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The Truth Behind the Statement From Pat Robertson that NAZI were Satanists

It’s kind of ironic how the Jewish “holocaust” has become so much easier to debunk than the gay “holocaust.” The reason is that the Jews have made so much profit from making the story up. Then their use of Christianity is another clever device for them to look like “Christ-hating Jews” as opposed to “Fundamental Conservative Christians.” It’s another staged performance of another Jewish play. Oh, so talented, aren’t they? They know psychology real well.

Here’s a statement from a Gentile who has become a Jew through proxy via Christianity.

“Many of those people involved with Adolf Hitler were satanists. Many of them were homosexuals. The two seem to go together.” – Pat Robertson from the “700 Club.”

Despite what those Jewish leeches say, homosexuality and Satanism ran rampant in Nazi Germany and I can prove it.

Brothels, homo/bisexuality, (no “pink lists,” folks), Satanic rituals and occult rites, Satanic meditation, Yoga, revival of everything Greco-Roman, channeling, tarot, trancing, Demonic invocations, reverence of Nature, Hitler’s pro-choice (in Nazi hospitals), concerts, plays, operas, artists, sculptors, male-male and female-female bonding, unwed mothers, pagan festivals, eradication of Judeo/Christianity and the the list goes on and on and on. Hitler, Himmler and Rudolph Hess belonged to one of Germany’s occult lodges called the “99 Lodge” where they worshiped Satan.

Many women wore their hair combed back in long ponytails because this was believed to set up a portal for Nordic extra-terrestrial communication. Especially women that belonged to the Vril Society.

Just because Hitler made laws on drinking, driving, and the Jewish-run pornography offered to little kids who were too young, racial purity laws, and he wanted everyone to be happy, healthy, and natural, despite the relentless disapproval of German Christians, the Jews have twisted these necessary morals into “Christian morality” after WW2, with Christianity being what they pretend to be arch-enemies of. This is one of their greatest stunts and trick-photographies, if you will.

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