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Porn and Free Will


This is the popular social dogma of Free Will that is immoral as it misleads people. And creates a moral base for a social belief which is harmful to the society. Which all kinds of destructive and depraved things are tolerated and justified through.

People are conditioned and influenced by the external environment which they internalize different attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns and interjected into the unconscious. Images and general stimulus the mind is subject to form deeply imprinted, associative conditioning. Its known you can take a healthy human and turn them into a warped sociopath by such process. The brain literally forms new neural pathways based on environmental stimulus this is how languages are learned among many other things. Even underneath this a person choices are framed by deep karmic patterns that have been generated over life times and has its subject the collective karma of this existence. Part of this is the conditioning of this life.

There is a reason the Army uses violent video games to condition their troops with. And other techniques to break down the old associations and instill new ones.

People who become addicted to pornography seek out more and more extreme forms and this in turn, influences their psyche as the mind takes in hours of such which it then forms unconscious impressions of. Which then flow from the unconscious actions and perceptions of reality.

So no its not a matter of Free Will. Humans are not self realized philosopher Kings. Its the opposite they are very easily impressionable and influenced. Our whole society is a testament to this truth. This is why the media can create a trend in a week and make millions from it.

So the liberal stance you argue from which is typical, is false and our societies are becoming more and more depraved and mentality toxic because the psyche works contrary to your argument. And this liberal superstition is the justification of every toxic degeneration of society. The real proof is in the pudding.

This is one reason a healthy moral order is crucial for the well-being of a people.