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Homosexuality and sexual liberation?

The jews make non heterosexuality the death penalty where their programs have total control. Look at jewish xianity and islam as well as jewish Marxism.

Over here the jews where never able to take control by communism due to the second war. So in their own writings the working class could not be used anymore the war forced them to end their fake depression which was used to create the needed ground for a Marxist revolution and rebuild industry which caused a post war economic boom. They moved to minority groups to take them over and use them as social Marxist shock troops to batter down the host. They included mention of using non heterosexuals as well.

The Gay rights movement was already starting to emerge on its own so the jews just took different groups of peoples and their struggle for rights and used it to their own advantage. The jews state once they get to a point where full Marxist revolution was in full swing the second stage would be liquidation of the first stage useful idiots, non-heterosexuals, liberals and others. This is what they did in Russia as well.

Within this the jews have created a “Gay Identity” that is meant to keep them under control and in the program and ruin them from within. While creating as much hostility against them as possible in the general public. The next phase of this is occurring now. They are starting to ramp up the next wave propaganda of trying to get pedophilia the new rights. They are trying to tie this into the Gay movement. A documentary was made to provoke this in Europe the featured freak is a “Homosexual pedophile.” This will be the new phase they will repeat over and over. The fact is 83% of pedophiles are heterosexual. But don’t except a documentary on that soon.

This is the hammer and anvil now. Because the propaganda of the jewish run Marxist state in the Soviet Union. Was just that all homosexuals are pedophiles. Gay=pedophile. This is why in Russia people hate homosexuals and they are treated as subhuman. This is the normal animus the jew spreads into the host society against the third sex people. Now the jews are moving into the final phase of spreading that animus into the West. By the Trojan horse of the Gay rights movement they are in control of. What is a better form of black propaganda then that? None. The jews want to nail the closet shut.

The jews are also working to make sexual freedom as ugly as possible and swing it out as far as possible to cause a backlash so they can put things back under their control which is puritan sexual norms. Which is how it is under the Marxist system.

This based on repression of spiritual power and enlightenment.

The Metaphysic’s Of Sexual Union


Something to note:

Danielou was a Traditionalist scholar who lived in India for years and taught as a professor at an India university.

As I mentioned Skanda is actually Siva our God in the primordial form.

“Skanda. He is the protector of Homosexuals who are consider privileged and beneficial beings.” Alain Danielou: Yoga.

Skanda in his image of the leader of the Divine armies was the God of elite orders of Homosexual warriors as well.

Sex life in the Primordial world is noted below.

“The Complete Kama Sutra”

The First Unabridged Modern Translation of the Classic Indian Text

By Alain Danielou

“The Complete Kama Sutra deals without ambiguity or hypocrisy with all aspects of sexual life—including marriage, adultery, prostitution, group sex, male and female homosexuality, and transvestism. The text paints a fascinating portrait of an [my note Pagan Aryan] India whose openness to sexuality gave rise to a highly developed expression of the erotic.”

(The Complete Kama Sutra, back cover)

We can note here non-heterosexuality was normal and actually had a special role in society.

The same above was in the West as well you can find numerous art from the ancient West showing non-heterosexuality. The Germanic’s also had “Heart Friends” where friend lovers of the same sex they engaged in sexual relations with. So much for the lies in Germania put their by Xian translators.