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Goodbye, Gays – Jewish Song

This strange music video was also co produced by this jewish looking person: Askill. Haskil is a jewish surname that gets close to Askill. The jooz are trying to promote pedo stuff because they know that will swing the pendulum far and fast to get the backlash they want to be able to put us back into total Mosaic straight jacket socially. When the jooz took over Russia in the early years they did the same to the populace which caused the backlash which they then brought down the most puritanical Judaic moral order socially that rivals Saudi Arabia. Communism is Judaism.

They are now pushing pedo normalization and rights on the end of the Jewish run, Social Marxist Gay rights movement which was the plan all along. Europe is now undergoing the first wave of this. While 83% of pedo’s are heterosexuals. They are purposely using the term Gay Pedophile in their propaganda documentary to push the first wave. Because they want people to connect Pedophile to Gay. This is exactly the propaganda the jooz used against Gay people in the USSR to ban homosexuality with a death sentence in the slave camps.

The average person is a doofus who thinks they are a genius philosopher king. So they will say they would never believe that. But just about everything they believe is from propaganda [propagation] of doctrines by media, schools and society in general they are a walking Albatross. So if the media then spends a few years showing Pedo=Gay. Guess what, they will be influenced why wouldn’t they?

Remember what happened to Gay Rights in Russia not long ago. Jewish Putin banned it forever literally. They can’t even address it again legally for a century by the law. And Russian’s supported it because they where told Pedo=Gay for decades in the Soviet system and after. They also used this ban numerous political dissent within the bill. But the Gay issue was the excuse.

The jews make non heterosexuality the death penalty where their programs have total control. Look at jewish xianity and islam as well as jewish Marxism.

Over here the jews where never able to take control by communism due to the second war. So in their own writings the working class could not be used anymore the war forced them to end their fake depression which was used to create the needed ground for a Marxist revolution and rebuild industry which caused a post war economic boom. They moved to minority groups to take them over and use them as social Marxist shock troops to batter down the host. They included mention of using non heterosexuals as well.

The Gay rights movement was already starting to emerge on its own so the jews just took different groups of peoples and their struggle for rights and used it to their own advantage. The jews state once they get to a point where full Marxist revolution was in full swing the second stage would be liquidation of the first stage useful idiots, non-heterosexuals, liberals and others. This is what they did in Russia as well. They jooz tried to get this off the ground in 2010 by their own admission with the Protest Wall Street. Organized by Rothschild’s and Soros Jews and their jewish agents. Its stated goal was to start a Marxist revolution. That’s the not last time they are going to try.

Within this the jews have created a “Gay Identity” that is meant to keep them under control and in the program and ruin them from within. While creating as much hostility against them as possible in the general public. The next phase of this is occurring as stated now. They are starting to ramp up the next wave propaganda of trying to get pedophilia the new rights. They are trying to tie this into the Gay movement. A documentary was made to provoke this in Europe the featured freak is a “Homosexual pedophile.” This will be the new phase they will repeat over and over. The fact is 83% of pedophiles are heterosexual. But don’t expect a documentary on that soon. The price the GLBT people pay for supporting this jewish run “rights” movement is to lose all rights down the road. You mean…The Jews lied…..

The jews are a race of perverts anyway and some would love to make pedophilia legal remember the famous and super obnoxious, communist jew and nation wrecker Allan Ginsberg was a supporter and member of the Pedophile, North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).[90]
Here is the shocking video made by French jew, Serge Gainsbourg who promotes pedophilia and incest where he sings to his own daughter a song called: Lemon Incest: