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Masturbation is as Healthy as Eating


how to get out of masterbating guilt?


Remember, it is *your* body; you have every right to touch it to give yourself pleasure! No matter what anyone else says, like the stupid outside churches & temples & mosques & whatever. They have no authority over you.

HIGH PRIEST Micama Gmicalzoma:

You’re right. It is your body. Just like if you are hungry (Stomach growling) or sleepy (Yawning, maybe even eyes watering)…. Your body is telling you that it NEEDS something. Even if you are trying to deny yourself the basic needs and functions of life, Eventually you must take care of it.

As a Man I know that it is very unhealthy to Not get your needed sexual releases. It is unhealthy both your body and mind. Are you going to go for more than a day without food? How about skipping your sleep tonight? Your body will give you warning signs that something is wrong, and as a result you will be Miserable!

The whole “Guilt thing”…. These sexual hang-ups that some people have in regards to sex…. Where did they Originate? Who’s Fault is that? They originated from the Alien doctrines of the Jew! The Jewish fascination with Urine and Feces, Bleeding Animals to Death (Koshering), Circumcision by cutting away the foreskin with a sharpened fingernail and then sucking the blood until dry from the wound, Pedophilia, Bestiality, and every other UN-Natural thing that has been introduced to Humanity by their Vile teachings in the Judeo-Christian bible such as Sexual ABSTANCE (Denying your basic Human Needs)…. Has caused all of the Problems with the world today.

If you feel the need to have a Sexual Release then find the privacy to do so and enjoy the rest of your day. Use your sexual energy to unblock your chakras. Also, orgasm is a natural way to calm your nerves and give your energies a boost and therefore is a great way to open your meditations for the day.



What about “NO Fap (masturbation) Movement” that pushs porn to weed out masturbation?


I have watched that before. Pornified society to the level its on. Is designed to sexually frustrate men and give women hang up’s about their personal image. They are using sex to sell and promote everything. Its a never ending tease. You can see in celebtarted culture the porno world and look has merged with the mainstream celebtard one. Which injects into further into the mainstream society. Its become pathological.

Masturbation existed before porn. Its part of life and sexual climax is connected to the soul and sends power into it. The fact is most men only click on porn for ten to fifteen minutes do there business and forget about it. Its the people with addictive personalities, social isolation and other issues are connected into porn addiction. Its a symptom of a larger psychological issue. Not having sexual climax will cause as many psychological issues as well. The enemy does everything to confuse and pervert sexual truth and norms.

Porn needs to be cleaned up and the industry reformed [its full of Jews]. And it needs to be regulated out of the mainstream stores and other area’s of society. Healthy sexuality needs to be promoted. Not psychopathology in the form of sex.