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Jewish Pinko Fags are designed to destroy Third Sex People

Yes, there will always be enough heterosexuals, and as we know, homosexuality is natural and normal. The enemy fears the acceptance of things that are natural and normal, because they have to keep the acceptance of unnatural things (like anti-homosexuality) reserved for the masses. Anyone who conforms to the sheeple makes the perfect slave.

It goes like this:

1) The Jews KNOW that Christ never existed.
2) The Jews KNOW that they invented Christ for Gentiles to worship like slaves on their knees.
3) The Jews KNOW the psychology of the human mind, inside and out, and they rely on the Christians who believe in this “second coming of Christ” to channel their power into making into a reality.
4) The Jews KNOW that a very anti-homosexual environment is *necessary* for their “second coming of Christ.”
5) The Jews have a CAMPAIGN designed to eradicate homosexuals and homosexuality.
6) The Jews are using GLBT’s as a “marginalized” group to force-feed political correctness onto the masses (castration of free thought, basically). This forces heterosexuals to hate homosexuals even more.
7) When the Jews see that their use of GLBT’s has served it’s purpose, they will forcefully remove all things GLBT from the planet.

So, that’s how it is with modern National Socialism. The Jews have used Christian bacteria to infect our heterosexual brothers and sisters, and many of them who reject Christianity haven’t even realized that they’ve been infected through TRUE CONTRAGENICS!

The time will come that we’ll be accepted into National Socialism again, like when Hitler accepted us, back then. Like everyone else, we will be judged by our merit of character and loyalty to our race – NOT by our orientations. The answer to the question of “WHEN” lies in how quickly we can finish Christianity off and eliminate all other things that are Jewish before the Jews and their puppets eliminate us for good.

For those who are new and don’t realize how much the Jews lie in general, read:
Black Sun 666

And watch:

This PROVES beyond the shadow of a doubt of how the Jews have lied about their phony “holocaust.”