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Irritating Observation

“We are Nazis” – Lilith

In my many years in Satanism, I have seen countless Third Sex/Twin Soul (homosexual) individuals or individuals who are non-White come to Satanism and ask if Satan and his Demons accept these individuals for who they are. Unless one is Jewish, then more often than not, Satan will accept non-heterosexuals and non-Whites for who they are without any reservations.

However, there is an ugly trend where these people cannot accept Satan in return for who and what he is, as they just can’t handle it. This needs to stop. The point is that if you want to be accepted by Satan and his Demons, who ARE Nazis, you have to have an open heart towards them and accept them, too.

Everything the Jewish people have said about Nazism are vicious lies. A Third Sex/Twin Soul individual can be just as much of a Nazi as those who procreate. Each non-Jewish race can be Nazis for their own races, too, which means that Black people, for instance, are entitled to be Nazis, and there were many Black Nazis fighting for Hitler. Lying is the profession of the Jews. Everything they have blamed on the Third Reich is exactly what they have done and what they continue to do.

So before you waltz off because Satan and his Demons are Nazis, just know that Satan would probably be accepting of you if you were being accepting of him and if you actually took the time to learn about true Nazism, rather than to keep letting the lies from the Jewish people, who are the enemies of Satan, get to you.

In this war, one is either a Nazi or a communist. There is no middle ground. The Judeo/Christian Bible is filled with many stolen legends and allegories, but that “Armageddon” deal is an allegory for the final battle between Satan’s people, the Gentiles, versus the Chosen of the Greys/reptilians (“God”), the Jews. I don’t know how to make the truth any more palatable, but this is the truth, and the only thing people can do is to Know Themselves, Know Their Friends, but to keep one’s enemies the closest, and to Fight.

P.S. Before you go off thinking Jewish horseshit lies about Nazism, you must realize that if it wasn’t for Adolf Hitler and Nazism, all of civilized society would be in complete chaos (much worse than things are), and, each and every one of us would be a slave to the Jews, as the Jewish Talmud states that we “goyim” are the inheritance of the Jews.

If you care even remotely, you will fight communism every inch of the way, as this planet belongs to Satan.

We owe our lives to Satan and his cause. The point of the above message is to encourage people to stop discriminating against Satan. If you’re not Jewish, then chances are, he will not discriminate against you. So, stop discriminating against him. Let him be who and what he is, too.


High Priest Jake Carlson


Third Sex people are the most deceived in the western liberalism.

A person who joins this place and is against National Socialism has some serious lack of common sense.

High Priest Jake Carlson:

This is a sad truth at the current moment, and sadly, it has been this way for a while now. The Jews have convinced many homosexuals that it is “wrong” to “hate” one’s enemies in return, or to stand up against injustice, and these kikes have taught them to turn the other cheek and live weak/meek, submissive lives. The kikes have taught this portion of humanity that “If you don’t hate others, including your enemies, you will not be hated or marginalized.” Unfortunately, many gay people have bought this lie and have gobbled it all up. The result is that the Jews have sucked the life from the once vibrant, non-Communist/Leftist population of homosexuals. Communism isn’t really pro-gay, as it is and always was just as anti-homosexual as it was in the Jewish USSR. It has pretended to make a 180-degree turn to confuse homosexuals into joining the Jewish cause, however.

Just as pitiful, many homosexuals who are disenfranchised with organized religion because of its rejection of homosexuality *think* they are getting away from Christianity and such if they join the psychotic, Jewish Leftist politics/Communism. What the Jews don’t tell these slaves of theirs is that this is NOT an “escape” from Christianity and related programs, but it is just another faction of Christianity; Christianity without the “traditional” Christ. Yes, the Right-wing Christians will “attack” the Left and say that these are “not true Christians,” as they reject the traditional anti-homosexual doctrines of the Christian Bible, but the thing is that the Christian program [Bible included] was created by the Jews, and it has evolved in the same way that a lethal virus does, and this is how it survives. Likewise, Christianity’s Bible was written in such a way that there are contradicting verses that even gay Leftists use to try to twist into something that “supports” homosexuality. In order to do this, the core meanings of Romans chapter 1, and 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11 have to be carefully ignored, of course.

The problem is not homosexuals or homosexuality, and many brainwashed people, including the homosexuals who have been suckered into the Communist lies can wake up before it’s too late. The problem is Christianity, which is Communist to the core [including the Christianity that seems to “reject” and “attack” Communism]. The Jews pretend to be against the “organic” form of Right-wing Christianity, but in reality, they support it, even if that means losing some of their own people, as they do not care how many of their own they have to sacrifice in order to further their cause.

The good news for both homosexual and heterosexual anti-Communist Satanists, is that since homosexuals are born every single day, Christianity/Communism has failed and it is dying. The Christian virus that attacks even non-religious Gentiles from time-to-time will be totally destroyed as well. This means that life for homosexuals, as well as heterosexuals, will return to the way it was before the coming of the Jewish program of Christianity. Homosexuality will be accepted again as the normal and NATURAL part of life that it really is, and Communism, which is the political side of Christianity, will be long gone, and it will no longer be able to interfere with Gentile life.

National Socialism is the only way for humanity to shake all of it’s filthy Christian/Communist residue off, and return to a Satanic life. Gays are included, not excluded in Satanism. National Socialism is Satanism.