For the fools who think that homosexuals are free to mix races because they do not make babies, you are very wrong. There is a medical term for what happens when different races begin to take on characteristics of each other. I do not remember the exact term, but it is something like “racial androgyny.” If different races mate with each other long enough, each race will begin to take on some of the characteristics of each other. This is subtle, but the point is that the exchanging of bodily fluids can produce such results. If non-procreational intercourse can cause these subtle and outward problems, you start to get the idea of the not-so-subtle racial confusion that the children would inherit, if they were to be born.
Whether it’s anal, vaginal, or oral sex, heterosexual or homosexual, the same problems can take place if races are mixed. There is a scientific term for racial androgyny. This is where the races that were originally pure, or were as pure as possible, become more difficult to differentiate. With enough mixing of semen or other bodily fluids between races, skin pigment can change, as well as racial behavior. This is not in theory, but is scientific.
One is not required to have children for this phenomena to occur. In Satan’s New World Order, the races will be separated, and each member of every non-Jewish race will not have to worry about such things. However, in the meantime, it is still always best to stay true to one’s ancestors. If you are White, stay White. If you are Black, stay Black, etc.
Remember, race-mixing is supported vehemently in the New Jew Testament. Christ wants the perfect slave. He wants everyone to be equal, which is unnatural, and the sham of human equality molds people into servile slave-like creatures.
Something that I will add is that even if a homosexual doesn’t exchange bodily fluids with someone that is not of their race [by use of condoms], the physical is replaced by metaphysical, as any bond or sexual exchange with another person is just as powerful on a spiritual level as it is on a physical level.
The solution is to stick with one’s own race.
People are still stupid enough to believe that racial separatism is about a game of “who’s better than who.” This is NOT the case. This is about the right to SURVIVE. For those of you who feel that Christianity is truly against race-mixing just because *some* Christians have been, here is what the Christian [Jewish] New Testament has to say about racial egalitarianism and how it is the Nazarene’s wishes for miscegenation to take place:
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” — Galatians 3:28
“Greek” means Gentile. In other words, sacrifice your race to Christ, as Christ obviously doesn’t care about the differences between the races, with the exception of the Jewish race who he came to make into the gods of the Earth.
I don’t know which Clergy member said that it’s okay for gays and lesbians to cross races, but I highly disagree. While it is true that we tend not to have children, gays and lesbians cross-dating is a Hallmark card of irresponsibility and another stereotype of gays and lesbians being totally oblivious to one’s own race. The Jews love to try and keep us as dumb as possible. The Jews, themselves, have admitted to promoting global multi-culturalism.
While I will be hated for telling the truth, I must say it anyways. Gays and lesbians cross-dating is just as stupid of a thing to do as straight people race-mixing. Why? Because it encourages the Jewish plan of global multi-culturalism when gays and lesbians should be doing their part to end this Jewish problem.
Gays and lesbians dating other races than their own sets a bad example and makes it all the more difficult to move into a healthy world where EVERYONE sticks to their own race, whether heterosexual or homosexual.
Miscegenation destroys races, families, cultures and nations. Its exterminationist. This is why the Jews push this but don’t practice it themselves. Even in the Primordial cultures that approved of homosexuality. Miscegenation was still outlawed. What you think of it is based on your own personal bias and not on actual causation.
This is not hard to get. Individual liberty has limits and consequences within society. You don’t have the granted liberty to harm society and those within it by committing crime such as murder, theft, rape. There is no argument there. Racial mixing is yet another one. Murder of one person is bad enough. But racial mixing is to murder whole races of people.
It amazes me how many people think racial extermination [genocide] is a terrible thing. But then support the exact same theological and ideological paradigms that lead to the exact same by miscegenation.
Race mixing was already outlawed in American for decades it was not until the Jews launched a cultural Marxist social revolution they remove it. Oh, they don’t mix themselves. That’s to destroy the goyium. Once again those screaming for race mixing is the social push of people who hate Gentiles and work to destroy Gentiles around the clock.
On a level the Jews have a special set up that allows for the infiltration of races as they are a genetic group that exists to infiltrate all races to bring them down. They admit this is their strength. One can note a Asian Jew is a Jew. Its in the blood. But still walks among Gentile Asians and works against them for the Jewish agenda. Which is how Communism was brought about.
Within the heart of the Jews their leadership maintains a strict blood purity. Where one has to prove their pure Jewish blood on both sides going back generations. Its not enough to have a full Jewish mother. They don’t mix. And don’t allow their members to mix with those outside their class. They are the head of the race.
With Judaism if a Jew has a child with a non-Jew the child is expected to be brought up Jewish. If the mother was full blood Jewish the child is a full Jew by race. See how the genetic law allows for infiltration. As for the Black Ethiopian Jews, Israel has given them the boot as they don’t consider them authentic enough.
One also has to prove their Jewish blood to be allowed to be a citizen of the Jewish racial state of Israel. The Jews have now instituted genetic tests to prove for such.
Miscegenation is being forced on people by Jews. The Western World is being purposely flooded with other races. And then all are being psychologically assaulted day and night with advanced propaganda that is unconsciously brainwashing people against their violation into approving of and engaging in miscegenation. Its no different then how Xianity forces itself and pretends its giving people freedom. The Jews have created a climate where to speak against racial mixing is illegal in many Western nations. The laws preventing this where all destroyed by Jews as well. The Jews know what they are doing. The Jews confess this as well.
The agenda of the Jew is to dissolve all races, cultures and nations into a One World, Jew World Order, slave state. This is what they admit and this is what they do.
Fourth Reich 666:
Here is a combination of newsletters photo, that shows how Jewish Media is pushing race-mixing on Gentile population while hardly discouraging it for their own race:

What about the people who have already been race mixed? I don’t think you could tell me their exact race… What of those families who had been rase mixing for generations? Would you throw them away as impure when we are divided in to groups? I think there needs to be a different solution were such mixes could also exist. Yes it is understandable, keep the blood line pure, but for some people it’s no longer easy.
Generations then.
The Dharma philosophy states such groups are become their own sub race and over centuries will develop into a unique entity of their own as such. But they must maintain their own selves within their own.
Could the same problems occur say if a human takes on succubus/succubi as monogamous life partner? and i wonder if an Asian will ever stand a chance of having succubus/succubi as monogamous partners.
Egon Albrecht:
There is no problem, they are compatible with us and even had children with humans in past, this is not race mixing. There are Asian Incubi/Succubi aswell (people who achieved Godhead), and current SS Asian people in relationship with them.