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Sexual and Spiritual Evolution

This is from one of our fellow brothers, Hooded Cobra. In the hells army e groups he posted something about sex and spirituality.after some body posted a remark about sex that was very unnatural to say. What Hooded cobra wrote was very beautiful and I think that our younger and newer members especially should read this to have an idea and understanding of sex.

“I seriously agree here. We have been all taught that way. Adult entairtaiment perverts sex and make it seem dirty or one job deals. This hype about getting laid with many people serves the purpose of Spiritual degradation, because in this the kikes can have sex with anyone draining their energies, mixing with their energies. Anyone makes connections with anyone who they have sex with, even if they realize it consciously or not. Its there. Through this connection there can happen a lot. Forming any sort of connection with xians or the like is bad for a Satanist. People don’t know how to refrain from sex. The social pressure is just pushing them to get laid. Sex here sex there sex everywhere.

Just putting your penis in a vagina and ejaculation means nothing. This is just the kike mind and the kike programming. Its just not worth it. Women don’t value their bodies and men don’t value their bodies [as they do with their souls]. Its like we have to get laid just to say we did. Most women don’t enjoy intercourse with their partener. Most people just don’t enjoy sex. This whole have sex hype of having sex like a degenerate filth has destroyed sex lives, minds, souls and lifes of millions. Screw this shit. People have forgotten about their souls. This is revealent in people in our groups being so hype about the Sexual Affairs of our Gods. I mean, get a life. Sex isn’t even worth the time if its not with someone you love and there is no connection. How the Gods make love is so sacred that none should even talk about it. People with Demon lovers know this firsthand. These beings give their all. Don’t waste your time just trying to have sex without a reason. I don’t judge anyone. Make love…Love. This whole scheme about getting laid and filling your empty life just changing mindlessly partners will ruin your happiness in the long run. This causes problems and ensures that you will never stop to evolve. I mean don’t treat people as bodies. Everyone can work it out with anyone if there is love.

You have a living being in front of you that you’re connecting with. Women open their legs. They actually invite you inside them. They invite you to connect with them. Most of the time they are unknowing. This is why most women don’t find happiness in sex. Because they seek this internal connection. Its the female brain and the feminity that urges for this. Lust is nothing on its own. I won’t sound xian here. With an evolved soul all I say will make sense. Look inside. Does only having sex make you happy, or you want a mate you match to make love with. People who have found their people know this. Gays and Lesbians have more intensified awareness of connection in the soul. This is my experiance with them.

You’re a being with multi-aspects. It will be a total waste of time to spend your life around chasing a lot of guys or women to fuck. You will waste your soul and happiness. You have to be true on yourself. This ‘something missing’ is our need to merge with someone. Some people want one person and thats it, some want more, some want same gender, some want opposite gender. We are intelligent beings, emotional beings. You know the sacral chakra is of the bioelectricity. Having a lot of links there with random bitches results nowhere. Will just drain you. Again, some people may take my words the wrong way. But those who know about True Satanism will understand. We have the power to draw the perfect mate. Merge with them. Make love filled with lust and enjoy sexuality to the fullest. Just don’t denigrate yourself. You’re not worth it. Neither any 2 seconds grade B orgasm is worth your soul…

Treat people as people. They have experiances, feelings, they like/dislike stuff, they are a whole story, a whole past, a whole destiny, a soul, a mind, thoughts…A Human being is just so much. Its so much to be treated as so much less. AS about having ‘many partners’ this is again kike mentality. Why would you need to fuck everyone if you just had hit splendid earlier and found who you match with? Satanists treat their mates with uttmost respect and they should never leave each other as anything can be worked out through Satan. “Gentile Sexuality is Sacred” as High Priestess Zildar wrote in a post that I don’t remember…

Now when you’re where you like there are no restrictions, lol. Do it as you please. I’m not your judge. I just talk about plain spiritual logic”.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666