The King of Kings:
In the ancient city-state of Sparta it was ideal for soldiers to have mature male lovers; that way they would have a mentor experienced in the art of warfare and not have children to leave behind. Since each lover would not want to shame their beloved in battle, they fought harder.
In Greek myth, Zeus abducted the young man Ganymede for sexual conquest, and later granted him eternal youth and a promotion to cup-bearer of the Gods. Hera, jealous and desiring her husband’s affection, cast Ganymede into the sky where he would become the constellation Aquarius.
In the Aeneid Nisus and Euryalus are a pair of friends and homosexuals serving under Aeneas. Their foray among the enemy, narrated in Book 9, demonstrates their stealth and prowess as warriors, but ends as a tragedy where they die together.

Julius Caesar was regarded by Gaius Scribonius Curio as, “Every woman’s man and every man’s woman.” It is related that the twenty year-old Caesar was having a sexual affair with Nicomedes IV of Bithynia while he was positioned as ambassador.
The Roman poet Virgil once admitted his infatuation for the first emperor, Augustus. Various ancient sources state that the emperor Nero celebrated two public weddings with men, and the emperor Elagabalus is reported to have been the bride in a wedding to his male partner.
The emperor Hadrian had a close and sexual relationship with the young man Antinous. The Historia Augusta describes,”During a journey on the Nile he lost Antinous, his favourite, and for this youth he wept like a woman.” Hadrian’s relationship with Antinous is compared to the legendary love between Alexander the Great and his childhood friend Hephaestion.
High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma:
Of the two people depicted, only one of them has a beard, the other looks feminine in the face.
I believe this is yet another depiction of the King and Queen. The Solar and Sixth chakras both being aligned in the same direction.

There are many identical images of the one I had to remove in ancient Greece art and that was two dudes.
The Spartan warrior aristocratic class did marry and produce children as part of their duty. The famous three hundred where also selected for all having children so if they where killed on the mission their blood lines would not end with them.
Homosexual is a term that only appeared in the 19th century and was coined into fashion by Hirschfeld the Jew who created part of the Cultural Marxist movement of where all current “Gay identity” in the Western world comes from.
Our ancestors called such people twined souled. They represented the incarnation of the 3rd logos or the 3rd sex.
See The Metaphysic’s Of Sexual Union
HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:
A lot of Third Sex/Third Nature people (known as “gay” because of the psychotic left) have been indoctrinated with a Christ-based teaching that states “no children = not natural.” While Third Sex sexuality *is* natural, with or without offspring, the psychotic left/atheistic Christianity fills in the rest of the indoctrination by doing everything they (the Jews) can to scare Third Sexers away from having children. NEITHER indoctrination is correct, and like the Jews who are working both the liberal and the iliberal sides, they serve the same outcome, but from (seemingly) opposing factions.
The fact of the matter is that Third Sex individuals CAN have children, as High Priest Don stated, but since it doesn’t happen when forced, it happens when natural, and Third Sexers, like non-Third Sexers (“heterosexual” people), also have survival instincts that can kick into survival gear. Think of it as a “fight or flight” response that deals with the continuation of humanity. This happens with asexual creatures as well.
The point I am making is that the Jews have given us the lie that we cannot have children under any circumstance from one opposing end, while the other opposing end, controlled by other Jews is that ANYONE who doesn’t have children is “unnatural.”
My partner and I are not having kids and we are not “unnatural.” Some non-Third Sexers choose not to have children as well, for reasons of their own. What I’m saying is that when it’s just survival instincts that kick in and NOT irritating people trying to force you to do “your duty”, a Third Sexer is just as capable of having offspring as a heterosexual.
As for unwanted marriages go, Christianity teaches men and women-ONLY, and this leads to unfulfilling, undesirable marriages of conveniences/necessity. The Jewish goal behind such “heterosexual”-syled marriages for Third Sex individuals is to divide and conquer the sexes, turning man against woman and woman against man, while ruining individual self-worth of both parties in the process.
Christianity, with delusional Christians claiming their “religion” to be “supernatural,” are the biggest usurpers of Nature’s Kingdom. While the Jewish “Gay Identity” labels such as “gay” and “homosexual,” (conversely “straight” and “heterosexual” for non-Third Sexers) need to go, so do perpetuators of Christian principles. Like Saul of Tarsus, the Jews are the instigators of Christianity behind the curtains.
The gods aproved of homosexuality here are some myth:
Apollo & Hyacinth (Greek) – Apollo, a god of music, dance, healing and inspiration, is known for taking male lovers, most notably Hyacinth. Hyacinth was mortally wounded. Unable to save his beloved, Apollo created the Hyacinth flower from his blood. Hyacinth later became a divine patron to those pursuing same sex love.
Artemis (Greek) – Artemis is the huntress, the goddess of the Moon and the protector of women and children. Artemis rejects traditional roles, such as marriage, and feels kinship to those beyond traditional roles. Her festivals included same sex worship from men and women.
Astarte (Phoenician/Canaanite) – Astarte is a manifestation of the Great Mother, sometimes depicted as a hermaphrodite. Astarte’s temples were served by the kelabim, a gay male priest caste.
Chin (Mayan) – Chin, a small child or dwarf god, introduced homoerotic relationships to the Mayan nobles. The nobles obtained youths of the lower classes to be the lovers of the noble’s sons. Such unions were considered legal marriages under Mayan law.
Dionysus (Greek) – As a god of wine, madness, poetry and love, Dionysus is depicted as soft and feminine, yet virile and strong. He wore women’s clothing to hide from his stepmother’s wrath. Dionysus became lovers with the gods Adonis and Hermaphrodite.
Eros, Hermes & Hercules (Greek) – Eros, Hermes and Hercules granted blessings upon male couples, the gifts of loyalty, eloquence and strength, respectively. Eros was called upon by warrior-lovers before a fight, because the ancient Greeks believed victory is often achieved because of the love between men.
Ganesha (Hindu) – Most popularly depicted as a four armed, plump man with an elephant’s head, Ganesha is the breaker of obstacles and linked to homoerotic worship involving anal sex. Ganesha is mixed in terms of sexuality, masculine in gender, but soft, tender and portrayed with breasts.
Odin (Norse) – Viewed as the all father and creator, Odin would often disguise himself as a woman. His relationship with his blood brother, Loki, had homoerotic overtones, and he studied the feminine mysteries of the goddess Freya.
Pan (Greek) The goat god of music and nature, depicted with panpipes, erect penis and chasing after maidens and men, particularly shepherds.
Set & Horus (Egyptian) – Horus, the divine child, was in constant conflict with his uncle Set, but one story survives of oral intercourse between Set and Horus, and Set ultimately gives birth to Horus’ child. Gay priests served Horus’ mother, the goddess Isis, in ancient Egypt.
Zeus (Greek) – Zeus is a sky god and well known for his sexual liaisons, including his male cupbearer Ganymede. In ancient material, he is transgendered as Zeus Arrhenothelus, both mother and father.