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Sermon On Homosexuality

Satan accepts and is actually in complete awareness of Homosexual people. With Satan , the days that no one understood Your nature , are over. Satan accepts His children as they are . God understands everyone , knows science , has emotions , is rational , is loving and truly merciful to His own people , is a teacher and intends all His children to grow individually and become perfect , that is Our Father, Satan . Satan does not sit on the clouds and smack His children for being different or for ‘sins’ . The belief that a foolish jew created the universe is as foolish as those who believe in it (IQ minus 50) . Countless times Satan has emphasized to Me the meaning of individuality , He mainly taught Me through experiance .

Satan actually knows You more than You know Yourself , being His creation. This is important to build trust . When I was newer , Satan worked to build a pernament bond with Me because I let Him do it . He does not push His own self to anyone. I asked Him to teach Me about Myself , the dark places that I didn’t even want to face . My request was to make Me a serious Satanist and whatever the cost , make Me motivated and the very powerful , teach Me .

He has done so and still guides Me non stop . He guides all of His children , be aware of it and let Father show You . When I was newer, I had the mentality that I needed to rave anyone and change women like towels . Satan guided Me to see My nature and helped Me break the oppression and brainwashing, conscious and subconscious , I had in Me. My choice was to actually see who I really am . One of the many realizations I had is that personally I rejoice completely in monogamy. We are all different here .The purpose of this sermon is to not talk about Myself but individuality and Homosexuality/Bisexuality in a larger scale.

Most Demons I know are bisexual, I won’t mention names. Same goes for Human beings. Everyone is a bit Homosexual and Heterosexual, the percent of the side tendency varies. I would say that I’m completely heterosexual, but I was taught that actually if You even admire the same gender, inwardly this is actually sexual. No one is absolutely one sided. Even these minor offsprings indicate that actually homosexuality exists in everyone, so does heterosexuality. Homosexuals don’t have sex to actually procreate, they have it for their pleasure. As HIGH PRIEST Atheron stated many times, they have realized that its actually needed for its joy . Heterosexuals like Myself, have realized the same thing. With My woman we don’t have plans to have kids, We have sex to connect with each other and for the emotional outburst and intensity , sex for pleasure .

Behind all our searches for a mate/mates, lies the unconscious desire to fullfill Ourselves sexually and unlock our sacral chakra. The enemy knows that and works to actively instill hangups and false sexual promises to people. My advice here is, let Satan show You who You are and what You want , without coercion and without false resistance .Know Thyself.

In order for the Serpent to ascend, Your mind must be completely free. Work in meditation to free Your mind. In Me for instance, xians had instilled Homophobia and hate against homosexuals. After I meditated on My Sacral and generally advancing, I asked Myself if there was a valid reason to hate these people, despite of the lies the enemy spread . THERE WAS NONE. While people think they live in sexually ‘powerful’ times , truth is , we live in an age of sexual starvation , which xianity helped manifest by all these hangups (on one side ) and the false awareness over sex the jews created (on the other side) . Again, we have two sides against the middle for total control.

As for these foolish endless lies, about how homosexuality is wrong, I would say fuck off to these people, but their stupidity won’t let them understand. Homosexuality is a gene, its a tendency in the Soul, completely natural. Animals in many species, if not all species are known to be homosexual in a percent. As of course in almost all species there are rare occassions of monogamy, rare cases of only heterosexuality. Everything exists in nature in different and pefect percent. Pigeons for instance are 80% homosexual from what I have read.

Homosexual people have their feminine side dormant in most things they do . People like DaVinci actively worked to ruin the church and the jews. DaVinci seems to have been a Templar aka Satanist. To Homosexuals, they are afraid of each and everyone of You. These people have far far a more free mind, because they follow their feminine side and their feminine awareness. Most homosexual people excell in areas like the fine arts or music. All these areas are related with the female mind. They are naturally creators. Women with very strong heterosexuality for instance, are mainly creators , while men with very strong heterosexuality (rare case) are naturally destroyers . Homosexuals sustain and create while Heterosexuals destroy.

Ending that Sermon. Accept and embrace Yourself, Know Yourself , Master Yourself . This is the way to true power not only executable against the outside world, but also the inner world. In the ending note, Homosexuals , jews shit their pants because You exist thats why they chase You so much . Everyone is needed, and if creation and sustaintion is not, I don’t know what is . Satan understands firsthand Your nature and Yes, God loves Homosexuals.

“I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.” – Satan, The Al Jilwah

– Vovin Luciftian