So I was on an imageboard last night and came upon a thread where the original poster says, “Reminder that true Asatru does not accept homosexuality. And if you call yourself an Asatruar and are okay with gays, then you’re doing it wrong.” Obviously he is stupid and doesn’t know anything about how homosexuality wasn’t persecuted in the ancient world. I’m not very well versed in Norse mythology so I’m kind of hoping somebody who IS, to help and show these people the truth.
High Priest Mageson666:
I read this, the text used for this is Tacitus’s Germania. The Church Fathers destroyed the ancient civilization and bragged about this fact. What they didn’t totally destroy they ruined much of by editing it to make it conform towards Christianity. The Edda’s where penned by a Xian monk and had alterations put into them to Christianised them. This is how the propaganda goes you can note this with the changing of the Pagan culture by taking Pagan Deities and turning them into saints and Devils. And grafting the previous culture into the Christian program. Its subversion by synthesis.
A very revealing statement was made to the fact the early Christian Church edited the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers:
As Christian monotheism took hold of Western civilization basic paradigm, it carried foth and incorporated ancient Greek science into its mix of world knowledge. Thomas Aquinas and Albertus Magnus MODIFIED and adapted Grecian scientific philosophy to accommodate and support the tenets of Christian scripture. In this supportive capacity, sicne obediently took its place as the Church’s handmaiden.-Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., and Steve Bhaerman, `Spontaneous Evolution’
Understanding the universial ancient Aryan Tradition was from Europe to the Far East. You can see the third sex where not treated in this manner. Hence this is Xian adulteration. Its that simple. I came from Asatru its very corrupted and full of Abrahamic thinking. And never goes anywhere its always at square one. In the North they had heart friends in which where same sex lovers they formed life bonds with. There might have been exclusive warrior societies for male homosexuals as well. But these types would have you believe that everyone was straight in the indo-European world till they got to the eastern parts and southern parts and some magical force started turning people gay. Its well known lesbianism was openly practiced by female groups in the North as well. You can see Aryan Hellas was openly practicing homosexuality and bisexual practices as well its right in the ancient art that has been found. Dudes doing dudes on it. Right in the bible Paul complains about converts to xianity going back to the Pagan temples to practice homosexual sex rites. Dionysus is shown as bisexual and so is the same God in the East, Thor is shown dressed as a woman to denote third sex metaphysic’s of the union of male and female aspects of the soul. It was a common practice for men to dress as women in the Pagan Mystery rites to show this. Plato was homosexual as he is a humanized mystery God the Platonist school was originally of Zeus. Plato is the incarnation of the divine union of the God of wisdom and a human women its the Mystery teachings of the Pagans. Its homosexuality is another way to show the third sex the inner union of the soul.
Dionysus is the incarnation of Zeus and thus Zeus in the microcosm. The archetypical Aryan God.
Exclusive homosexual warrior cults existed in the Pagan Aryan world as well. This is well documented. Skanada who the Greeks noted as Dionysus was a Homosexual God in many cults and other cases bisexual. As known Bacchus [Dionysus] is the universal Aryan God. He was known as Hu, Hyaus, Bud, Wod, Wodan, Odin in the North and across the European and Eastern Aryan world. The Army of Lovers, the Sacred Band of Thebes an elite warrior band made up of 150 male homosexual couples the ancient Pagan’s of Hellas thought so highly of them they erected a monument that still stands to their final stand they chose to die in battle rather then surrender at Chaeronea.

Above the monument erected to the warriors of Thebes who gave their lives at Chaeronea.
The famed Spartan Three Hundred gave their lives fighting for Western civilization against the Persians who while brother Arya had fallen under the rule of despotic alien religion of Zoroastrianism and its proto Pope. And given up the Eternal Aryan Dharma. The Vedic path of spirit. Many of the Spartans where well known for being lovers as well as comrades. Most chose to live with their comrades rather then their wives.
“Skanda [Dionysus] He is the protector of Homosexuals who are consider privileged and beneficial beings.” Alain Danielou: Yoga.
Primordial Buddhism the universal Aryan Tradition:
The Metaphysic’s of Union
Third sex people will and have always existed its the will of the divine pattern of existence, the force men called god is the union of three natures of guna’s in the Pagan Aryan cosmology. Hence the third sex person was viewed as the symbolic incarnation of the Deity, the logos. This is the core metaphysical doctrine of the Aryan’s its contained in the sacred OM glyph that denotes the supreme Aryan God to speak AUM is to invoke the God.
Why would they turn around and then trash all this in the Northern part of the Aryan culture? It would be a rejection of all that is sacred to the Aryan People. They didn’t its bullshit.
In one of the most ancient Aryan tales the Iliad its central hero Achilles is bisexual.
![[image - Priam approaches Achilles to beg for the return of Hector's body. Whom Achilles enraged over the death of his lover Patroclus by Hector. Killed Hector in revenge and dragged his body around the walls of Troy by his chariot. Of course Jew Hollywood tries to rewrite Patroclus as Achilles cousin not lover. Alexander The Great spent the night at the tomb of his hero Achilles before the start of his main campaign into the Persian Empire.]](wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Dos-Veadinhos-e-dos-Homens.jpg)
The Sacred Role Of Homosexuality
In the earliest form of the mysteries, Homosexuality is used to express this metaphysical science quite notably. Even on the temple walls.
Homosexuality was considered the third sex in the ancient world. The Kama Sutra makes statements according to this. There are also homosexual acts depicted on the temple walls that relate to maithuna in the cosmological sense.
Originally the metaphysics of sex is based upon the inner union of the soul into the sacred androgynous or third sexed principal. Heterosexuality was not important on this level. Unlike the fake religion of Christianity and its Jewish root. Who make heterosexual sex, sacred only based on the profane, material procreation of children even then done horribly in violation of all sacred, spiritual laws and thus becomes profane. Procreation of children in the Pagan Tradition was done according to proper metagenic laws, astrological timing and spiritual rituals for the auspicious creation of a spiritual child. Such required knowledge is called practicing Satanism by Judeo-Christianity. The heterosexual variation of maithuna is contained in the remnant of the marriage ritual [taken from the Pagan world]. But is so debased by Christianity its lost its metaphysical principal. Marriages where as part of such arranged by metagenic law including astrological charts.
As a note the unedited Kama Sutra has whole sections devoted to homosexual love and sex. It also mentions homosexual marriage as part of the Primordial tradition. It existed until the Jewish programs destroyed it.
The Templars who practice the primordial tradition [Satanism] chose to depict two male knights upon a single horse to show this principal. This is linked to why the oldest mysteries that of Siva are consider to be Homosexual in nature this is allegorical. Homosexuality is two of the same physical sex but together show the metaphysical polarity within the soul coming together into the same physical being. The homosexual is the third sex all of this together shows the androgyne.
Skanda. [my note Siva] He is the protector of Homosexuals who are considered privileged and beneficial beings.” Alain Danielou
The horse is the symbol of the serpent power as well. Not the church chose the image of the Templars to accuse them of homosexuality.
So all of this shows the androgynous principal. As such sexual union does not create people and is based on the third sex. It exalts the highest metaphysical principal of maithuna. By attacking homosexuality the Jews [the core of Abrahamic programs that are the reason homosexuality is hated] are attacking the core knowledge of maithuna and the Godhead. This principal was always shown as sexual union. Another example the reborn God is always bisexual. For this purpose the union of opposites. Transsexualism was also sacred as it was considered along with homosexuality the third sex. Which embodies the cosmology of the divine.
Its always the Abrahamic religion that make being third sex into something evil and orders Third sex people to be killed.
Just because the jooz are trying to use and then lose the current Gay Rights Movement does not remove the truth of Third Sex People. Third Sex People have always stood at the center of Aryan Civilization and Tradition and have lived and even died as honorable beings in battle to uphold the Arya path of spirit, our Aryan way of life so our Race could live in freedom. Just because some Whites who are Third Sex have been duped by the enemy agenda into supported joozish, social Marxism. Along with thousands of heterosexual Whites does not remove this.
Of Pinko Fags and Men
As High Priest Carlson showed homosexuality only became a crime with the Jews started to gain political power in Rome and its the same law across all the Abrahamic programs theistic and atheistic:
Christianity, Communism, and Homosexuality
While the author of these notes uses the term “homophobia,” which I don’t agree with, these notes are quite revealing. They prove similarities between both ancient and modern views towards homosexuality of the Christian and Marxist creeds, and how Christianity and Communism are one and the same.
1) Homosexuality in Christian “History:”
Homosexuality In Classical Antiquity : In 342 (Codex Theodosianus, 9, 7, 3,) the first law was enacted in Milan regarding passive homosexuals. Harsher penalties were introduced by Theodosius I in a law addressed to the prefect of Rome in 390, with execution by burning (…). This law was inserted in the Theodosian Code of 438 (9, 7, 6), but substantially modified and with a wider scope. The new compilation condemned to burning all passive homosexuals without distinction. With the Emperor Justinian the legislation was broadened; every kind of homosexuality was repeatedly condemned with the death penalty”.
From Wikipedia: “Justinian’s law code then served as the basis for most European countries’ laws against homosexuals for the next 1400 years. Homosexual behavior, called sodomy, was considered a capital crime, and thousands of homosexual men were executed across Europe during waves of persecution in these centuries.”
2) Homosexuality in Communism:
From Wikipedia:
“Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels both to some level expressed homophobia in their public and private writings ”
“In the 1930s under Joseph Stalin, homosexuality and abortion were recriminalised in the nation. Article 121 explicitly criminalised male same-sex intercourse and with five years of hard prison labor as a penalty(…) Homosexuals were sometimes denied membership or expelled from communist parties across the globe during the 20th Century, as most communist parties followed the social precedents set by the USSR. Today, however, nearly all communist parties accept homosexuals and support the LGBT rights movement.
Homosexuality was decriminalized in China in 1997 and was removed as a mental illness in 2002”
3) My Notes:
Christianity is doing the same thing that Communism is doing with homosexuality. It is trying to appear more and more “progressive,” while other Christians bitch and complain about the “subversion” of Christianity. While it is true that the inner Catholic Church has been ripe with homosexuality for quite some time, that doesn’t make Christianity friendly to homosexuals OR heterosexuals, as for heterosexuals who are not Mormon Christians, but some other branch of Christianity, Christianity is like a birth control pill, as it seizes both homosexuals and heterosexuals with fear of eternal damnation over sex and masturbation. Then, for the children, an indoctrination of an odious lie is introduced that claims that we were “born into sin.”
Despite what I said about there being homosexuality in the Catholic Church, make no mistake, Christianity from its inception has discouraged any sex for pleasure between consenting adults, punishing homosexuals and heterosexuals with death, while child rapists go free. This is in the Jewish Talmud where consenting adult sexuality is to be punished with death, but Jewish men or women who seduce young Gentile children are held in high regards.
As for homosexuality enjoying a greater “tolerance” in both Christianity and Communism, these programs are changing with the times, as both of them need more useful idiots, and Christianity is weakening so badly that one’s sexual preference doesn’t matter as much as it did before. Adolf Hitler never persecuted homosexuals who were loyal to him, but the Jews see to it that he gets the blame for how Josef Stalin treated homosexuals. Under Stalin, “incurable” homosexuals who cannot breed, but are still creative in other ways, were sent to the most horrific mental institutions for the criminally insane. Stalin certainly had Christian Values, while Hitler couldn’t have cared less about one’s sexual preference, provided that the individual was a good National Socialist. That is hardly Christian.
“American Newspapers claim that Stalin has been preordained to save Christianity.” — from the Goebbels Diaries
4) A message for new people who come to Satanism confused about sexual preferences
Unlike the corrupt Right-hand Path religions of the world, Satanism encourages both homosexuality and heterosexuality, as long as it doesn’t involve race-mixing, and that this sexual freedom isn’t abused by using it in illegal ways. Satan doesn’t care about which gender you’re attracted to. Satan only cares if you’re a good Satanist/National Socialist. It’s as easy as that.
Informative Link: