Does the Ancient knowledge of Twin Soul refer to Hermanphrodites also?
Yes, it does.
HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:
There are few hermaphrodites through birth, but there are some. My partner knew a guy who was born with both male and female organs. The parents were able to choose “BOY” in order to overcome the so-called “disgrace.” This just goes to show that homosexual men, women, and bisexual people do NOT get to choose their orientation anymore than heterosexuals, let alone, people who are born as hermaphrodites. My partner’s friend turned out to be homo/bisexual, of course.
The Jews and their Christians and Muslims, etc, have everything messed up. Their influence has spread through the world for quite some time, now. Power meditation for all Gentiles is the key.
I forgot to mention that hermaphrodites are entitled to the same benefits as the rest of us. However, Judaic “religions” have so de-powered Gentiles into thinking that their own child is a “freak.” This is crap.