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Rape is not Natural, it is Jewish

Quesrion: “I am thinking about becoming a porn-star. Who thinks what?”

HIGH PRIEST Hooded Cobra 666:

Basically, because some people are still bullshiting themselves. I will just address some things that come to my mind about this.

1) Porn biz, owned by jews. Chock full of unintelligent Gentiles who get payed to get fuckd by jews. Says it all.

2) You will be forced to do movies or other shit, by your manager, because obviously you will start cheap. To ‘climb the ladder’ surely there will be jewish penis or ugly vag you will need to please.

3) Makes you wonder why most hookers and porntards are hooked on drugs. Because of their living emotional turmoil after a point. You will probably need drugs later.

4) Its transient or lasts as long as you are ‘beautiful’, or get your HIV herpes member badge…

5) How many people, even those who fucked dozenz of others, report of ugly experiences. Because uglyness is most usual in the world.

6) After you are over with this, you have hurt your name forever.

7) You are playing the jew’s game. They make you unable to get what you want in life, then you sell yourself and they laugh on how they have put you in route of destruction.

8) Quality orgasms are forgotten all along after a while.

9) If you are a woman, any skank may leave themselves in you, leading many times to abortion.

And the list goes on. I will not mention spiritual things Just physical ordinary ‘common sense’.

Its seriously disgusting how the jews have programmed anyone and many women, thinking they can acquire their physical power and execute vagina power into anyone. Or men thinking if they fuck some rich dirty male or female, they will get an easy life. Its disgusting. This mentality is so obvious is all the psychos and asleep idiot men and women who just exploit their last beautiful thing in the altar of the jews.

Also sex is so overrated. Nowdays sex is just some friction between genitilia for the most part. A samsaric invention. Its almost amusing to see how the hordes of samsaric individuals pile all around sex, their last source of happiness whatsover in their level. And dying meanwhile chasing it, even in their elder age.

Lets not degenerate ourselves. Satan can guide you and give you the way to have the partner/partners of your dreams. Going against what he hates also requires you to understand and unplug yourself from these bullshit, lowest level understandings and do something better.

Now before some idiot jumps and says I have a problem with something related to fetishes, sex or sexual behaviors. I am not against anything, infact everyone should be free, but freedom is in many cases behind a huge ass dross mountain people will have to lift. Thinking one is ‘free’ just because they ‘do what they want’, while they are carrying all the factors that drive what they want beyond their control, are just funny in their ignorance. You can do whatever you want. Why degrade yourself according to this sick society and its sick jewish rules. If your merging with a being comes with a price. then its always a cheap show.


Do you think that after this war, without the existence of jews, could exist an positive porn? For eg. educational, as a Kama Sutra in video or anything else? I have wondered this.


Then it would not be porn any more. The kama sutra is about sexual relationships from a spiritual or sacred plane. Which is the Gentile model that of sacred sexuality and its trascendental realm. And the beauty of this. The love making that went on in the temples during the sacred orgies where tantric or Maithuna. In nature.

The Jews in the porn world are attacking spirituality on this level. As sexuality is metaphysical and a key to empowering the soul and unlocking the divine within. They are profaning this and turning peoples idea of sex into barnyard animals. Everything they do is by impluse designed to lower us to the level of an animal. To Dehumanize us. This is done by trying to disconnection the spiritual nature of our existance from us.

Its no mistake the Jews are pushing the hardcore porn world into more and more dehumanizing and evil places. I was watching a documentary on this subject. And they are now pushing “rape porn.” Where the actors pretend to be raped as realistical as possible and all kinds of inhuman garbage. You can see the Jews are trying to push, snuff into the mainstream via horror themed films. Where they make it as realistic as possible within the legality of the film. While its actors and fake. The mind does not have the ability to differentiate images and imprints in such a fashion on the unconscious level.

What this amounts to is they are indoctrinating us into Juadism. Injecting the Jewish pathologies into the Gentile psyche by a thousand methods. Its no mistake the more the populations are terraformed into a Jewish paradigm. The more the Jews naturally control. This is the purpose of Jewtianity and on.

The healthy alternative is to put the sacred back into sex and return it to its metaphysical realm. A spiritually healthy society will sort out all the problems.

I note that most people want the special someone to be with. And would like to have sexual love over just getting laided. This is what is normal to most humans. Most people are seeking this one way or another.

A lot of the individuals in hardcore porn in general really do have sociopathic natures. Where they lack the ability to form relationships with any deep meaning. The ones who go and are psychologically healthy. Don’t last long. And end with some kind of induced psychological trauma and or regretting it for the rest of their life.

I watched an interview with an ex porn director who left he business in final disgust. He still would get calls from girls he warned but even did one film. Years later begging him to help because someone found the film and sent it to their now husband, coworkers.etc It came back on them.

I note the Porn world is becoming mainstreamed into society, more and more in many different ways.

To add to this a womanizer friend I had once had. Even told me the more you sleep with the same chick, even if it just was for sex, the more you start to develop strong feelings and attactment to them. Which is nature.

HIGH PRIEST Hooded Cobra 666:

In many cases people who cannot develop emotion are sick in this regard and have a deep seated fear to get close to someome, so they prefer to just get laid and then disappear. Nowdays being diseased in the soul is actually very cool and all your friends from the samsara island will plead to appauld your stupidity. We live in the day where selective and divine oriented people in regards to their relations have some sort of hangup or are mentally sick. Meanwhile the 21st century supposedly evolved people have lost the basic differientation between the primal apes, which are empathic emotions and tendencies to connect to their fellows.


Interesing but not suprising during the Second Jew War. The German military did not have situations of rape of the populace by its troops. The penality for such in the German forces was death and it would be enforced. But it didn’t need to be enforced as the Germans as historians noted. Simply didn’t rape. General Patton was right. The German’s where the finest race in Europe. And he regretted the war against them. Patton also came to hate the Jews and become wise to them. So much so, they murdered him.

It was the Jewish owned and driven. Red Army and the American’s that committed rape. Infact the Red Army on orders from Jewish Commissar’s had the policy of rape of females from eight to eighty. Solzhenitsyn, who was an officer in the Red Army and was naturally disgusted by it. Wrote then when the orders came to finally halt the rape gangs. As the new Communist reigme in East Germanys stated it was making it too impossible to restore order and build the Communist state. That hordes of Red Army troops had to be shot to stop them. By their own officers. Basically from what Solzhenitsyn stated the Red Army from Moscow to Berlin was drunk on Vodka and rape. Solzhenitsyn stated that the constant rape dehumanized his own men into animals with the taste for it. Till it consumed them to the point he had to start shooting them as the only way to stop them.

HIGH PRIEST Hooded Cobra 666

True. In Ancient Greece were the Greeks raping women of the Races they were at war with, was atrocious. It was seen as a crime and as betrayal of Race. To avoid raping and sexual engagements with women of other Races. There were women that were Greek and taken together in ships and in war. That many times fought and died with the soldiers. They were calming their urges with them and them being on the ships was for that purpose. While others brought their wives and not these women. Generals amd higher up commanders never did that as it was betrayal to the Race and mating with a ‘Barbarian’ was a betrayal to other Greeks and ones self.

If one betrayed the Race in any way, this included mating with others, they were either killed by the other soldiers or seen as totally subservient. It was a code of honor. Also Greeks were in bad war with the Persians over hundreds of years, but they weren’t allowed to have sexual encounters as this was called ‘Mydismos’, meaning one is at friendly terms with their enemies.

As for the Bolsheviks, I do not expect anything really. They didn’t have a code of honor, neither internally nor externally. Basically they were worse than beasts of the burden. Germans and those allied to them had a different mindset. Compromise to the enemy even in the form of raping them resulted in either loss of honor or a bullet in the head. They were also taught on how this was completely atrocious. Not to mention they weren’t like that generally. Basically from all the Races that were in war, only the Bolsheviks and those allied to them were doing such things. The English or American people did not do this sort of thing, I do not recall any info on it. The point in this is that you either understand this code and uphold it naturally, or you don’t. The history of the Aryan Race has few examples of rape and that thing, most of it during periods of general chaos and destruction. Though as explained the code of honor that is not in letter but in Soul, actually kept things in place.

The Gods gave us ethics and ethical character. People who lack these actually lack this part. Ethics, Law and logic are all of the metagenic evolution we underwent under the Gods. So giving up on these basically makes one an ape or worse. Because even apes, have some empathy.

Sourse (topic in JoyofSatan666):