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Role of Bisexuals in Society

HIGH PRIEST Mageson666:

I remember Jung stated most people are bisexual but very repressed about it. Looking at things in balance if known homosexuals are only 3 to maybe 5 percent of the population. I believe on the other spectrum heterosexuals are only 3-5 percent. Leaving prehaps about 90% of the population bisexual.

From hearing a interesting lecture on sexuality and the ancient Pagan world. The fellow stated that the concept of sexual orientation with rigid lines as it is today. Did not exist then.

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

As High Priest Mageson stated about how the majority of society is repressed bisexual, this is the case. The Jew fears the Gentile waking up to their true sexual nature. At the current time, we humans can only comprehend a minute fraction of the spiritual power of sexuality.

I personally feel that bisexuals, too, are “walkers between the worlds.” I feel that they are mediators to both the heterosexual and homosexual worlds.

I will do more research into the specific role of bisexuals. Don’t forget that some people have a further leaning either towards the heterosexual or homosexual sides of themselves. Balance brings harmony. Bisexuals also have a more fluid current of sexuality, as opposed to the majority of people [including myself] who are one or the other.

When one is attracted to both genders, it is rarely a “phase” or “transitional period.” There is nothing wrong about bisexuality, nor is it an imbalance or confusion. Bisexuals are bisexuals. Hence the “B” in the GLBT.

I’m not trying to start a heated debate or cause tension with anyone. However, it must be noted that most of Satan’s Demons have feelings for both genders.

My partner had a friend who was born as both genders, with male and female parts, and they had feelings for both sexes growing up, and as an adult. The parents changed him/her as a baby to only be male. This didn’t change anything, nor was he confused. S/he knew what s/he wanted. Hardly an “imbalance.”

P.S. I have a book about the roles of homosexuality in civilization and it presents bisexuals as being just as balanced as homosexuals and heterosexuals. I will be using this book to elaborate on Nature’s roles for bisexuals.

The majority of this planet is REPRESSED bisexual. Not THAT is confusion that is caused by the Jews and Christianity, Islam, and everything that the enemy creeds have influenced.

I have never been sexually aroused from the opposite sex, and I am balanced this way, but likewise, those who are attracted to both genders are just as legitimate. Gentiles have always had major hang-ups with, and an obsession with their sexuality and the sexuality of others. The Jewish people and their tool called Christianity are to “thank” for this bullshit.

Satan is totally okay with bisexuality, along with the other “G,” “L,” and “T.” There are many bisexual members in this group. In fact, many of Satan’s Demons have bisexual feelings. The majority of the world’s population is repressed bisexual. This can vary among the human species, as to how much homosexuality each bisexual person has, but bisexuality will always remain the majority, just like it has done in all of Gentile Pagan society and civilization. Likewise, there is nothing at all wrong with exclusive homosexual or heterosexual attraction and behavior.

Venus is the planet that Satan himself represents. Saturn is a malefic planet (in it’s lower “octave”). The God Azazel can help through the rough times of Saturn, as Azazel’s planet is Saturn. Azazel stresses consistent meditation and self-improvement. Saturn’s higher “octave” provides the fruits of such determination and effort. Since Azazel is a God who shows us that we should never turn the other cheek, you will also find that Saturn is helpful, Satanically, in magickal workings for black magick.

Source: topic of GBLT group: