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Love, relationships and Self Acceptance

Love Love Love. For those who experianced it , how sweet that is . Father Satan taught Me how to love people as personally I had a very rough heart . Satan is very loving and compassionate , but only on His own people and His children . He owns love to no one else , surely not His enemies . His hate is boiling for His enemies , so is the hate of Our Demons . Love is a beautiful thing and when its real its eternally lasting.

Xianity actively worked to corrupt this meaningful feeling and make it a disgusting feeling of dependency and a complete total lie of control . Most xians have never felt real love . Love that empowers You and does not weaken You to the point You become a croock who thinks the universe was created by a jew. The enemy is one of the best emotional manipulators out there. For a xian , just a calmness they get from their sunday drain in the church can be considered ‘godly’, because they are indeed clueless.

Love is an emotion of freedom , those who have felt the love of Father know how freeing it is . The xian ‘love’ is dependency and a tool to use You in some way or another . As always , the portray the other way. They play selfless and that they do anything for someone else , while in fact behind everything is themselves . They are the most selfish people . Satan and His Demons are NOT selfish , thats why the war has been won . The enemy only looks to save their own ass , look at how they have abaddoned anyone as the good jew promises they gave did not work . Yes , right .

Love is a freeing emotion and plays a major role to helping the Serpent ascend , while FOOLS claim to love love love . Hate plays an equal part to it , so do all emotions , lust , loathing . All these emotions are You . Accept Your self , think for Yourself . This is how You will get free from any boundary .

Humans need love as much as they need someone to hate . This is why Satan is present in the enemy religions . Satan is the creator of Humanity and can’t go unnoticed. You can either love Him or Hate Him . No one ignores Satan despite of their claims , most people KNOW the existance of Satan as a fact , Truth is , more than of those who believe in the nazarene lie . Satan is the most hated and defamed being in recent Human history . Guess why , because He’s God and this is the age that we are actually astray from the True creator God , Satan.

The power of Love is actually very big . The Gods showed Us how to guard Our emotions and be powerful beings . Not unemotional fools that deny their feminine side . The Kundalini is all about emotions . Many of You who gone through the mood swings of the Kundalini know what I’m talking about . The Kundalini itself has emotions and it HATES the jews .

Our need for love , is actually so big , that sometimes the POSSIBILITY of getting love can lead Us to the greatest mistakes in Our lives . Look around You how many crimes have been done in the name of ‘love’ . Probably You , reading that memorize mistakes You have done in the chase of feeling this emotion of love . Many people choose to stay in completely abusive relationships because they ASSUME there is A POSSIBILITY of ever experiancing what we call love . As Satan to lead You there , as He did with Me and Satanists I know . Don’t be impatient and don’t rush or You will have unneeded wounds on Yourself.

This unconscious need for love is exploited by the jew age , new age I meant , xianity , islam and everything and everyone assosciated . By locking Your love You can evade all these and see right through the manipulation . These ‘religions’ promise love in return of obedience . Satan loved Me when I was disobedient , because I actually never was . Satan loved Me at My worst when no one wanted to look at Me in any way or assosciate to Me . Satan deserves to see Me today at My best then . When I was alone guess who was there to show Me love ? Yes , Satan was.

Take a look at Our Brotherhood here . We are not assholes . Do I win anything extreme by writting this Sermon ? Or do I get bucks for lying 2 hours straight in the face of an audiance about the ‘love’ of a jew ? This is the true meaning of personal ‘sacrifice’ . You give something freely without expectacions . Satan taught Me that too . The Gods are very ethical and Satan is emotionally powerful .

Love has a very big impact on Your self acceptance . How many times You were in an abusive relation that You had to behave AS someone , do something AS someone and be someone else other than Yourself ? How many times your ‘partener’ has tried to instill hangups in You , suddenly changed ‘their minds’ and made You feel worthless and shit ? And what do most people run behind from ? THE POSSIBILITY of being loved . There is no love here , there is a moronic unexistant POSSIBLITY. True Satanists know how to love , so does Satan . We love Our family in the family love way , Our Father Satan in the parental way and Our partener in all ways because this is their true purpose .

STOP BEING ABUSED . Most people don’t realize , all these harmful relations look up to one thing : hangup creation . Hangups about the way You look , the way You behave , the way You are and the way You perceive . Give them the finger and fly free from their dependency and abuse . There are people out there only waiting for a link in Joy of Satan , a door . If You are here and You want to love someone truly , someone wants to do the same to You somewhere . Its the way the universe works . Love does not contain one sided abuse , lies , misinformation and the rest . When Satan brings two Satanists together , He literally makes them as one .

Endind it , its NOT worth it to destroy Your psyche for a possibility of being in love and staying in abuse that may in extreme cases cause You lifetimes to get rid of from . Keep Your pants up , be patient and ask for guidance from Satan . Depending on Your taste and what You desire , You will be lead accordingly Another gift Satan gave to Us are the Incubi and Succubi , Demon lovers that are caring , loving and have extreme lust for those of Us who like going wild .

Satan is about balance and control . Balance Your emotions and control them . It will be a blessing to You and something that You will forever have in You .

– Vovin Luciftian