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Satanism and Sexuality

I need to make another repeated statement here. Just as I have been typing out “Christian/ity” as many who are new do not know what xian/ity means. The most important thing here is so that everyone fully understands.

Any and ALL consenting sex is fine in Satanism. Satan doesn’t care about, nor is he interested in your sex life. In Satanism, your body is not the piece of property of some spook out there. You own your body, not some stupid envious spook. I came across an e-mail a few days ago where a member asked if it was ok to remain a virgin. The member was comfortable with this. YES. No one is ever forced to do anything he/she is not comfortable with, or does not fully consent to.

Heterosexual, gay, bi-sexual, a-sexual, group sex, orgies, fetishes… as long as everyone involved is consenting, anything goes.

I just want to add for people here who are unaware, the Jews work relentlessly to try to destroy any and all sexual freedoms. They take control of both opposing sides and work both sides to their communist agenda. This is very blatant with the Gay Rights movement, of which High Priest Jake Carlson [who is gay], has exposed.

Jewish Control of Gay Rights

On the one side, the Jews who have total control push for Gay Rights real hard and on the other; they control the Christians and inflame them. The final goal of the Jews is a return to Old Testament laws as was in the communist countries, such as the former USSR , to where any sex outside of marriage was a crime, and if even suspected, anyone involved was severely punished. The Jews also work overtime with the media to try to ruin sex with pushing it incessantly [hoping for a backlash to the Old Testament], and doing other things to cause problems in the minds of the populace. The Jews work to destroy anything and everything that is good for and that advances humanity in order to return the entire world into the slave state that it was during the Middle Ages. Look how they have been working to ruin the internet by trying to get control of it and outlaw free speech. Science has been vehemently attacked for centuries in order to perpetuate the false Jewish history in the bible and to keep humanity enslaved.

I also want to add there is a Jewish anti-communism organization and of course, this is another tactic of trying to deceive Gentiles and work the anti-communist side towards the Jewish communist agenda, so do not be fooled. They always take control of both opposing sides and work both to their communist/biblical agenda of enslaving the world.

In closing, I also want to add that the sexually frustrated Christians always hype concerning sexually transmitted diseases and such: being “God’s punishment” and similar crap. In truth, it is a lot easier to catch all kinds of diseases from just breathing, touching something, etc. Most STDs can be controlled through the use of condoms and so forth. I am just stating this here so people are not duped into falling for that Christian idiocy.

To have sex, to not have sex, how you have sex, with whom you have sex… Satan is not concerned. ALL consenting sex in Satanism is fine. Never is anyone forced into doing anything he/she is not fully consenting to or may be unsure or uncomfortable with.

The ONLY thing in Satanism that is strongly encouraged is consistent meditation. Satan does not want, nor does he need slavish worship.

The foundation of Satanism is that of becoming a god and only through working on your soul, through consistent meditation can you do this.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich