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Third Sex People Are Not Pedophiles

That’s classic Soviet method. homosexuality was banned in the USSR. And the Jewish Soviet state pushed the lie homosexuals are pedophiles. When its know by science today pedophiles have an abnormal brain development in the area which governs sexual attraction. They are a psychiatric illness. The brains of homosexuals where found to not have this and where identical to heterosexuals.

This is what the Jews do, lie, lie and lie. When they can’t use religion to oppress homosexuality and their general enemies they will make up other bogus justifications.

As for the deal in Russia, the Jews are playing both sides literally. And homosexual people only choice is Jewish neoliberalism as alternative. Which keeps them under the enemies thumb and easy to denounce. In Russia’s case homosexuals will never get anywhere. Because they embraced the Jewish narrative from the West. They are easily perceived as foreign agents and fifth columnists of the West by the Russians’ Which creates justification for the laws against them. This is why Western Jews are funding a lot of the leftist bizarre aspects of the protest movement against Putin such as Pussy Riot is part of. They know Russians are naturally disgusted by such behaviour. Reverse psychology. That allows more support for Putin’s regime and its repressive laws.