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Regarding Hitler Youth Manual

I had to make a reply to one of the other JoS groups today regarding whether *all* of the Nazis were Satanists or not. No. Not all of them were, but many were. In my reply to Witch way, I’m not sure if I mentioned that TRUE SATANISM is an umbrella term for all pre-Judeo/Christian, pre-Wiccan Pagan religions. Why does that bug “all about evil” “Satanists” so much? Oh yeah. They tolerate Jews and/or are part Jewish enough to be considered a Jew. Here’s the reply for the worthy of life.

I will have sermons that should help answer your question to some degree. For now:

“You are either German or Christian. You can’t be both!” – Hitler (Alfred Rosenberg made this statement as well).

“I will stamp Christianity out like a frog under my boot!” – Hitler

“Get thee hence, Jesus, for it is written; Thou shalt worship the Superman…” – Hitler

By the way, the Superman that identified himself to Hitler was known to him as Lucifer. Coincidence? Didn’t think so.

“Dietrich Eckhart was one of the seven founders of the Nazi party and a dedicated satanist, a man immersed in black magic and the Thule group of occultists. Eckhart had been looking for a pupil, someone whom he could introduce to the spiritual forces, someone to catapult Germany to the dizzying heights… In a series of seances, he claims that he had a “satanic annunciation” that he was destined to prepare the vessel for the Antichrist, the man who would inspire the world and lead the Aryan race… When he met Hitler he said, “Here is the one for whom I was but the prophet and forerunner.” [Note: There isn’t an *actual* Anti-Christ. Christ never existed].

“Were the Nazis persecutors of homosexuals or supporters of such sexual perversion?”

“Homosexuality was rampant in Hitler’s inner circle as well as in the SS.”

“Comment: Swedish pastor arrested and sentenced to four weeks in prison for preaching a sermon on Sodom and Gomorrah; declared “verbal violence” against homosexuals!”

“Everything Christian was substituted with something pagan.”

“Whether it’s the Old Testament or the New Testament or simply the words of Jesus; it’s all the same Jewish swindle.” – Hitler

“Hitler… himself was a dedicated Satanist.”

“Do you really believe the masses will be Christian again? Nonsense! Never again. That tale is finished. No one will listen to it again. Be we can hasten matters. The parsons will dig their own graves. They will betray their God to us. They will betray anything for the sake of their miserable jobs and incomes.” – Adolf Hitler

“I have seen the New Man! He is living amongst us now!…” [Note: The New Man and the Superman/Ubermensch that Hitler often referred to (although somewhat inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche and Richard Wagner) was after his face-to-face contact with Lucifer.

“The Nazis were obsessed with the original Aryan race known as the Annunaki.”

As for some of the Christian “Nazis” of Germany at the time, they complained about the “exaggerated depiction of Christ on the cross.”

As for other Christian views on Hitler:

“Christians of all kinds were deceived by Hitler, at least initially. The liberals, however, who were “tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine” found themselves particularly vulnerable to the vortex of the Nazi whirlwind. Even when Hitler’s agenda finally became clear, they were not willing to suffer for a gospel that they had long since abandoned. They were more interested in the miracles of a revived Germany than in the miracles on the pages of the New Testament. Salvation in this world was more important than salvation in an unseen life to come.”

“[Hitler’s] plan, as it would later be unveiled, called for the obliteration of the church. In the end, he wanted to transform the church so thoroughly that every vestige of Christianity would be smashed. There was not enough room in the church for both the Cross and the swastika. As he himself mused, “One god must dominate the other.”

No, not all of the Nazis were Satanists, but many were. What does all of the above have to do with Satanism unless specified? Hitler knew the truth about the “Chosen of God” and he was going to snuff the flames of ALL forms of Christianity on the entire planet? Is this not of Father Satan’s work? Also, pre-Wiccan pre-Christian Pagan religions have the umbrella term of Satanism. Many of these quotes were from a Christian website citing a book called “The Twisted Cross.” Can’t remember the first name, but Lutzer was the last name.

Hope that at least helped a little and hopefully my sermons to come, regarding this subject matter will also be of help.
