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Emotions are Power

The enemy religions, as they perverted the concept of God, Enligthenement and other things which were sacred, made monogamy seem like a prison and a financial, spiritual and mental destruction to get your life and make you hang yourself. Yes xian monogamy is like this, especially with the wrong person, under the wrong God, without any Spiritual understanding. Just two bodies living under the same roof, no emotional depth and a bullwhark of pathologies. If you’re by nature monogamus, that is fine. I never told anything against polygamy, either. Also you seem to think very physically [trying by completely locking on your emotions, to avoid emotional pain] or due to having been hurt in someway, completely going against love or something. The emotion of Love weakens you when its misplaced. We do what we do and have so much power to endure things because we love Satan. Not because we’re sexually attracted to him. Sometimes the emotion of love can mean sacrifice and can bestow power unlike the urge in the genitals can do. I do not want to degrade sexual feelings in anyway. I just state the obvious, that neglecting love is like neglecting your lust. Same thing. You did mention men wanting many wives, well women have emotions and choices too actually, they are not tools you use as you’re neither a tool they use for executing lust. You can live without love, as you can live without going to swim or without eating noddles or some exotic food. Basically the nessescary things you need to live are food, water and air, if you think of it that way. Some people just want lust and this is in the personality. But I believe a person looking only for lust is like a person trying denying sex because they want to keep ‘pure’. No part of your nature has to be supressed.

“Psychic vampires, divorce settlements that destroy people financially, depression, suicide, arguments, making personal sacrifices, which may or may not be done in return etc. ” Thats the causes of a blind, enenlightened and out of luck, under a jewish non existent ‘god’, monogamy or love or marriage. This is not love by anyway, shape or imagination. This is what the enemy has made widely known as love. This is not love, this is following blindly bad karma and getting shitted on by the jew on the stick. I understand how you see this.

As about Hitler and Eva Braun. Their relation was more Sacred than this. Hitler was no ordinary man and Eva Braun no ordinary woman. Eva Braun was the epitome of purity in a female. Not purity in the xian sense. Purity in the form of being a very delicate, powerful and feminine prescence. We shouldn’t talk about how much Fhurer loved his wife, judging by his chart or something, as this was something in his own Soul anyways. It was his choice to be with Eva Braun and not spend his sacred time on meaninglessly changing mates. I believe because you have much water and you want all this, but got hurt or you’re afraid of getting hurt, you try to become solely materialistic and look only for lust, hoping you will avoid all these scars from love. This ‘scars for love’ mentality is simply the masochistic love the enemy invented and is nothing compared to real Satanic love. Which is the opposite and you gain from it, rather than lose.

Also Hitler gave so deep and emotionally powerful speeches, which really show he was a very deep and emotional person by nature, so you see its not all about the chart. He was explosive and very emotional, empathic to his people. Hadn’t it been for his emotional power and his perfect character he wouldn’t have achieved all he did.