[image-Priam approaches Achilles to beg for the return of Hector’s body. Whom Achilles enraged over the death of his lover Patroclus by Hector. Killed Hector in revenge and dragged his body around the walls of Troy by his chariot. Of course Jew Hollywood tries to rewrite Patroclus as Achilles cousin not lover. Alexander The Great spent the night at the tomb of his hero Achilles before the start of his main campaign into the Persian Empire.]
Its time to be serious. Gay has always been an old English word for sexual deviant. Heterosexual’s are called straights as they are not deviant in juedo-xian, social view. Walking the straight and narrow. Crooks have gone straight. Its the same as being called a Fag.
Danielou was a Traditionalist scholar who lived in India for years and taught as a professor at an India university.
As I mentioned Skanda is actually Siva our God in the primordial form.
“Skanda. He is the protector of Homosexuals who are consider privileged and beneficial beings.” Alain Danielou: Yoga.
Skanda in his image of the leader of the Divine armies was the God of elite orders of Homosexual warriors as well.
Sex life in the Primordial world is noted below.
“The Complete Kama Sutra”
The First Unabridged Modern Translation of the Classic Indian Text
By Alain Danielou
“The Complete Kama Sutra deals without ambiguity or hypocrisy with all aspects of sexual life—including marriage, adultery, prostitution, group sex, male and female homosexuality, and transvestism. The text paints a fascinating portrait of an India whose openness to sexuality gave rise to a highly developed expression of the erotic.”
(The Complete Kama Sutra, back cover)
We can note here non-heterosexuality was normal and actually had a special role in society.
Hence the Gay culture [even the name is built on a Jewish view of us] and identity is a social construction created by our enemies to entrap us. So the Judeo-Xian right does not like us because they follow theistic Jewish-xianity. Well the left side of the same paradigm which is secularized Jewish=xianiy, is not any better. Oh yes as long as we act tame and domesticated and bow before their wooden secularized God of universal radical egalitarianism. And dance around in pink and make asses out of ourselves for their amusement, its ok. After all we are just equal [equally worthless] and want a society based on the secularized norms of Christianity. Of which the Liberal Left is xianity without the Christ. Heck we even go to liberal churches and pray to a Jewish monster that hates us for our nobility. And read and worship the book of the Jews that is the origin of the hatred against us. And the cause of the problems in society and the world.
How did we go from this:

The Sacred Band of Thebes whom where comprised of 150 couples of male lovers and where instrumental in the defeat of the Spartan Army at the battle of Leuctra. They fought against the forces of Philip II of Macedon at the battle of Chaeronea. When the army broke during the battle only the Sacred Band refused to retreat. They fought so well Philip offered them surrender with honour. But they chose to fight to the death as honourable sons and warriors of Thebes.

Above the monument erected to the warriors of Thebes who gave their lives at Chaeronea.
And from there sink to this worthless level:

The liberals snicker at us behind our backs with the Jews who stated they would use non-heterosexual people as cultural Marxist dupes to Communize the West and help to demoralize, destabilize and to conqueror us all. Once this is done they will as in the past and by their statements liquidate the usefool idiots such as non-heterosexual movements they created and entrapped with a false identity based on their cultural Marxist-liberalized norms. Even the Gay culture they created as a entrapment is laced with their hatred and fear of us all. Pretending to be your pal while they humiliate you to the public and make it almost impossible to be seen anything but what their Xian and communist controlled branches stated about us. Abnormal, sinning freaks and mentally ill weirdo’s who need a psyche ward. But hey keep doing their dirty work and carry kosher water for them. They made homosexuality the death penalty in their USSR. Just as their Torah and Noahide laws state it is to be for Gentile homosexuals.
Much of this behaviour is based on the externalized expression of deeply conditioned self hatred by the enemy. Which dictates norms to us so that we can not exist in anything of society other then a pinko, freak show. In the Primordial world we where the elites of the aristocratic and the Priest/philosopher classes. We marched with Alexander from Greece to India and defended the West at the Battle of Thermopylae. We have upheld Aryan culture and been its guardians for millennium’s. We have unique souls and our rightful place is within this what we today call Spiritual Satanism.

Dionysian procession. Dionysius who was always depicted as bi-sexual. Would you rather be part of this sacred tradition or the degenerate Marxist-cult of secularized xianity and depraved self hatred and destruction? Can’t you see the sacred role we held in the past. Why do you think the Jews hate us so much?
Even today many of us are found in the arts as this comes from a deep spiritual awareness. Its no mistake the sacred mysteries where always transmitted via theatre of which the sacred knowledge was given and people reminded of their divine heritage and destiny. This tradition was key to the primordial Tradition and is still seen in the East. Our role is as keepers,transmitters and defenders of the sacred. Its not a mistake even in Xian times our types for so small in number always appeared in the aristocratic and cultured classes. One way or another if its DaVinci [a spiritual master as well] or the works of Plato [who was hideous rewrote by the enemy but some remnant is intact] we have helped to keep civilization alive under the enemy attempts to destroy it.
I note the snickering of people who hate us behind our backs the liberals and Jews stop. Once any of our kind reconnects with their divine heritage and role with it. And then takes up the struggle for Western civilization. Then its fearful and fitful rage filled shrieks of: “Faggot!!!!!!”
The Jews still remember it was many of kind who helped in the fighting of the years of struggle and willing shed their blood and gave their lives fighting the Reds in the streets of Germany so that the 3rd Reich might be born. Many of these fighters where from Pagan organizations that understood the sacred role of our kind in the Traditional World and the enemies of our People, the Jew needing to be fought against. They openly sought to liberate our People from Jewish-xianity and its secularized branches of Communism and Liberalism.
They also had to fight against the Jewish fake “Gay rights movement” in the time. That was a tool of social Marxism. And was designed to humiliate our kind and classify us as mentally ill freaks of nature before the public, reinforcing the Jewish mentality and lies about us. Which is what they are doing today.
Of course the Jews will tell any lie about the Reich to us. But the fact is those in the camps with the Pink Triangle where child molesters many of them convicted Catholic Priests and Jewish Communists. Homosexuals where never persecuted in the Reich. Where if the Jewish Communist had won all homosexuality would have been made the death penality. Like in the USSR. Once again the Jews project what they do onto others.
Its time to awaken to your divine nature and role and take up the hero’s path and ascend out of the filth, self hate and confusion of this society towards us. And reclaim our rightful place. Each one of us is descended from the blood line of a God. Which our primordial culture knew and was built on. Not apes nor men, but Gods.
The Hero’s challenge of our Pagan culture was to go with the divine inheritance and strive for the Olympian and become a full God. To ascend beyond the lower material sphere to the solar.
Its dishonourable for our noble kind to aid Jewish materialism in destroying the planet. Our role is to ascend and help others ascend as divine beings.
The Jews are the ones who decided we are worthless Fags. If you aid them then you simply agree with them. And wish to be a worthless, pinko Fag.
I reject the Jewish left and right side of the same Nazarene paradigm. I march under the eternal, solar banner of our true God Satan and the divine tradition the Gods gave to us. I’am an Aryan, descended from the blood of the Gods. I shall ascend to Perfection to Olympus like the Hero’s of old and new.

– High Priest Mageson666