High Priest Mageson666:
Marriage has a specific function in society and needs to be restored to its divine state. A ritual bond, between those of identical, meta-genic archetype to produce the next generation of the Race. And perserve and carry on the divine order of life. In joy and strenght. It brings the duties of a householder.
Its not suppose to be something people just do so they can have a state contracted life, pal.
The primordal world of Tradition is very different from this liberal bourgeois one. Not everyone was supposed to be married. And those married also had open concubines and not always women either. Also of the same sex. Hence a person who is of such spiritual polarity could still marry the opposite sex, produce children together and have an open live in relationship with lovers of the same sex. And be friends with their spouse.
Each person has a role in life based on their personal spiritual nature or Dharma. Sex was in three area’s. Sex for procreation, sex for pleasure and sex for spiritual advancement. For procreation it was done within marriage. A child needs a father and a mother to role model archetypes from.
Dharma calls us to its meaning of duty. Nature does not deal in the liberal politics of egalitarian, resentment.
[Note: Economic benefits should be extended to non-hetero others and dependents, after a style of common law status has been obtained. Buts thats it.]
Originally people where part of social classes based on meta-genic patterning. Which brings the appoarch to marriage from the point of a sense of duty to that specific class to maintain its meta-genic purity.
So they would pare a couple or group [polygamy] based on birthchart astrology soul patterns. Together with the duty to produce children to prepetuate the group as part of their natural obligation as part of their class. Marriage was a production assigned job. Not so much for romanitc purposes.
This is why women where allowed to also have lovers from within the family of the husband. Because it did not interfer with genetic purity. But sexual relations with men outside their class[ lower then their’s] klan/race did. Making them outside the bounds of marriage. Which is a nod to telegenic beliefs. Dealing with the transmission of what they understood to be the metagenic body.
The monastic Temple communites in many cases the men and women took each other as Tantric companions/lovers. Homosexual pairs or heterosexual pairs. And as stated within marriages homosexual concubines where normal along with the spouses they where married to, to produce the next generation.
In Europe they had groups of women selected ingenerationally from among the best of the females by strict tests who where married off to a single male selected likewise. Who’s sole purpose was to breed as many strong children as possible. Who would be raised in the upper ruling classes. It was noted outside of that lesbianism was common for the women.
I note the “America, Liberty, And The Enemy.” Article really spazed the jooz out, along with my recent observations on the “gay life style” being jewish crap along with “gay marriage” being confused liberal nonsense [outside economic status]. And and the entire gay rights deal being jewish cultural marxist- ultra left trojan horse.
Made the jews spaz into orbit.
This gets at the major programs they are pushing right now in the Western world. Under the freedumb, tolerance, equality, universal egalitarianism, buttpluggery. Because its slop for people who like to use their heads as personal buttplugs crammed up their own ass all the day long. The jews have never believed a word of this shit think they pile on the Goyium. They know they created it to break us down with. Thats why the jooz state of pissisreal has the polar opposite system to this crap they push in our societies.
I note the gay marriage, deal sent them into spaz city. Because it dismantles a major angle they play [which has taken religious tones] and puts things back into the proper context of the Eternal religion of Nature of the Dharma Tradition. In which marriage was based upon procreation along strict meta-eugenic lines. No racial mixing and within the race strict observation of meta-genic hierarchy. Which gets back into Aristocracy. Built upon Arya Dharmic Tradition.
Everything the jew has been psychotically attacking for centuries in their race war on Gentiles. The kikes have a strange jewdar for the truths which threaten their bullshit, shit think, programs the most.