by High Priest Mageson 666: Lies In Cornelius Tacitus’ “Germania” Concerning GLBT People
Cornelius Tacitus’ famous work Germania, makes mention that homosexuals were put to death in the Pagan Germanic world. This upon a closer look is false. I address this issue because the neopagans manual is Tacitus in certain circles and Tacitus has been used to condemn us many times.
One thing to understand is why did Tacitus’ work just survive the christian culture destruction of millions of important works? Two things when examining any historical work- you have to look at who’s hands it’s gone though. Any work that survived the christian destruction has had two thing in common.
1) They corrupted it to fit there lie.
2) They corrupted it a lot to fit there lie.
This is why we all know about Plato and that wing of Greek philosophy because the intelligence wing of the christian program found a dogmatic platform for their propaganda for those with higher intelligence. So it was corrupted into christian apologetics pretending to be philosophy. Nietzsche condemned Augustine for his perversion of true philosophy which is Satanic. The Gods only know now what Greek philosophy really was before the christians latched onto it. Out of thousands of philosophy schools in the ancient world and we only know of a few, and not in original form.
In the ancient Aryan world which was populated by a common race which shared a common culture, blood and racial psyche, and you can see this if you study them across the board. We can see that in the Pagan world, homosexuality was common in the upper classes to the point it was considered elitist and heterosexuality to be the mark of the commoner, Priesthoods also part of the elite had regular homosexual sexual rites that took place in the Satanic (Pagan) temples. If you read the new testament you will see that the jew Saul of Tarsus (Tarsus was a major hub of Paganism- it was kind of an Oxford of the Empire), he condemns the new converts for returning to the Pagan temples to take place in homosexual pagan sexual rites. If all gays where swinging from trees, like the enemy “Pagans” say, then, why were there so many homo/bisexuals forming the block of the ruling classes and taking place in open homosexual rites?
This nonsense to work depends on the lie that the Aryan world was separated off from each other, which it was not at all. In fact, the ancient world was more global then taught by the jewish lies today.
The Druid Naddred’s who where the common elite who ruled the Germanic world- the Celtic is the Germanic. It just seems that much of the view of the two is based on the romantic period of Nationalism of the 19th century where each European nation became it’s own race, and due to the tension between England and Germany, the English decided to become all “Celtic”- not Germanic. The problem is that Celtic is a Latin word for stranger people. Nothing more. In reality, the “Celtic’s” were Teutons. Their culture, blood and way of life was identical to the Germanic because that is what they were. Germanic’s below the Rhine, just as the Doric’s who formed more of what is know as classic Greece where migrating Germanic tribes, just as the Osgoths, Angles, Saxons and Vandals later were. Let us call the Greeks southern-most Germans originally. So we can see the Greek shows us the Germanic.
Now why would things just change in the upper part of the Germanic world which was identical to the rest? Because a christian said so? It’s a lie the jews have been trying to use- any lie to justify our pushing down simply because we are a threat to them on many levels. Perhaps the fact that the ruling elites of the Satanic world where GLBT to the extreme has something to do with that.
The jews always work to destroy the natural ruling elite of the Gentile races, and replace it with themselves and psychopathic shabbos goyims. Look at communism alone.
The other lie is (which is pushed in Tacitus’ Germania) is our ancestors lived like dogs in mud huts outside the Roman world. This is also a lie. If you study, you will find the Aryan civilization of N/West Europe. It literally outdoes the Roman Empire at it’s height, in higher civilization. Ireland (Aryan) had a Naddred temple complex that housed sixty thousand students. Why is it not there now? Because the catholic church spent two centuries terraforming Ireland into the dark age. They pulled it all down and recycled the stones into other smaller, more primitive buildings. What do you think they did to the rest of Europe? Some of the cities of N/W Europe were level with Babylon at it’s height. Why would a race that created the greatest cities in the NE and Eastern part of the ancient world just decide to live like savages in another? Once again it depends on the jewish lies that our race only existed in a divided up Europe, where the Germanic Aryans who built Greece just decided to live in mud huts in Germania.
This helps them push the lie that the christian church created civilization (they destroyed it) and our ancestors were all savages who could not even read (despite the runic alphabet) before them. It should also be noted the Roman Empire by Tacitus’ day was as jew infested and controlled as America is today. I have watched jews brag about how they brought down the Roman Empire.
May neopagans are quick to agree with Tacitus’ book without looking deeper because it justifies their christian bias against homosexuality. They deny this reality but most atheist, neopagan or others are still subconsciously christian. You do not exist in a society based on a total christian paradigm secularized or other, and not be effected on the subconscious level. Anyone who disagrees does not understand how the mind works.
Most neopagans don’t work on the inner journey of Enlightenment of their soul (in fact, some of them don’t even think they have one) and have the cleaning out of the psyche we as Satanists do. They think just leaving the christian church undoes a lifetime of programming. Pretending the full trash can is not there does not mean it is gone. That is what the condition of the average human psyche has become as, under this paradigm.
The major difference between Satanists and neopagans is this: We exist as the original, pure Pagan paradigm existed free of the jewish corruption.
The neopagan exists in the opposite. They are another blend of the judaized paradigm. They are closer to the cross than the Oak.