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Sexuality of Demons


Are there any homosexual/bisexual incubi out there or is there only heterosexual incubi?

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

To be honest, most Demons have bisexual feelings. This reflects humanity in a big way. 100% homosexuality and 100% heterosexuality are actually in the minority, as most human beings are repressed bisexual. Faiths such as Judeo/Christianity and Islam teach humanity to repress their natural feelings, hence the problems and psychosis that we see on a daily basis on this planet. Anyone who finds homo/bisexuality to be disgusting still suffers from Christendom, as such feelings and attitudes do not in any way reflect Satan or his Demons, and therefore, have no place in Satanism.

With that being said, Demons respect their privacy. They do not like to have their sex lives broadcasted like some humans do. Demons are proud beings and they expect to receive the respect that they deserve. “Never kiss and tell,” so to speak, when it comes to Demons.

Important note:

We, at the Joy of Satan Ministries, know about the Demons through EXPERIENCE, NOT speculation or theory. However, one thing to really keep in mind is that the Demons, gay, straight, or bisexual, respect their privacy, meaning that it isn’t wise to brag about your sexual encounters with them to other people. If you give that out to the world, the Demon(s) will leave you, as a sexual partner(s), if not in other ways. This is just part of the feelings that are beyond the cultural concepts of “good” and “evil” that must be respected.


Please don’t hate me. I am lesbian and want Succubus. Do anyone know Lesbian Demonesses? No hatred please.

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

I don’t know any who are specifically lesbian, but most of the information on Demons/esses were written from a heterosexual perspective.

We are against Christians and Muslims. The race we are against is the Jewish people. No one here is going to hate you because you’re not straight. I’m not straight, either, and if anyone has a problem with that [even among Satanists], they still live with Christian ‘values.’ Therefore, they have become my mortal enemies. I’m not saying this for anyone here, as we are not Christians, but I’m just letting you know that I’m speaking for everyone here, in that we have the same stance that Satan has towards gays and lesbians.

Don’t be afraid to hate the enemy in return.

One thing I do know is that like most humans, many Demons/esses have feelings for both genders. Most humans don’t know this about themselves because they repress their sexuality, due to Christian indoctrination.

Hope that helped a bit.


Does anyone know what are the sexual orientation of Satan and his Demons???? I am bisexual and I was just wondering if it is possible to have a relationship with a gay/bi incubus???

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

All of you bisexuals are making me jealous- you get the best of both worlds, while all 100% heterosexuals and 100% homosexuals only have it one way or the other, I think we’re all balanced to a certain degree, though, because otherwise, we wouldn’t be attracted to who we’re attracted to, but everyone needs spiritual balance, regardless of orientation.

I do agree that bisexuality does make the most sense, though, because the balance probably comes with less effort.

The truth that I know, is that the majority of Satan and his Demons have feelings for both genders, thus making them bisexual.

They don’t like their names to be given because they appreciate their privacy, but even very high ranking Demons are willing to participate in same-sex sex. That’s all I can say for now.


I was just wondering, can any of the Demons of the Goetia who incites love or lust help with gay, bi, transsexuals and lesbians?

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

Yes, they do.

How to create relationship with a Demon:


Sources: topics of GBLT group including: