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Is pornography acceptable?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich:

I would like to add to this thread. First off, in Spiritual Satanism, ANY CONSENTING SEX IS FINE AND PERMISSIBLE. This includes porn. I can see both sides to many of the posts here replying to this thread. The deal with a lot of porn is the blatant abuse many of the actors and actresses go through in order to make a decent amount of money or for other reasons. I have always been very open in discussing sex. I have several porn movies myself.

One movie, there is a very young girl, probably not more than 20 years old and very small and petite. Excuse me, but I am going to get graphic here to make a point. This young woman could not be more than 5 feet 2 and very small frame and build. There are two men, both are probably over six feet tall, very largely built and extremely hung. One enters her from behind and the other from her front and go at it. It is glaringly obvious that these two very well endowed men- probably 8-9 inches practically rip this little tiny woman in half. Then, the camera shows how her perineum has nearly ripped. This cannot be any more pleasurable than childbirth. Not only that, but any idiot can plainly see this will have permanent damage, some of it being internal.

In addition, just how many times did this very young actress have to do this and other similar scenes with these two huge men to get the scene right for the camera? I wouldn’t doubt, she is very young and probably did it for a quick and decent sum of money. I can’t imagine anyone other than someone who relishes and loves pain, who would do this for any pleasure. Sure, there are masochists and that is their right, but it was obvious this young, tiny girl was in pain; she couldn’t hide it.

I am not against porn, as I have several porn movies myself, but I have seen quite a bit of outright abuse and degradation in some porn films. Another ploy is a young inexperienced person, male or female comes to Hollywood looking for an acting career and is either led into this kind of porn abuse or winds up dead in a snuff film.

This is my own personal opinion on this.


Obviously porn needs to be cleaned up and is already regulated to a degree by law. This needs to be extended further into creating an ethical industry and one that does not trespass on the healthy laws of the eternal order of life. But can express them in the sexual sphere of life to those who wish.

Since Porn is a Jewish created and owned industry they use this to create a negative view of sexual life and swing the pendulum out enough to create a justification for returning to their Torah style Orwellian sexual norms right out of 1984. The Jews paradigm started to collapse as they failed due to the effects of the 3rd Reich and other movements in history of our kind. To create the system of control they needed in time. And with the new age dawning the old structure of the previous starts to collapse. They used this emerging trend to push a false sexual revolution designed to demoralize and destabilize society to bring it into chaos to create a take over via a Communist revolution. Problem, reaction, solution. From then they will have sexual norms right out of the old testament in place in the Communist slave state. Which is exactly what it was like in the JewSSR.

A social order based on a moral system which is structured on what is already there. The eternal laws of nature and thus is a spiritual advancing and enlightened society. Will not have the problems of today.

Sexual energy is powerful as its the force of kundalini that has the power to give birth to the new soul. Just as when directed outwards via sex the power to give birth to a new human being. Note the symbolism of the Cosmology of the Magnum Opus in the primordial time was based on such allegories.

The Jews are pushing porn on the whole of society. Even the mainstream is starting to reflect the pornsphere. They have connected it into the mainstream celebrity culture they have manufactured. Movie star, rock star, porn star. They was a long time porn director who left the business out of disgust [he is gentile]. And stated the effect of such is notable in the porn world due to the above associations being made. Many stupid’s show up and believe its a way to stardom and fame. As he stated its not, they get used like meat, hooked on drugs and thrown to the curb. Along with psychological and physical trauma in many cases. The psychopathic nature of the porn world is the psychopathic nature of the Jews who run it.

The porn world up being reformed into an ethical industry. Should by law have rigid psychological testing that selects for types that would naturally excel and be at home in such a career. The same personality type that enjoys working in a brothel. Because its the same thing. As prostitution should be legalized and regulated as well.

High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma:

Looking at Porn is acceptable. We have the Freedom to do as we desire and see fit sexually and have the right to be free about it. This applies to everyone. Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, ect. It doesn’t matter what your orientation is. You’re Free, Just as long as the Sex is between two consenting adults, then it’s okay.

While looking at porn is acceptable, keep in mind that many Jews and Jewesses are used in porn. So I would advise taking the time to research the features of the Jew so that you can tell the difference. IMO, I would find it particularly disgusting to masturbate to a Jewess! Or to a Jew for that matter. Think and use your head.

Learn the physical traits of your own race. And develop a Sixth Sense about Jews. Learn to tell by their Energy as well as Physical characteristics.