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Organic Roles In Society Part 2

Why do people think homo- / bisexuality is a bad thing?

Samy Abbas:

Why sister, because homosexuals were warriors in prekike times. When homosexuals get together to achieve something, there is no stopping them. Also they are in touch with the right side of there brain (the feminine side) which means they have more access to the astral. Homosexuality is NOT about a bunch of people wearing a rainbow coloured flag, dancing to music, naked in the street, no. This is a kike product. Homosexuality is a true gift.


Yes I hoped to impress upon people with that article the reason for things.

Also yes being Gay is not a social-political identity of its own as its toted as today. For as you mentioned the enemy drawing people in to a trap. By playing off the reaction to this paradigm for non-heterosexual peoples.

In the pure world a persons identity in society was based upon their unqiue psycho-physical traits and the guild or class it caused them to belong to. The class system was an open one. And a person could be born of one class but by nature freely move to another if willed. With the ideal of Priestly trainning being ideal at some point in a person indivdual evolution. At some point the whole society had a daily spiritual practice of varying degree’s with the understanding being after a certain time a person consciousness is going to shift towards finishing the Perfection process.

With this they would usually upon the fulfilment of their duties to society in their later age, enter in to more advanced trainning in the Priesthoods and temple centers. Several weeks of Temple duty was also a yearly requirement in societies as well. For spiritual education.

The Priests where the people in the image of the Golden Age humanity still. Only about two percent of society in the later ages was naturally suited to be granted the “Brahma thread” meaning joining the Priestclass from a young age by instinctual nature. What this ment was total dedication to the magnum opus [ 5 hours plus a day of yogic sadhana] and the larger subject matter of universial knowledge to be educated in.

At one point becoming twice born was a requirement to be a full member of society but we are looking at a ten thousand year slow social downward adapation. But the average person was much more advance then people today.

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

You are very knowledgeable about this! When fictitious Jewish Apostle “Paul” was Christianizing the Gentiles, he taught that homo/bisexuality [for women, too] goes against nature, when it is really just the opposite. Male-to-male equipment compliment each other just like male-to-female equipment does. Besides, a lot of heterosexuals spend a lot of time performing acts that most people attribute to homo/bisexuals, in the first place. Talk about hypocrites and peeping toms who do the same things that they condemn.

Anyways, “Paul” attacked the priestly hierarchies and shamed them, condemning them as the lowest and most vile of people, and just like the Nazarene, he promoted strict monogamy for straight people, in order to reduce the Gentile peoples’ populations. He attacked homo/bisexuals because we were a ruling elite of Gentiles who oversaw Gentile spirituality, and served as the “glue” that kept each Gentile society strong and upright.

The Jews have a thing for using their “Leviathan” to crush the serpents/kundalinis of the Gentiles, and they brag about it in the Protocols with their symbolic snake wrapped around the world of “goyim,” crushing us. In the New Jew Testament, “Paul” says that homosexuals cannot go to “heaven.” Since most of us know that “heaven,” in the Christian sense, isn’t a literal place, “heaven” and “hell” are code words for the upper and lower chakras. What the Jew “Paul” is saying is that homosexuals who are Gentiles cannot raise their kundalinis all the way.

This is bullshit, obviously. Many of the ancient priest and warrior castes were homo/bisexual, and as High Priest Mageson stated, a risen kundalini serpent was a requirement to be part of the Satanic Priesthoods. The Catholic Church is an example of what happens when one represses their homosexuality from the time they are born. Minds, bodies, and souls totally degenerate. In the ancient warrior religions that focused on the spiritual, homo/bisexuality was natural and embraced just as much as the duty of heterosexuals to keep the earth populated enough for future Gentile generations.

Nothing has changed- only people’s attitudes because of the Jewish institutions of Judeo/Christianity, Islam, and othes that are influenced by such nonsense. Whenever you see someone who “isn’t” a Christian, but is still ingrained with such biases against homo/bisexuality, it is because they have a Christian-Pagan struggle going on. When more and more of the world is free of the Jews and the Jewish yoke, there will be a mass rising of kundalini serpents, which will bring a new species of Gentiles. This is why it is so important to meditate now, as a new gnosis is a necessity for when Satan takes over the earth.

Also- High Priest Mageson is correct about how the “Gay Rights Movement” is a cruel prank on Gentile GLBT people. It is a form of Bolshevism. It claims to bring “peace,” “understanding,” “equality,” and other comforting words for lost souls, but in reality, it brings communism/ensnarement, death, and destruction, and keeps Gentiles divided over things that should no longer even be an issue. Take the rainbow flag used in Gay Pride parades, gay bars, and so on, for example. It is not a symbol of victory for GLBT people, but a symbol of defeat and demise from succumbing to the Jewish agenda. The Jews and Christianity are NOT enemies. Behind the scenes, it is the Jews who control all of their kikey productions, such as Christianity and Islam, and everything else that has been touched by, or influenced by them in some way.

As High Priest Mageson stated: “…being Gay is not a social-political identity of its own as its toted as today…”

That sums it up and drives the nail through the Judaization of the world’s current state of affairs.

Homo/bisexuals and heterosexuals must work together just like we used to before the Jews slammed the “goyim” with Christianity and such. Segregating and alienating ourselves from society cannot continue. This has never been the answer. How can we do this? We can be polite to our heterosexual counterparts [unless they do something where we shouldn’t turn the other cheek, just like anyone else], but still perform spiritual warfare for destroying Christianity, Islam, etc, and every Jewish root and branch.

P.S. I am not condemning anyone who is young and has not found any connections to other GLBT people but through Gay Pride, rainbow flags, and other Jewish traps. I’m just re-emphasizing what happens when people get hooked into that system. Many people, especially the younger people are very lost, alienated, confused, depressed, and alone. This is the same story for all of us True Satanists. We cannot reveal much to those who are without, and in some cases, we must remain “closet locked,” due to what those who are without might do. The point is to be wise. Satan is the Bringer of Light, Knowledge, and Wisdom.

In closing, in regards to the Jewish-run “Gay Rights Movement”- whenever there is a seeming success for gay marriage, just read such articles about it on Yahoo! or other places, and read the sick comments by ignorant assholes who are so fucking deluded with aggressive, as well as passive Christian “values.” Many want us dead. If they don’t want us dead, then they have the whole “love the sinner, but hate the sin.” The Jews that pretend to be our “allies” know exactly which buttons to press on Christians in order to cause a massive backlash, which is their goal, in the first place. In the end, the liberals haven’t made anymore progress than those who hate us to our face. That is because the Jews who run the “Gay Rights Movement” have placed Jewish homosexuals in key positions, not caring how many of their own have to be sacrificed, in order to produce effective lies/traps for hapless Gentiles.

All Gentiles will eventually wake up. The ones who don’t will wish they had when there was still time to. Things will be moving in our favor without the 6-rayed rainbow flags and segregating ourselves in the nooks and crannies of the suicidal deathstyle portions of society. The Golden Age of Satan is on its way.

P.P.S. The quote that I got from Satan about homosexual men guarding and protecting Gentile boundaries also includes lesbian warriors. Lesbians also have an important role to play when it comes to seership. Think of the Valkries.


This fictional character Paul was stolen from the humanized Sun God Apollonious who was in Latin called Paulus or Paul who even started His teachings in Tarus and travelled the Roman Empire spreading the good news of the Lord Apollo. Performed miracles and opposed the Roman Emperor was brought him in to conflict and arrested.etc Even the route travelled is identical.

This saga is and others before are a retelling of the saga’s of Dionysus. Who as the Hellenic people stated had a history of worship in the region going back 15,000 years in their counting. He was even worshipped on Crete. An aware person will note where else He was worshipped under different names. Sadly the surviving texts of Apollonius character where translated and scribed by one of the most destructive and evil kikes of all times the marx and rothschild of his day, Philo. And you can see this kike injected the xian-commie drivel in the tale. And in this we might see who created the jew of tarsus tale. As this was a famous and ancient tale to in the Pagan world so corrupting it would be on their list.

The kike drivel of bagel driving paul is the eternal shrieking of the evil jew,from the ancient world to karl marx and on to this every day. Abbie hoffkike or paulowitz its the same kike behaviour and agenda to divide,destroy and rule the goyium.

Yes about sexual repression and its influence on the soul and the ability to advance the soul. When one understand the vast majority of people as Jung stated are bi-sexual just deeply repressed due to xian based society it really opens a whole new door on just how far this goes against Gentiles.

I watched an interview with a former KGB agent who defected during the Cold War. He went into detail on just how [he didn’t mention jews but its obvious the jew is behind this] subvert a society into full on communism….

One thing he mentioned is once a certain level of total power is achieved and certian most important enemies are liquidated then the useful idiots are also liguidated to the last. He stated all the liberals who have been the best usefools [liberalism is covered communism-xianity] would be shoved into mass graves as part of this. This also means the GLBT movement which is part of the larger usefool idiot legion. And we can see this is exactly what happened in Russia. To the point it was made a capital crime to be GLBT.