The marriage ceremony is originally Pagan, its symbolic of Alchemy of the soul. The average European was not polygamous. It seemed to have been more for the elites class in society especially rulers.
The Indo-Aryan world marriage was specially done according to meta-genetic laws and for the creation of pure generations in the most auspicious way possible. The creation of children was timed with astrology and the couple engaged in certain rituals before hand to create the highest outcome for the creation of the child. The couples where also matched with astrology within their meta genetic standing.
A couple could be married and each person still have open lovers of whatever sex as well. Marriage was different. Procreative sex was different then other forms. For self answering reasons. They also did have gay marriage as well. But it was rare. Many times a gay person would marry a opposite sex person it seems and produce children but then spend most of their time with their gay lover who would also live within the house. Procreative norms where their own zone, but not the only one. The passing of the blood was considered a social duty in many times. You see this today in the Gay world, Gay couples using different methods to have their own children.
Christianity tried to abolish marriage but that failed so they attempted to control it. They removed all the meta genetic laws around it and messed it up. The xians of today who are against Gay marriage fail to understand its current premise is upon the same schizoid egalitarianism the premise of their ideology is upon and is only the natural continuation of its paradigm in a secular fashion. The church pushes marriage across all racial and class lines into a dysgenic mess already. Because xianity is simply a program to destroy the host nations and allow the joo to terraform them to a situation where they can parasite off the host totally.
Christianity is paleo Communism, today we have a secular, liberal egalitarian, [PC] theocracy which as Nietzsche and others in the know have stated is just xianity in disguise. Communism came from the radical, egalitarian Liberalism of the French revolution. It was just an attempt to create a more current sect of its cult. This is why in the West liberal is a code for red today. Because they all weave together as they are secularized wing of the Xian paradigm. The claimed differences are not important. Its the same, what is the real difference of importance between rival sects of the theistic branch of this coin. Catholic, Lutheran, Mormon and on. Its all the same program.
If some people took several shits on your floor you don’t stand around debating about the differences between each turd. You deal with them all as what they are shit.
– High Priest Mageson666