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Anal Sex

Heterosexual men and women perform anal sex; it’s not just homosexuals who do this. At the same time, there are some homosexuals who have never engaged in anal sex for their own reasons. I have no statistics or fact-stating, “scientific” articles to share right now on how safe or dangerous anal sex is, BUT, I must state that the only way to do this with someone you are not in a 100% monogamous relationship with is to WEAR A CONDOM, or if you are performing the “passive” role, as it has been called, make sure that your sex partner wears a condom. When whoever is the one that’s actively fucking feels the orgasm coming on, it is important to “pull away” so the semen is not deposited internally if the condom should break.

It was the Jews who invented HIV/AIDS in the first place, and they are going to get theirs. HIV/AIDS in America, was designed to decimate the White homo/bisexual population before spreading it on to heterosexual Gentiles, regardless of color. There are Biblical scriptures that have been used to cite “God”/the Jews who believe themselves to be “God,” as making it look like HIV/AIDS is the prophesied “wrath of God” against “sexual deviants.” While the verses do exist as curses against homosexuality and Paganism/Satanism in general, the Jews found the way to create the perfect virus to make these Bible curses against homosexuality look like “prophesy.” As High Priestess Maxine has stated in the Holy Bible: Book of Jewish Witchcraft, these are not “prophesies,” as WHY would any prophesy NEED to be pushed from behind the scenes [in a laboratory in this case] in order to manifest? This is the work of the Jews.

Anyways, if anal sex was not intended for some people by our Father and Creator, Satan, then we males, hetero or homo, would not have been given a prostate gland that can be stimulated for sexual pleasure. Some heterosexual males have their wives stimulate their prostate, just like some women don’t mind being penetrated in their asses, even though they do not have prostates.

All of this for heterosexuals and homosexuals is as old as time and is here to stay, but the point is that everyone NEEDS to be extremely careful. Christian-minded dopes will give anti-homosexual lectures about anal sex creating tears in the anal tissue, but they conveniently leave out the fact that vaginal tears are just as real. Just go with your instincts, but always play safe no matter what a sex partner says, as some people will lie about their STD status. Heterosexuals who want to get laid are not exempt from telling lies, either.

Do all of the research you can do from non/anti-Christian sources. Non/anti-Christian sources are not always free from Christian influence, but the vast majority of such studies do not have the Christian bias.
