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Third Sex Women

To get to the essence of Satanism, you have to look to the Far East (India, Tibet, etc.) where White Aryan Civilization all began. This is the cradle of Satanism.

Unlike the politically correct “religions,” Far Eastern doctrines are chock full of men giving birth, shape-shifting into the opposite sex, and pairing with each other in same-sex relationships, and women of Far Eastern lore, are likewise able to give birth to offspring without intercourse with the opposite sex. This sort of thing is often allegorical, and/or only applies to the Gods and Goddesses, but nonetheless, what it represents is an inclusiveness for the third sex, which the Jews, who through force, imposed the Levitical taboos against homosexuality, equating it with bestiality, violently reacted against, as they cannot accept anything natural. For anyone who sees the Liberal-Leftist Jews as “potential allies,” the question of why the Jews invented and enforced Christianity and Islam for the Gentiles to do their dirty work, needs to be asked. There is no such thing as a Jew that can be trusted, and no Jew will ever be allowed in this or any other e-group of the real, literal Satan.

So far, on my website and in this e-group, most of my focus has been on third sex males, but this is not a “cock power” cult. This e-group is for all of Satan’s third sex Gentile Pagans: male, female, both, etc., and here is a quote that provides proof that Shiva/Murugan [Satan] accepts the third sex and homo/bisexuality, like he accepts heterosexuality. In Far Eastern lore that contains the Essence of Satanism, here is a documentation of bisexual women blessed by the Gods…

“[p. 48] Lord Siva…went to the two [p. 49] widowed queens of Maharaja Dilipa and blessed them to bear a son. The queens asked, ‘How is this possible since we are widows?’ Siva replied, ‘You two make love together and by my blessings you will bear a beautiful son.’ The two wives, with great affection for each other, executed Siva’s order until one of them conceived a child. Unfortunately, however, the infant was born as a lump of flesh without any features or bones. The queens cried out loud, ‘Why did Siva bless us with such a son?’ They decided to leave the baby on the banks of the Sarayu River, and soon after a great sage, Astavakra, found the child and blessed him to become as powerful and good-looking as Cupid (Madana). He summoned the two delighted queens and gave them the charming, healthy boy. Astavakra then performed the name-giving ceremony calling him ‘Bhagiratha’–he who was born from two vulvas (bhaga). In this way, the dynasty of Maharaja Dilipa continued and Maharaja Bhagiratha eventually fulfilled the wishes of his forefathers by bringing the Ganges River to earth.” Tritiya-Prakriti: People of the Third Sex by Amara Das Wilhelm, pages 48–49

Like the human races, the sexes are not equal; they never have been, and they never will be, but all naturally-occurring genders are welcome here, and are free to discuss matters of interest in our Satanic Pagan religion, as long as it is not age-restricted content, and doesn’t attempt to bash Satan or his National Socialism [Nazism: Satanic Government].

It is important to stop taking this e-group for granted. It is one thing to be too busy to actively participate, but knowing that there is an e-group for “LGBT” Pagan Satanists, but leaving it idle out of laziness, is a completely different matter. I will delete this e-group in the future if group members who have time to participate refuse to contribute to the topics of this e-group out of laziness and/or out of being weak, pathetic, politically correct cowards. Satanism is only for the strong and mighty, the bold, and the powerful, not the outcasts, the marginalized, or any other human failures.

The point of this post is that the women here are just as welcome to speak here as the men. However, I will make this reminder: NEVER post anything personal, such as phone numbers or home addresses anywhere online, especially in an e-group such as this, where there are infiltrators who want to ruin and/or kill Satanists if they had the chance. Satanism is a lonely path because of the Jewish powers that be, but the results are completely worth it when all is said and done, as long as one’s relationship with Satan and his Demons is reciprocal.


High Priest Jake Carlson