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Satan is a protector of Homosexuals

HIGH PRIEST Jake Calson:

“I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.” — Satan, from the Al-Jilwah

As far as I know, Satan and his Demons do not label themselves with such infantile terms as “straight,” “gay,” “lesbian,” or “bisexual.” However, in a yoga text I am reading, it says the following about the Far Eastern Peacock King/Serpent, Kartikeya/Skanda, which is an alias of Satan/Melek Ta’us:

“He is the protector of homosexuals, who are considered privileged and beneficial beings…The mysteries of Skanda are highly important for us, since they explain certain aspects of the cults of Osiris, Dionysos, and Bacchus.” — Alain Danielou

As long as Satan’s people reject any and all friendly associations with Jews and avoid race-mixing, Satan doesn’t care what one’s sexual orientation is, as he judges people by their merit of character and what they can offer for his cause.

“The assumed or stated sexual orientation…of an individual [is] irrelevant in relating to, interacting with, or in judging that individual, since the only ethical criteria to judge a person is an empathic understanding of them deriving from a personal and direct knowing in the immediacy of the moment.” – David Myatt

The birth of Kartikeya-Skanda is part of Shiva’s alchemical process. Kartikeya-Skanda is associated with the Vedic Agni, who is Enki.

Kartikeya-Skanda, also known as Murugan and Sanat Kumara [another alias of Satan], was the “Serpent on the Tree” in Sri Lanka, the original “Garden of ‘Eden,'” just like Enki was the serpent of Sumeria.

The Peacock is Satan’s bird.


To further emphasize what HIGH PRIEST Carlson has stated.

Skanda is shown as red sitting on the Peacock. The red colour represents the Final stage of alchemy the Gold which is male thus Solar and red is the male colour and sitting upon the Peacock represents this reborn power. The Peacock is the Phoenix. The bird of rebirth.

His birth within the water and the Pleiades represent the seven charka’s fully opened and perfected with Muruga sitting atop the waters on a lotus is an ancient symbols of the Magnum Opus even in Egypt is also the Ankh and Hari which is the reborn Ptah-Osiris. Agni taking the six sparks from Siva is the purification of the six charka’s [thus being] via this etherical light Siva represents and the purification of it via Agni. Agni represents the fire of purification of the gross elements into the refined etherical light [Siva]. The six faces also represent the risen power and perfected chakra’s and the parts of the brain each center relates towards. The water is the life force energies and hints at the flood of the dissolution period of the final stage of alchemy. The Reed swamp is also in Sumeria and Egyptian tales and represents the blessed field which is also Nirvana which represents the perfected state of the etherical light. I wrote about in the article on Brahman, Aryan and Nirvana. Ptah-Osiris in Egypt and EA in Sumeria rule over the Blessed Field. The reed is a symbol of the energies of the soul and the Meru Column.

Skanda also means “Jet of Sperm” which relates to this etherical energy/ the golden element. The seed mantra literally means the semen of Siva which is this energy.

This is the same with Zeus Dionysus. Dionysus who is Satan as I have wrote about many times. Is called the Second Zeus because he is the reborn and perfected Zeus. Just as Skanda is called the second Siva for the same reason. The Greeks came right from Helladiva which is today Sri Lanka [who still worship Siva]. To the point ancient Greece is nothing but transplated India in Europe. The original God Korous in the primordial Greek period before the destruction of their civilization at the time of the end of Crete. Which marks their decline and loss of cultural knowledge. Korous later became Zeus. This is important because Korous is perfectly described as the same way Murruga-Siva is. And Krisna as well. Who is the another version of Murruga-Siva in the North of which I have shown in articles. When we go back to Korous and primordial Hellas, we can see clearly this is the fact. There are still ancient Serpentine Lingham stones all over Greece from their Pagan sacred centers.

Skanda’s spear Vel, represents the power of the soul as the V represents the etherical power Mercury, and EL means God in Sumerian and other places also shining. V-ril means the same. With the r that symbols RA within it. Also representing the full raising of this power and the perfection from it. As a spear is a piercing weapon thus fixing the power as well. Which is the staff of Ptah-Osiris and Dionysus.

Being the warrior against the asura’s and head of the Devonic forces is the destruction of the titanic aspects of the unpurified states. Muruga is the light of the soul that purifies the and transforms us to the Godhead. The firey kundalini energies. The Deva’s realms represent the chakra centers.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich:

Satan isn’t interested in anyone’s sex life. He is concerned with your spirituality. Satan is accepting of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or preferences. Joy of Satan also has a Gay Community:

The Third Sex Thule Society 666

Please read the JoS website:

KNOW your Satanism, study and learn. Don’t believe everything you might hear in a chatroom. This isn’t christianity. If someone is gay, they are gay. Trying to force heterosexuality on someone who is gay is not only disastrous for that person, but also for their personal/sexual relationships. It doesn’t work. Be who you are. Don’t try to force yourself into something you are not. It won’t work. Satan accepts us as we are. He is concerned with our souls and spiritual development, NOT our sexual relationships, which have no bearing on our personal spiritual evolution.

There are certain individuals who claim all kinds of things online. Being a strong Satanist means being able to think for yourself and to know.

I know 100% that Satan is accepting of gay people. He spoke to me about it a long time ago.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

On procreation question. HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

I want everyone to keep it in mind that Satan and his Demons have never frowned upon humans who don’t reproduce, though, as some people are not heterosexual. While it is true that the enemy doesn’t want us to reproduce, Satan has allowed homosexuality and bisexuality among his human offspring.