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Third Sex Soul and Merkaba

So, I read this book called “The Energy of Homosexuality” written by Judith Long. “Long” is a surname that some Gentiles use, but it is used mostly by Jews. The picture of the bitch on the back of the book looks like Barbara Streisand. So yes, she’s a kike.

Anyways, the Jewess starts out all ‘loving’ and ‘understanding’ towards gays and lesbians. She gives cases of older homosexuals and what it was like growing up for them, and what it was like when some of them lived a fake heterosexual life, having to lie to their wives/husbands and children. There was a case that a man had to stay in the closet during the ‘Lavendar Scare’, as he was afraid that he’d be linked to Communism if he were to have been ‘outted’ [despite Communism’s intense hostility towards homosexuality].

So, all is fine and good so far, right? Well, then the book delves into the spiritual energy of homosexuality. Even better/more interesting, right? WRONG! She says that homosexuality is caused by the Jewish Merkaba [in the shape of the Star of David- stolen from Vishnu] being out of whack[!]. Right there, her entire point [Did she have one?] is totally discredited, because, in the first place, the GENTILE human soul is in the shape of an EIGHT-POINTED star, nicknamed by the enemies of Astaroth as the ‘Sigil of the Beast’- the REAL MERKABA. This rat-eared, Barbara Streisand-looking kike bitch now has no leg to stand on.

So, then, she says that there is an ‘alternative’ for homosexual men and women who want to ‘change’, where they are placed into some device that is meant to re-align the Light Body and ‘make’ a person heterosexual. This is extreme bullshit. A homo/bisexual soul has the same anatomy as a heterosexual soul, and there is nothing wrong with our Merkaba or Light Bodies. It is what we do or don’t do with our souls during each lifetime that makes the difference. A heterosexual soul is not superior to a homo/bisexual soul, in and of themselves, or vice versa. What this means is that SATAN has given us a soul and he expects us to work on the souls that we have dedicated to him, so that we can become as the Gods, which was and still is the ‘Serpent’s’ promise.

The point is that our souls are NOT ‘ratched’ by any stretch of the imagination if we are homo/bisexual.

I thought I’d share this information with everyone here. It is to let you know that there is nothing wrong with you, AND, that the New Age Movement is now promoting this kind of vile Jewish filth.

Always stay strong in Satan. He created us, afterall!

High Priestess Atheron of the Joy of Satan Ministries:

What I think is the part that really gets me about people who hate against homosexuality is that the physical body is designed in a way that a man can please a man and a woman can please a woman. It doesn’t take a lot of thinking to figure that out. If it was meant for only a man to be pleased by a woman, why is his “g spot” in his anus? Why do women have clitori if they were only meant to be pleased by men? I think those items were put there so sex was obviously done for more than procreation. To me, that was a very obvious part of sexuality and the genetalia.

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson

Exactly! You are right. What these Jewish programs of Christianity and related bullshit then argue, is that if gays/lesbians can get married, then soon, people will be allowed to marry their pets. HELLO, people need a serious reality check on human sexuality between consenting adults, and the difference between that and bestiality.

Christian Gentiles have become beasts, themselves, so, in reality, these Gentiles are destined to be emigrated the fuck out so they can be with their Jewish Masters. Same goes with Muslims.

The hypocrisy is unbelievable. Many heterosexuals do the same things that gay/bi people do, anyways, but they would rarely admit it. They know about the sexual g-spots, but because of Christian brainwashing, it’s only ‘natural’ if a heterosexual does these things. We know that this is utter bullshit.

You hit the nail on the head, Priestess Atheron. If sex was meant for nothing but procreation, women would not have a pleasure spot, and neither would men have the same thing in their anus. Wow. Think about it. If the leather-related stores were only frequented by gays, the stores would go out of business quickly, as the majority of people that visit these places are heterosexuals.

I’m not trying to shove dirt on straight people, but just show how much many of them have dirtied themselves through Christianity.

I have no sexual hang-ups, just a repulsion to hypocrisy and lies.

Vovin Luciftian:

Doing the Mer-Ka-Ba With the 6 pointed star will basically sync You to Saturn which will be very destructive and very unpleasant.

Now thats sickness in the brain. It has been discovered that Homosexuality is a Gene – In the DNA, In the Soul. I don’t get it literally why people have problems like this, why society is so fucked up. After My serpent gone past the sacral chakra I literally had forgotten all hangups and I realized exactly what Homosexual people are.

Society is so disturbing and useless that is too busy judging people by their sexuality tendencies . That is Sick if You look at it objectively. Why do You care where people put their P*nis. I guess the average sexual starving xian has much time and is interested in fucking the sex lives of others, so jealous of their pleasure to instill guilt , make them fearful , rejection etc.

In the future the gay people will play a major role , as they played in the past . Especially Satanists. I am heterosexual and I KNOW that this must fucking STOP, what they do and write is plain sick . Changing the Soul gender? You just like making love and seek love from the same gender. Where is the sickness here? Is all nature “sick”? All Animals have a percent of homosexual animals in their species. Its natural and whomever does not accept it its due to their own ignorance.

Also about the claims that Homosexuals might grow many and we won’t procreate, utter bullshit . Homosexual beings in species are just a percent and not the species itself as far as Human race goes.

Stop the fucking NONSENSE!

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

It seems to take someone who is against the kikes to fully realize how disastrous using the six-pointed ‘Merkaba’ really is, but you are clearly aware of the kikes and their institutions of suicidal behavior and counterfeit ‘spirituality.’ I’m happy to have you as a member for this group. People can learn a lot from you. Even before I knew about the kikes, that race of ‘people,’ dubiously labeled as ‘humans’ ALWAYS made me sick, and I even wanted to keep my friends and family as far away from them as possible, even though I didn’t know why yet. For us Gentiles, despising the Jews is in our racial psyche and memory. Those who can’t see this are still brainwashed by Christianity.

Genesis 12:1-3

1 The Lord then said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.

2 “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

It is within the doctrines of Christianity to treat the Jews as super-beings.

“Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for Salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22).

So, anyone here who isn’t against the kikes, isn’t really against Christianity.

Vovin Luciftian, I didn’t mean to go off topic. None of the off-topic things were aimed at you. I was just letting the members here who never speak know about Christianity and therefore, the kikes. You already know these things.

Saturn is pure materialism and chaos, much like the Christian [Jewish] ‘God.’

“Perhaps the Gnostics were right when they said that the God of the Jews is an angel of matter.” – Blavatsky [not quoted perfectly, but close].”

Vovin Luciftian:

The 8th pointed Star is the heart chakra, balance, spirituality and all other assets which are required for Humanity to survive PERFECTLY . No wonder why Satan’s planet is Venus. Balance is what Human’s need and Satan is all about Balance.

Condamning purely natural and biologically proven behaviors to “insanity” or “sin” is simply astoundingly stupid. I mean, for a 2000 year old kike book, people refuse who they are and the natural law ? Getting astray from the natural law leads to death, denigration and chaos in the mind and the soul . All this meaningless wars against gay people are ONLY a result of spiritual stupidity.

This insanity will soon stop as the veil of xianity is coming up. I have wrote countless times that the jew specifically hates homosexuals for their spiritual creativity which is embeed in their psyche from birth. Why would the fucking rats want people like You around – You ruin their agenda, and also 99,9% of gays are never xians because the error is blantant and because they are hated severely. Thats why they hate You, because Homosexual people are the ones digging the grave of xianity for way too long – an example is DaVinci .

The key point of Satanism is that its accordance to nature, and whatever follows the natural law never ceases because in fact the Truth lies in nature and in how things work in the universal core . You do the right thing and let them do the talk. The “right” way things “should” be is too obstructed by lies for them to see the Universal law. And especially they hate White Homosexuals, I have experianced that.


This observation on Saturn is quite apt, I have come to believe the jews are a Saturn cult, they worship on Saturday, the head dress they wear and color are linked to ancient Saturn cults and as a race their psyche carries all the negative property of Saturn. Even that stupid red brimmed hat the pope wears is a ancient Saturn head dress.

More on Saturn and the kikes:

Saturn and the Solar
http://josministries.propHigh jews#p28984

Vovin Luciftian:

Well Another fact about Saturn is that the lowest vibrational field of Saturn is grey, the color which the dead take at the moment of death , from visible light sperctum to invisible light sperctum , so its obvious they are related to death and to destruction , chaos and everything negative in this universe.


Looking at things our ancestors stated this would be the darkage where the kundalini lays sleeping in most beings. Keeping humanity on the lowest level of consicous related to saturn, and the black or darkage is the colour of the earth element. Money and properity confers rank and status alone, the rulers will be criminal goons and psychopaths pundering their people not protecting them and almost no one will have sadhana, spirituality is almost gone from the earth. Man will not only die but live short cruel lives subject to fate.

Even the character of religion in this age this described is xianity to a tee. The total corruption of all spiritual teachings.

The darkage is the age of the jew. The jew is a darkage creature and thrives in it’s frequency.

So the kali Yuga is the age of Saturn rule in the lower octave. It would make sense the kike would be unleashed only when humanities consciousness had waned to a point to allow it to be weakened enough for the kikes to have an opening to take things futher into descent.

Reading in the Tantra’s the marks of this unawakened being on this octave of low consciousness is exactly the society we have today.

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

Very important truth. And look at how the kikes are trying to infest Yoga texts with their bullshit and lies, trying to claim that Aryan isn’t a race, but a ‘title’ for *anyone* into the Aryan spiritual practices. This teaching is an ABOMINATION to Satan, as Satan *IS* the ARYAN GOD. This sidetracks people from the truth in place of skid marks against reality. The Jew is the anti-man, the anti-thesis of the Aryan. By infiltrating Yoga, the kikes think they can convince the populace that they, the Jews, are ‘human’, too. This is a most dangerous and disastrous deception. However, our people have it in their racial psyche that the Jew is alien to humanity and nature. It’s only a matter of time that they wake up, but we must hasten the process.

The Nazis depicted Jehovah Yahweh as Saturn devouring children. So, it is with the lowest octave of Saturn [grey and deathlike as Yoyo stated], and therefore, the ET’s that equal the ‘God’ of the Jews. Total materialism and destruction of true humanity.

Now, the Jews want to do to gay/bi people, what Yoyo is talking about. They can’t stand our creative genius, so they have to use heterosexual Christians as a battering ram against us, when it comes to procreation.

We can stop this! The Satya Yuga is approaching. However, we must do Nature’s task in removing the worthless from the human stock and encourage the most creative Warriors.

High Priestess Atheron:

Honestly, I think that when one’s mind is open, they can really grasp the concept of sex. It took me to open my mind to accept my bisexual desires and the same with my fiance. He was totally against anything that was “gay”, but as soon as he started really meditating that turned around 110% and he’s explored the REAL meaning of sex, if you get my drift. People are honestly, just absolutely stupid about some things, like the beastality. Just because you love someone and they are the same sex, does not mean you’re going to grab a goat and fuck it. That doesn’t even make sense. Banning gay marriage, in my opinion, is against the constitution and the law. What ever happened to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”?


I noticed growing up in xianity land, for males showing any right side of the brain for art, music, creavity, deep care for others, deep emotional intelligence, or even spiritual practice like Yoga, is “Gay.” Even having long hair makes you gay. And yes don’t waste your time reminding them jewsus is shown with long hair.

This is part of the enemy war on the femine aspect of the psyche for males, women are expected to cover from head to toe and hide their hair, the natural symbol of their beauty and grace and sexuality up under a hat of bonnet. In islam they get to wear a tent with eye holes.

Just look at swim suits for women in the late 1800’s, and even then xians where bitching they where too revealing.

As for jews and yoga, they are even trying to push some shitty kike in America as the foremost Tantra expert, I read a book wrote with two Gentile authors and this kike, I could tell the passages jewface wrote in it’s a constant psychotic evil jew hate for White people and the truth Aryans built the Indus Valley civilization.

On a side note Hancock mentioned truthfully that the people who built Sumeria and the Indus Valley civilization came from some where else as and brought their civilization with them as there is no evolution in the area’s. They sprung overnight from a race very advanced who moved into the regions.

Then hancock goes and interviews a self hating White guy expert who whines how horrible it is the ideal Whites did all this is exists, hancock being a self hating race mixer raised in xianity solemly agrees.

Two things that pisses the kikes off beside looking in the mirror at their troll mugs, is the word Aryan and the Swazi.

I see there are even leaders within the WN movement trying to push this ideal that non-Whites are Aryans for the reason you mention.

Aryan for our race is the name of our Father Arya and the fact we are the highest solar octave of evolution the SUN or Light people. The shining ones. Even our ancient banner is the symbol of spiritual light. Everywhere the Arya went the light of higher being and civilization they brought.

Vovin Luciftian:

Whenever I listen to all these bullshit, I just see the jew behind it and their creator spooks talking. Whomever has been experimenting with the Serpent and has IT in His/Her Spine knows very well that its Arya Himself’s DNA codex and also by personal experiance I tell You that it HATES the jews . Whenever I see a jew, the Serpent starts acting weird to let Me know of the danger. Many times if not all I have felt Father Satan’s boiling hate for the jews.

You look at the jewish psyche and they DO NOT HAVE MORE THAN 7 CHAKRAS – That says it all basically, whatever they do they will remain unenlightened compared to the Aryan Man who has 14 Chakras (Counting from base to upon the head ) . I mean people who experiment and work on the higher chakras as I have lately and their Serpent is aweakened as it happened to Me recently KNOW many Truths and many things that You cannot know/grasp/comprehend before any degree of spiritual aweakening.

Through My experiance of which Ill write on My website with the Kundalini, I’ve gone through certain “checkpoints”. A Major Checkpoint was where I realized the Truth behind Sex, Sexual relations and WHY we seek the ideal mates. I understood it from a physical, emotional and spiritual perspective. The Kundalini knocks down walls in the mind and it knocked the wall that made Me think (thanks to xianity) that Homosexual people are something different. As for Me, I am sexually Heterosexual BUT the way I think and My creativity is very Homosexual, thats why I uttermostly understand all Homosexual people.

Fuck them – they are not spiritual, so in My eyes they don’t understand shit. We don’t need any of them, we have Satan and the Gods and also our souls alive and going on perfectly and more as time goes by. Hard work and dedication. We don’t need them to reassure us, what we do is right by every side You see it. Satyan is with Us.

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

This is what Satan told me:

“Let the heterosexual men and women secure the future children of our race with joyous pleasure, but let the homosexual men be the guards who protect and preserve the territories, fighting strong and proud with great pleasure.” – Satan

Satan appeared to me when he said that, and I copied down the quote the best I could, but I believe that homosexual women are a part of this, as well. He is awesome and powerful. Hitler was right when he called Satan Lucifer ‘The New Man.’

Satan didn’t tell me whether heterosexuals or bisexuals have a choice in the matter of which role they play in society. I forgot to ask him, as he was in a bit of a hurry, and I only had one question to ask before His Majesty. However, my guess is that heterosexual and bisexual people can decide which role they wish to choose. Not all heterosexuals or bisexual people are sexually fertile, and some do not wish to have children, for one reason or another.

The difference between the National Socialism of those who are without, and the National Socialism of Satan, is that we have the freedom to be who we really are, and this is Satan-approved, not that repulsive Jehovah and vile Christ-approved.

Like most of us, I am very proud to be a Satanist. True Satanism is True National Socialism. While there are currently no known groups that welcome gays/bi’s as anything other than ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ this will be changing because this Dark Age/Kali Yuga is coming to an end. Things are already starting to change in our favor. In the meantime, we have plenty of time to get ready for our roles and actions.

Since the rise of Christianity, humanity has put a big taboo on sex and sexuality [designed by the Jews for Gentiles to do], forgetting that the Pagans/Satanists had other reasons for sex and sexuality than just procreation. Humanity has made a much bigger deal out of it than it needs to be. Procreation is a necessity to keep humanity alive, but those who are meant for something else are ordained by Satan to be so. Humanity will be given a chance to get over their hang-ups, but I pity those who fail.

Vovin Luciftian:

Heterosexual people – male and female are 51% destructive and 49% creative, while Homosexual people are 51% creative and 49%. Looking back at history they preserved art, music and all the related, they are sustainers of things. They sustain heritage, celebrations, religion, they are creators and sustainers by nature.