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Homosexuality in the Third Reich: The Truth about Pink Triangles

Question on Pink Triangles:

Now, I do know for sure Hitler is very Third Sex friendly and so on. And he even wrote it in Mein Kampf.

What I do not quite understand and lack knowledge of is the Pink Triangle. I did read your sermons Hitler and the Pope Pius XII all of the Parts.
[The Nazi War Against Christianity Part One: The Myth of a “Christian” Nazi Germany
The Nazi War Against Christianity Part Two: Hitler and the Pope
The Nazi War Against Christianity Part Three: More Information About Hitler and the Pope]
Can you explain it more? Like what was the purpose or agenda behind the Pink Triangle? Was it Hitler that made them wear it? I feel I have missed something. And If you can give a brief explanation on Hitler and Homosexuality.


I refuse to use the gifted and upstanding, rightful term–“the Third Sex–for the criminals who happened to be homosexuals that were sent to prison or concentration [labor] camps and were given the pink triangle badge or tattoo. These people were not law-abiding Third Sex individuals; they were criminals, and homosexuals who Jewish and Jewish-friendly, Communist “gay rights/liberation” leaders had organized AGAINST the Third Reich, both before and during World War II.

One time, before I found out that Adolf Hitler is the Antichrist and that he never committed suicide and that he never died, I had asked Satan to send the spirit, or even the “essence” of Hitler so he could give me some guidance in this area. Well, in just a few minutes, Hitler showed up in his astrally-projected form, but he certainly wasn’t a ghost, or merely a spirit.

He wasn’t alone. He was accompanied by other Nazis and Third Reich Leaders who HAD been killed or had passed on. I asked him about his stance on homosexuality because Demons have told me that it wasn’t nearly as big of an issue in Nazi Germany as their enemies have made it out to be to the point of making the third sex appear to be “victims” of the Third Reich.

Hitler told me that he never once cared about a person’s sexual preference because all that mattered to him was their ability to be good National Socialists, and in the case of homosexuals, what mattered wasn’t whether they were able to provide children and start families, but to be Aryan Leaders. This is when he confirmed that the killing of the infamous brutality-loving gay Nazi thug–Ernst Rohm–who had abused his position of power, had nothing to do with his private life, but for the fact that Rohm was a traitor who was conspiring against Hitler. However, since the “Rohm purge,” the German penal code that criminalized homosexuality long before the Nazis came to power–Paragraph 175–was used to put Rohm’s fellow traitors in concentration camps where they belonged. Hitler told me that sexual preference had nothing to do with it, but they kept Paragraph 175 on the books also for the rabid pedophilia problem, as well as to put away Christian priests.

I forget what all of the different Paragraphs that deal with sexuality are for, but it wasn’t just the “anti-gay” Paragraph 175 that gave the pink triangle to homosexual CRIMINALS, [not normal Third Sex people], but it was also Paragraphs 174, 176, and 183 that sealed the fate of the criminal with the pink triangle.

However, as Hitler explained, the Third Reich wasn’t Christian or Muslim and that it is of the enemy to be against homosexuality or the Third Sex. He indicated that his modern followers who tend to hate the Third Sex will have be be re-educated because anti-Third Sex sentiments tie into ubiquitous Christian [etc.] energies, and that this cannot be tolerated.

Then, after Hitler left, my heart almost stopped when Heinrich Himmler–a Satanist like Hitler–but who was also considered to be the Third Reich’s “most homophobic Leader” came to me, but unlike Hitler who is very much alive, Himmler was in spirit form.

Since I wanted to know why he has been accused of being so strongly against the Third Sex, he explained that after World War I, during the Weimar Republic, the Jews were pushing non-reproductive sex and intercourse at every turn so as to create a climate where people didn’t find the replenishing of Germany’s war dead to be any kind of priority, but instead, hedonistic and selfish lifestyles and abortions were presented as the ideal. Himmler said that he knew that order needed to be restored, and that it was assholes like Ernst Rohm and his hundreds of thousands of men of his homosexual and bisexual army needed to be dealt with–not for homosexuality, but for their abuse of their positions of power.

When I asked Himmler to summarize the events that lead to some Third Sex people being sent to prison and/or concentration camps where they were given the pink triangle, he concluded with: “Marxists and the Weimar Republic.” Then our “session” was over.

As for the answer Himmler gave me about the so-called medical experiments that were performed on certain homosexuals and pink triangle inmates, he stated that THESE were criminals, not normal everyday homosexuals.

The problem is that history has been rewritten by the victors of 1945. It wasn’t even until the 1970s when the Communist Parties were able to find ways to use homosexuals for their agenda and then throw them away after they’ve served the role of “useful anti-American idiot” that they started inventing lies and myths about any kind of systematic Nazi persecution of the Third Sex.

This specific topic is actually what I am working on uncovering for everyone right now, and it will come in the form of a sermon series in multiple parts. I have so many books to read on this subject, and because of the re-writing of history, I have to put my trust in Satan, the Nazis who haven’t reincarnated yet, and in my own inner ability to retrieve knowledge of the past…from the TRUTH and not Jewish Kosher re-written anti-Nazi biased conspiracies that have turned most White Aryan Nazis since George Lincoln Rockwell’s time against the Third Sex and against homosexuality. All I can do is the best I can, but I will not disappoint. Thank you for your interest in the subject!


High Priest Jake Carlson
