coughing up blood and all kinds of nasties that attacked the immune system, blood cells and brain leading to mysterious physical ailments, dementia and ultimately withering away to a miserable death. The doctors, medical experts and scientists all over the globe were totally dumbfounded and had never seen anything like this and some of the diseases within HIV/AIDS that attack the immune system have only been found in certain animals. This also contained a form of cancer that only the elderly have been documented to get. This brand new “gay epidemic” was given titles like “The Gay Cancer” or “The Gay Bowel Disease.” Filthy names like that and homo/bisexuals were blamed for well-known and publicly famous cases like Ryan White (a hemophiliac who got AIDS from blood transfusions) among others where when gay rights activists spoke up, angry mothers would yell “You’re defending these sick perverts who are responsible for this disease that is killing my son?!?!”

They had the right to be angry because no one knew the cause of or source of this. Since this disease first showed up in the gay/bi communities along with black Africans and Haitians, it looked like these “filthy sodomites” were getting their “rightful punishment from god” for “going against nature and god’s intention.” (Genesis 1:27-28, Romans chapter 1 and the book of Jude). This was also during a time when more and more gays were coming out of the closet en masse under the superficial Jewish wing that I already mentioned and during this massive coming out of the closet period, the Jews found this to be a perfect opportunity to unleash this pre-meditated monster that for many many years to come, gays/bi’s would still get the blame for and since unorthodox and lukewarm and/or non-religious Jews still pretend to be friends and allies of the GLBT communities (as another “persecuted” minority) once again using gays for their Jew World Order, the Jews would be the last place that gays would suspect, especially while fundamentalist Christians (few people seem to be fully aware of the Christian-Jewish connection) were blaring on the TV sets and from their congregations “THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO THOSE WHO GO AGAINST GOD’S DIVINE PLAN!!!!” So, coming out of the closet during that time was very explosively dangerous and these gays/bi’s had very little knowledge as to exactly what they were up against.

[A side-note about Christianity for those who might not be aware of this… many Jews claim to reject Christianity and have nothing to do with it, when in fact, just like the AIDS epidemic, the Jews had pre-meditated and created this filthy Christian epidemic that we as Satanists naturally detest. Christianity- a religious and spiritual form of AIDS that has infected and has contaminated and claimed billions of would be/could be Satanic/Pagan minds, bodies and souls.

Just like the Jewish holoHOAX, they play the innocent victim game of “Oh, we’re hated and persecuted by everyone too.” There have been Jews who have written books for the GLBT communities who sucker gays into believing that “innocent Jews” have been targeted just like gays have been. This is a lie straight from the mouth of “Jehovah” and yetunfortunately, many gays have bought into it and have given Jews sympathy and a sense of friendship while not having a clue as to what these ambitious kikes are doing behind their backs. Even Jews who claim to be Satanists unconsciously know that Satan hates them and always will and nothing can or ever will change that. A Jew is much more fit for their own programs… Christianity and communism than Satanism. As far as the “anti-semitic” Christians, Friedrich Nietzsche stated “The Christian today can feel anti-Jewish without realizing that he is the ultimate consequence of the Jew!].

Back to the point. For some of the doctors and scientists who have seriously studied, researched, experimented and carefully scrutinized this disease, all kinds of theories have developed including the “green monkey” theory and also “patient 0” (which in their studies pointed at a very promiscuous French-Canadian flight attendant who although infected, didn’t show any of the major symptoms immediately) where they made an attempt to trace all the way back to the “first man” (“patient 0”) when the HIV/AIDS epidemic had first come to public and nationwide attention and they tried to connect the dots between all of the men he had sex with and had infected, and who these people who were infected had infected and so on. That theory was not only far-fetched but became null and void and was tossed out the window. I remember seeing a movie about this where the French-Canadian man they had “pin-pointed” to be the “first” (he had lesions on his neck by that time) said “Even if I have this Gay Cancer… someone must have given it to me.” This leads back to square one where no one knows the hidden root to the disease and since many clueless “every-day people” find things about any kind of Jewish conspiracies to be ridiculous (just like Satanism and spirituality isn’t taken seriously by the majority except in the cases of fanatical Christians and witch-hunters who talk about spiritual warfare and blame everything on Satan and his Demons), they are totally clueless, especially as unbeknownst to many, Jews have taken control of medical associations and disease research and defense institutions and even everyday pharmacies and drugstores.

That’s a very frightening fact and I’m not saying this to scare anyone. There really are medications and pharmaceuticals that still work, but the Jews always have to have a say in everything. Instead of letting open and free knowledge as to how people can heal themselves, Satanically through Satan and the Powers of Hell, and the personal powers that the Satanist naturally develops, everyone is given countless drugs that can have side-effects that are actually worse than what they’re supposed to treat. It feels like I’m running around in circles here. Forgive me… I’m far from being a great writer.

I could go on and on about this, but yes, since many children and adults alike needed blood transfusions and yet the kikes, their doctors, political leaders (no matter which side of the political spectrum one belonged to), etc refused to check the blood banks for contaminated blood for so many years, no one knew where else to point their finger towards but to gays/bi’s. As extremely sad as it is, because no one could see the Jewish masters behind the curtains controlling their puppeteers, it is tragically understandable because of the Jews cleverly and carefully covering up their footprints.

Also, during that time when Ronald Reagen had his 8 year reign of presidency, he never even said the word “AIDS” once, until 1990 where millions of AIDS victims (this includes the heterosexuals also had become infected as well) had already been wiped off the face of the earth by that time, dying a horrible painful and embarrassing death.

Many improvements in medications and treatments for HIV and other STD’s have taken place, which gives some people (gay or not, especially among drug users) the attitude of “OK, I can go out and fuck whoever I want in any way that I want without protection because they have new pills to offer in case I get or give anything!” Regardless, that doesn’t make the medicines/”cocktails” a cure, a band-aid, or an excuse to be so senseless. I knew a guy in California who was HIV+ and even though he was taking a “cocktail” to give him a healthier longer life, he was still sick as a dog. He was always coming down with something. When that virus let up, a new one would take it’s place. Vicious cycle.

Although I can’t dictate the lives of others and I don’t like to sound like a strict parent, let’s be sensible here. I always advocate safer sex among homo/bisexual men, unless one is in a completely monogamous relationship, where both partners have a confirmed completely clean bill of sexual health and never fool around. For gay/bi men, in many cases, since monogamy seems to be very scarce, extra precaution is needed. Also, it is very important to get tested and I can’t stress this enough, because there are many men who are afraid of getting tested because they might find out that they have something and then they still go out and have unprotected sex with other people who end up getting tested and they have no idea how they had become HIV+ when their previous tests came back as HIV-.

As being Satan’s creation, Satan cares a lot about our health and well-being and we should love and respect ourselves and treat our bodies with respect and care. Since sex in Satanism is also a way to tap into spirituality and the life force, there isn’t any point in contaminating it through carelessness.


Jews created AIDS in a biotech lab originally for the biological weapons for the military. Its a refitted retro virus. They then refitted this into vaccinations and injected it into first the Gay populations and outwards.

The major jew corperation Bayer was hit with a massive lawsuit. Upon finding out the major blood supply stock they had was tained with HIV. They dumped the tained supply onto the market for the third world and Europe.

Their excuse “we needed to make a profit”.

That is the behaviour of the typical jew, a total psychopath. Their is also evidence they where using chemical weapons on US troops during the coldwar to test their effectiveness.

But these are the same kikes would put mercury and other horrible posions into your food. That gives children cancer and then turn around and take all your money in med bills making you sicker then before.

People need to take their health into their own hands by knowledge and use of knowledge.